Friday 26 August 2016

Do you concern your weight?

Source background
From "Why is it so hard to keep weight off?", a research published in "The Journal Obesity", suggest that our bodies actually resist weight loss. While dieting, we reduce our resting metabolic rate, which lowers the number of calories we burn when we are not doing much. The authors of the research warn that keeping weight off requires “vigilant combat against metabolic adaption” (2016).


My Yes/No question is:
Do you concern your weight?

My answer is:
Yes, I think many people concern their weight. 

According to "How Your Metabolism Changes in Your 20s, 30s, and 40s", an article stated that most teenager enjoy their highest basal metabolic rate, in their late teens or early twenties. During your thirties, you aren’t producing as much human growth hormone as before, which also leads to a dip in your metabolic rate. Around 40, your levels of hormone decrease. So unfortunately, your metabolism follows suit. That means you'll have to focus on reducing your caloric intake during your forties in order to maintain your weight (2015).

Normally, many people want to lose their weight because they want to be more attractive and healthier. But, losing weight is very hard when you get older because your metabolism rate would be decline (2015). So, doing physical activities is the best way to maintain or lose you weight, especially after 40s. Doing exercise, such as aerobics, running and yoga, may help you lose your weight. Not only exercise but also keeping track of what you are eating could help too. For example, count calories for the food you eat to compare with average calories that you can eat in each day. Also, beware for the amount of calories you are eating and drinking.

Last year, I checked my Body Mass Index (BMI) in internet and I realized that I was obese. Actually, I was panic and shocked, then I looked at the internet to sort out this problem. And I found that running 6 kilometers would burn 200 calories. So, I usually run in public park for 3 days per week to keep my weight off. Moreover, I also track of what I'm eating because it reminds me that I shouldn't eat too much.

There are plenty of advantages by keeping your weight off. This would be more beneficial for people who face with obesity problem. Obesity could lead to some diseases; for instance, high blood pressure and diabetes. Therefore, obtaining a healthy weight would be better for fat people by doing physical activity and healthy eating planning. What do you think? Are you obese? Do you check your Body Mass Index (BMI)?

Dillner L. (2016, August 22). Why is it so hard to keep weight off?. The guardian. Retrieved from 
 Fetters K. (2015, October 29). How Your Metabolism Changes in Your 20s, 30s, and 40s. Women's Health. Retrieved from


  1. I think the best way to lose weight in long term is to built muscle so weight training is a good choice. Last year I lose 20 Kg. from weight training and boxing. I also controlled my eating habit, I eat lot of protein, complex carbohydrates and also count calories each day. I read some article and it said " in order to lose weight you need control 3 things including food, exercise,emotion" I don't think it's hard to lose weight but it's very hard to keep fit and remain healthy.This year I already gained weight because I get stressed and tired.Plus, I didn't go to gym because it's expensive to hire a trainer and I don't like to spend time alone in gym. I will start exercise again soon.

    1. I agree with you that we need to comtrol 3 things such as food, excercise and emotion to keep your weight off. May be emotion is the hardest factor to control because it depends on our environment. Personally, I think there are many excercises that aren't expersive such as running or areobic because you can do excercise by yourself. Last week I saw areobic dancing in the public park that everyone could join for free. Moreover, you may have new friends by doing excercises in the public park.

  2. I agree with Namwan that food, exercise and emotion is very important for weight control. Because when I get stressed or have mood swing, I eat a lot. It seems to be the way to relieve my emotional stress. Food is also important. Calorie counting can help. For example, if we know that the calorie of a quarter of pizza is equivalent to 80 minutes walking in order to burn off. We might think twice before we eat.

  3. Yes I agree! But I think most of young people are worried about their weight because they care about their appearance. These days we are pretty much influenced by the misconception that "slimer is prettier" Like we won't have much chance to see a chubby actor/actress but we will see them a lot as a comedian. What i don't like about the media, especially in Thai variety show that some of them find it's entertaining to make fun of overweight people.

    1. I agree with you, In asian cultures people are likely to think that slimer is prettier, while western culture tend to think curvy shape like kim kardashian is pretty. However, I think in western cultures are more open and accepted in any body body size but as you said before beauty is in the eye of the beholder

    2. If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, does that mean that moral good and bad are also in the eye of the beholder, so that every moral belief is ...

  4. Me too! I also concern about my weight and my shape but I'm worried these less than what I would like to eat. My bad habit is I always enjoy to eat everything, especially desserts. My friends and I ususally find a delicious restaurant when we have a free time, and I always eat a lot! I need to lose my weight now because many of my cloths and trousers I can't wear them. And when I take a photograph with my friends, I know that I'm very fat now.

  5. Although I eat a lot at lunch time, I also concern about my weight. I usually go outside to play basketball with my dad and you sister. A lot of my friends complain me that I eat too much and very fat.

  6. Obesity brings illnesses such as hypertension blood pressure, heart disease even a stroke. With the discovery in heath issue and the campaign on how to live a healthy life, people are all made to know what they are supposed to eat and to do; to exercise, to get enough sleep, and so on. How many are discipline enough to follow the suggestion. One millionaire in Bangkok was found to be diabetic. After receiving a well-informed counselling from the doctor, he lived his life strictly to the doctor's advice; for example, he avoided eating his fatty but delicious food. After two months, he went to see that doctor and told him that he rather chose to die instead of being suffered from a hunger of unable to eat any things delicious.

    1. Thanks for the interesting example Kitt. It pushes us to reflect on what makes our life worth living, what gives it value, and who should be making decisions. I have to say that I don't disagree with the millionaire, although I think that there might be other factors that are at least as important as food in deciding whether to live or to die. I don't know how well I'd go faced with such an awful choice.


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