Friday 19 August 2016

Does getting more sleep could boost salary?

Source background
From "How getting more sleep could boost your salary", a research from A US study has found that in areas where the sun sets earlier, people sleep for longer – and this translates into higher earnings. Jeffrey Shrader reported “If you go to work well rested, you are livelier and happier, and can sell more to increase your earnings”. Lack of sleep has already been shown to be worse for productivity than being overweight or underweight (2016).


My Yes/No question is:
Does getting more sleep could boost salary?

My answer is:
Yes, but it depends on your knowledge and responsibility too. 

According to "Why Is Sleep Important?" (2012), an article stated that sleep is a vital activity for having good health and well-being throughout our life. Getting enough quality sleep at the right times can help protect your mental health, physical health, quality of life, and safety. Plus, sleeping could boost your mood or banish under-eye circles too. However, sleep loss and poor-quality sleep also lead to accidents and injuries on the job.

There are a lot of benefits from sleeping; for example, sleep helps your brain work properly. While you're sleeping, your brain is preparing for the next day. It's forming new pathways to help you learn and remember information which lead to improve learning, help you pay attention, make decisions, and be creative. But these benefits is a part of obtaining higher salary. The most important thing for boosting salary is knowledge. It means that how fast you learn and adapt your technical and communication skills to your work is more substantial than sleeping enough. Co-worker relationship is also vital because your colleague could bring you to be successful by helping each other. In addition, there are some characteristics which can boost you salary such as hard working, enthusiastic, open-mind and patient. Although, sleep could help you to learn and remember information, lack of job knowledge and responsibility would be disaster for your career path. How about you? What do you think?

Rahman-Jones I. (2016, August 14). How getting more sleep could boost your salary. The guardian. Retrieved from 

Why Is Sleep Important?. (2012, February 22). National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. Retrieved from


  1. I agree with you Pat. Enough sleeping isn't enough to be successful for our carreers. There are many things to concern about what you said. However, sleeping is also an important thing to improve our thinking and working. When I hadn't enough sleeping, I couldn't concentrate to work or to study, and also couldn't think anything as fast as it should be. Because sleeping is relaxation which helps us to repair our brains and body functions.

  2. I agree! Having enough rest is one factor which contributes to good quality of life. Then when you have good quality of life, you can focus more on another part of your responsibilities in life.

  3. For me, sleeping is a big part of my successful. I have to sleep at least 8 hours a night to be fully active next day. If I sleep less than 8 hours for 2 days consecutively, my working ability will drop dramatically. Moreover, I will also get headache so easily during the sleepless day. The other factors that were mentioned by previous posts are important as well, but sleeping is really matter for me. Please let me sleep more :)

  4. If you are a boss who is considering to promote someone, do you think that you will select the one that very smart but not a good player in team? The answer is probably NO. Ones who are suffered from chronic sleep deprivation would be lack of concentration and motivation which make them not very good in making decision. In addition, they cannot control their emotion very well that make them unpopular in the office.

    I, therefore, believe that enough sleeping hours or more hours in sleep can boost your one's salary or success. The relatedness might be not shown explicitly, but more research can confirm the case.

  5. Besides from what you already mention, sleeping has quite big effect on my mood through out the day. If I sleep only few hours and wake up drowsy, I'll get up set very easy even for something that's not really matter.

    1. I couldn't agree more. Enough sleep helps improve the quality of life and work concentration. I also agree with Bonus that it also affects mood. Obviously, in my case, if I can't get sufficient sleeping hours, I will suffer from mood swing, the lack of concentration and the delay of reaction during the day. So I believe that getting enough sleep has a major impact on work, salary and promotion.

    2. I do not go to bed yet. Half an hour ago, I start getting headache. After finish responding to the blog, I really have to go to sleep. Tomorrow I have to wake up at 5:30 a.m. I will have only 4 hours of sleep. So, don't expect the acceleration of my brain function tomorrow.

  6. I really hate when I don't have enough time to sleep and have to get up to do responsibility work to do such as studying. However, it is my responsibility to do and I have to do it. When I do my blog late at night, this may took me almost 2 hours to finish. But, when I go to sleep and start doing the blog it took me only 30 minutes to finish it. Yes, without knowledge and responsibility your salary won't go up.

  7. I do not go to bed yet. Half an hour ago, I start getting headache. After finish responding to the blog, I really have to go to sleep. Tomorrow I have to wake up at 5:30 a.m. I will have only 4 hours of sleep. So, don't expect the acceleration of my brain function tomorrow.

  8. There is another thing worth mention. Circadian cycle (I hope I spelled it correctly). People have different bed time. For instance, teen might prefer to go to bed later than adult. Elderly, on the other hand, should go to bed early.

    The quality of your work affect your salary. Getting enough sleep is one factor. Getting in sync with circadian cycle is another factor that we should think about as well. I think to get the most from their employees, the business owner should include this into account. Maybe working at 10 AM to 6 PM is better time for adult office workers while working 7 AM to 3 PM is better for older office workers.

  9. As I remember, many years ago, I read the article about a young CEO of SAP, Ranjan Das dies from heart attack. He was very smart and successful in his career. He was a fitness freak and often ate right. However, he thought that only slept between four or five hours a day is enough but it actually increased risk of heart attack.

    1. Good supporting example Namwan. I hadn't heard of him, but it sounds right. I function very badly on four or five hours sleep. Many years ago I could do it, but I don't even try today. I do get at least six hours every night, which is OK, although seven is better for me.


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