Thursday 11 August 2016

Should young people have stopped drinking tea for their health and teeth-staining?

Source background
According to "Why young people have stopped drinking tea", Homa Khaleeli refer to Richard Caines's research he said about why young people have stopped drinking tea because they think their health and teeth-staining might also be behind their tea-dodging. They want to try new products that is the rise in fruit tea. In the Mintel's research showed half the research results of younger age group felt too much tea would stain their teeth, and a quarter thought tea had too much caffeine to drink in the afternoon or evening (2016).


My Yes/No question is:
Should young people have stopped drinking tea for their health and teeth-staining?

My answer is:
Yes, they should stop and drink other beverage or the new type of tea which, it has low or no caffeine for their health and teeth-staining is the effect from drinking brews more than tea.

I agree with Richard because young people is growing and developing of bodies such as body, brain and so on. From above source background, tea has caffeine. So, they should drink useful beverage for their health. I think caffeine can destroy their body when they drink for long times. It will collect to their body. Maybe caffeine will damage cell brian of growing in that age. Moreover, if they always have drink caffeine it will become addictive substances although in tea has lower caffeine than coffee but if will collect for long times it will effect to cell in their bodies.

For the caffeine effect, I have some story of that. When I studied at high school I never drink brews because my body effect to caffeine also such as I can't slept in the night and I had tremble after I drunk it. And then when I had preparation myself for admission test I drunk it so much for reading many books and after that I often drink it when I want to do many activities in each day. Now, I can drink it but I have active behaviour for short time only and I want to drink it more than one cup or bottle to activated my body for do activities in every day. I think, I addict to caffeine, No! I don't want to addict so, I will stop it or drink in low level. I observe my body especially my face I think I will have wrinkle on my face. Sometimes I will have slow thinking with each events such as I do some activity and time passed five minutes I can't remember that What am I doing? I think my behaviour cause from I have low relaxing and drink much caffeine also. For young people should drink with useful refreshment such as milk,  soybean milk, water and so on. At the same times young people will relax, eat healthy foods, workout and do other activities for develop and support our body growing.
Khaleeli, H. (2016, August 10). Should young people have stopped drinking tea. The guardian. Retrieved from


  1. I just started to drink coffee year ago. Before that I couldn't drink coffee at all. It's bitter and gave me a painful headache. But now black coffee is fine for me. It's quite big difference between the day i have my coffee and the day I haven't, however, I don't think I'm addicted to caffeine though.

    For tea, i'm not a big fan of it but I do love matcha green tea. Chaho has a very good variety of green tea and others drinks that's also very nice. It's my favourite place to get a good matcha tea. It may sound like I go there often, but I'm actually not. I haven't been there for more than 4 months. I don't want to drink to much sweeten drink. Even you tell them you prefer it less sweet, it's still contain lots of sugar. I haven't take a serious look at the bad points of both sugar and caffeine. They are not so good for us but I think there is no problem if you drink just one cup a day (and brush you teeth at least twice a day).

  2. Since coffee is healthier than tea, it would be sensible to stop drinking tea and drink more coffee. This happens to be what I did many years ago. I didn't think about staining to my teeth: coffee just tastes better.

    Unfortunately, and unlike Bonus, I am definitely addicted to coffee. I get nasty and increasing headaches if I miss one of large cups of strong black coffee.

    Tea is OK, but coffee is better, both for taste and for health.

    1. But as Namwan notes for tea, when you start adding sugar, fat rich cream or milk, and other things to it, even coffee becomes less healthy.
      The healthy choice is black coffee without sugar or other strange additives that also mess with the great taste of fresh coffee.

      There was an informative summary of the mounting scientific evidence in an NYT article last year:
      Carroll, A. E. (2015, May 11). More Consensus on Coffee’s Effect on Health Than You Might Think. The New York Times. Retrieved from

    2. Thank you for the article above. I used to have a wrong idea about coffee. Well, I've never read or do any research about it. I just assumed that it is bad and I don't know how that idea came from.

    3. Peter, your comment reminds me of my mother. My mother is a coffee lover. She has to drink two cups a day unless she will be sleepy all day and can't even concentrate on a thing. She said caffeine makes her active. I am glad that she tries to switch from creamy coffee to black coffee because too much sugar is not good for her health.

    4. Peter, for your reference "More Consensus on Coffee’s Effect on Health Than You Might Think." That's very good information for me. Thank you so much. I prefer drink black coffee to creamy coffee. It makes me to active action and I have good ideas for each day. I like to drink it in the morning for starting of my life in every day. I enjoy drinking.

  3. I used to like green tea. I assume sweet green tea to be a healthy drink. However, I can’t lie to myself because it contained too much sugar. I also like japanese green tea (ice cream) I think it has only a few minligram of caffeine so it may not cause any problems.However, I don’t really coffee but I think coffee is interesting. I went to Vietnam and bought a box of coffee which I got a mini coffee machine for free it looks difference from what we use in Thailand. In ho chi minh city you can see many coffee shop because Vietnamese people really like to hang out at the coffee shop even if they don’t have much money they will enjoy their coffee at the park.

  4. I think we can drink a cup of coffee but in moderation if it's necessary for you when you're very tired or headache. But I agree with you that it's better if we can avoid to drink coffee or tea. We don't need to rely on coffee or tea but we can drink other beverages which you said instead of them. I think people who are caffein addicts can avoid by decreasing the number of cups of coffer or tea until they wouldn't like to drink them. I also agree with you that people who don't drink coffee or tea can be healthier than people who drink them, for example, my mom always headaches when she doesn't drink a cup of coffee just only one day.

    1. Why do people think coffee is unhealthy? It has a range of very real healthy benefits: coffee correlates with better health for hearts, brains and reduced risk of some cancers. The optimum seems to be 3 to 5 cups a day. I usually only drink two cups, but they are half a litre each and it's strong, delicious black coffee. That's what I'm sipping right now as I do my morning blogging.

    2. Because coffee has caffeine which is an addictive substance so it is useful for many people but it harms to others, especially children and young adults. They should avoid to drink coffee because they are growing up.

    3. Oat, thanks for the reply. I made my previous comment here because the popular believe that coffee is unhealthy is not true: coffee is healthy, including for young adults and possibly also for children. In an earlier comment above, I included a link to a summary of recent scientific research for this. I was wondering where everyone gets the mistaken belief that coffee is unhealthy.

      It is certainly addictive, as my own personal addiction shows, but being addictive doesn't mean it's unhealthy.

    4. Peter, I think the effect of caffeine on health is quite unclear. It is recorded as a toxic substance in US National Library of Medicine. This is a reliable source and I often use it for biology class. Here is the link:

      There are some researches that support the health benefits of drinking coffee, but there are some researches that suggest the opposite as well. One notable effect is that it make you grumpy when you stop drinking it. But I agree that it is necessary for working people and the benefits are noticeable.

      For me I choose chocolate over coffee. It is tastier, in my opinion, and provide less amount of caffeine. I think of chocolate as an healthier alternative.

    5. Oil, sometimes I prefer drink chocolate to coffee when I'm tired after I have much activities. Chocolate has good taste and smell. I agree with you. Do you drink Mocha? I rarely drink Mocha. I recommend you for try drinking Mocha which it has chocolate and coffee mixing (amount of chocolate higher than coffee). It has good taste also.

    6. Oil, thanks for the link to that summary of extensive research.
      It was reassuring. I don't think my addiction is a problem. I just have to make sure that I get my daily doses, and that's never a problem, although on my last visit to Australia, my brother did serve something pretty awful on the evening of my arrival. A quick trip into town next morning solved that problem.

      I rather liked this post by Nice because the common but mistaken ideas about coffee being unhealthy reminded me of the even more common and less correct ideas shared about the definition of the word vocabulary. In an academic situation, you can have, and state, any opinion that you want, but you are also expected to be able to support that opinion if called on. It is also useful for us think about why we hold a particular belief. I think the best explanation for the reliably wrong idea about the definition of vocabulary is that teachers are reliably teaching the same wrong thing, which reminds us that strong evidence for an opinion we have is not normally who else happens to believe or say that thing.

      Until a few years ago, I had accepted, based on what my parents, teachers and the media said, that tea was a healthier drink than coffee, but the facts do not appear to support this belief, so I changed my mind.

      Coffee, tea and the meaning of the noun vocabulary are fun but not too serious, although the coffee v. tea issue is important for health. The disagreements over abortion and some other issues can be much for serious, with people being imprisoned or worse for holding the unpopular opinion, which is often also the right opinion, however unpopular it might be with the majority.

  5. I think we can still drink tea or other type of caffeinated beverages such as coffee but only in moderation, just like what Oat has already mentioned. If you look carefully to every kind of food we have eaten in our daily life, most of them always have both positive and negative effects to your body. Even a drinking water. We have always been told that water is good for life. So some people may think that we can drink it as much as we can since it's good for our health and skin. But actually drinking too much wanter can lead to the malfunction of our bodies called a "water intoxication" which can literally kill you.

    1. Thank you so much Mieng for your information about "Water Intoxicaiton". I heard about it. I think, Everything will have advantage and disadvantage. We should consume everything which we can eat or drink for balance it not less or more and workout for remove and change fat to muscle to be healthy person.

    2. It is a bit weird to think that even water can be poisonous for us, but as Mieng points out, those are the facts, although I suspect you have to drink a lot more water to overdose than you do to overdose on alcohol.


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