Monday 8 August 2016

Phu's academic interests

My academic intersts is Qunatum mechanic. I used to take course with a private tutor who graduated in this field. I used to study some of the math related to this , for example calulus and statistic, from youtube's videos, which is a real lectures, from many top university such as MIT and Stanford. When it gets harder the content is harder to find that's why I took a private course. First it started with simple quantum concept such as wave function and its properties, this took about 3 hours for me to learn what is wave function and what is tell us about it. Next class is schrödinger equation, the equation people use to find out the wave function from difference cases such as paritcle in the box and free particle. Since it is a colledge math, I had to learn some of math concept such as differenctial equation and fourier transform along the way with learning quantum mechanics. Mostly we went through the difference sinario for me to preactice difference kind and technique to solves the differenctial equation. It took me about 5 classes until I understand the "concept" of the world of quantum. Still I am learning with my tutor in the weekends.


  1. This is interesting. But I think it might be so difficult for me as a law student to understand Quantum mechanic. However, I am so surprised of how you can be so into something this much at the very young age. You might be next Einstein.

    1. For me, my dad encorage me to do what I love to do. Somehow I love science and mathermatics. He believes that you will do very good on the subject if you really love it. That why he support me to study physics and computer science. Actually, my dad is a football player, so he has no idea on this kind of subject.

  2. Quantum is counterintuitive and is quite an advance branch of Physics. It surprises me that you interest in this topic at such a young age. I struggled with advance math when I learned this topic for the first time as well. However, I happened to know good books that use descriptive examples to express math intensive ideas. The books were written by Feynman and they are called "Feynman Lectures on Physics." If you are interested in Quantum Physics and but did not want to pursue this subject in university level, it might be easier to read from these books. Instead, if you want to continue it as your major, math is required. It is a good idea to practice rigorous math. Therefore, I suggest you start with Maxwell's book called "Introduction to Electrodynamics." This book has some rigorous physics problems that required high level math. It also introduces partial differential equation on the beginning of first chapter as well. You might find it useful on the third chapter where it talks about Laplace's equation which also requires knowledge on Fourier transform.

    1. Thanks you for giving me the right direction to go next


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