Monday 8 August 2016

What is the best way for businesses and governments to make decisions about money?

Source background
Unfortunately, Hartmann's final discussion question on page 35 is not Yes/No, but we can cope with that (2007).


Hartmann's information question is:
What is the best way for businesses and governments to make decisions about money??

My answer is:
What is your answer?  

Again, response write to tell us your ideas. Again, you have seven minutes. So, write.
Hartmann, P. (2007). Quest 2 Reading and Writing (2nd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.


  1. To let businesses and governments to make decisions about money would begin with gathering information what the money is mostly required to do with.

    For businesses, the primary purpose might be to expand its area of merchandise, or to perform research and development for new products.

    For governments, the main aim might be to improve country's infrastructure or promote country's commercial ability.

    The process of accumulation information should give the associated people a chance to speak and express their idea too.

    After gathering information, decision makers have to summarize and choose the best decisions what should do with the money so that the best result could be achieved.

  2. First of all, the government and company should gather all information such as purpose of the projects that money will be spent on, how much money they have, which projects are set as the priority. Then they should make a discussion with people who are related to the projects and money to find out the best way or best answer to do with that money.

  3. Business and the government should use different strategy to make a decision on how they would spend their money. From the business standpoint, they get their money from their job, either by selling their products or through their services. They exchange objects produced under their name for money. Thus, they have their solely rights to decide how they would spend their finance. And as we discussed on the last post, the good way to decide on something is through group discussion. The government, however, get most of their money from taxes. Their revenue come from citizens' hard-earned money. before they make a decision, they should ask people's opinion. No matter how big or small a decision is, their action will make an impact on the country. Although asking everyone's opinion on every matter seems unlikely since there are so many people in a country, the government should at least asking people before deciding on something big.

  4. In my opinion, I think, The best way for business and government to make decisions about money is Global Economy situation because it is very important for agreement from other country such as investment, money changes, trade, etc. It was supported about situation of each country in the global.

  5. Business companies and government decision making are concerned with lot of different people in different levels. Brainstorming might be required in the very first stage of discussion as we can get the overall ideas and concepts. The idea from the brainstorming would be analyzed and listed down as a bullets, which will make the ideas clear and easy to read. The person with high authority would review such summary to make the decision from the ideas of the group.

  6. The best for businesses and governments to make decisions about money is to order what's the most important things to do and discuss with professional to gain the useful information so the can decide how to spend money.

  7. Since I am a high school student, I don't have much ideas about this subject. For me i think that people and the situation in the country should be the most important indication of changes. They have to work together to make a disition for the country. Many scholars have to come together and debate on the direction the country should go too.

  8. The businesses or governments should make the most out of the money like investing in education and public health for her people as they are a vital human capital that can help generate income to the business firms or the country later. This is a long term investment which worth spending money on.

  9. I dislike socialist tendencies where large, centralized state bureaucracies make decisions for whole nations. That leads to the sort of murderous disasters Mao caused in China when his "good" ideas killed millions of Chinese citizens. China has done much better, the Chinese people have done much better, since they started getting away from state control and allowed citizens greater freedom to decide how resources were used.

    In businesses, the important thing is to make a profit. Even charities and non-profit businesses still need to survive, so must at least not run at a loss. Businesses should decide how to spend money to best realise their aims, which might not be solely, or even mainly, making more money. I'm sure that Bill Gates is very happy to have made more than 100 billion dollars, but I suspect he is also thrilled at how much better a place he has made the world we live in, unlike dictatorial governments causing economic and social disaster for their innocent citizens.

  10. This is hard for me to give my opinion but i think maybe they should search for many opportunities that will brings them benefits as possible. Then discuss about pros and cons of each project. Which will be most profitable way to invest their money in. Not only look at the profit, but they also should look at risks too. As we know, the higher profit, the higher risk. Usually business firm is more flexible and like to take more risk with high benefits than the government.

  11. There are many ways to make decisions about money for businesses and governments. In my opinion, group discussion is the best way for making decisions. Moreover, in the groups discussion should have various kind of job position such as lawyer and technical manager. During groups discussion, co-worker would share their ideas and think for advantages and disadvantages to their company. Then their summarize and choose for the best solution.

  12. I think the best way for businesses and government to make decisions about money is meeting to exchange about what are benefits and what are disadvantages before doing or investing a project. Before the meeting, they need to concern about their projects (cost, profit, etc.) what they are going to do next and then make a decision.


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