Thursday 18 August 2016

Should everyone sleep for 8 hours a night?

Source background
From "How much sleep do you really need?", Caroline Williams reported that everyone knows 8 hours is the magic number for a decent night’s sleep, but nobody seem to know where the number came from. There is a student who studied sleep found that 8 hour rule has no basis in our evolutionary past. So " perhaps 8 hours is the wrong target and we can get by just fine with 7." (2016)


My Yes/No question is:
Should everyone sleep for 8 hours a night?

My answer is:
No, but it's depend on your age. 

If you are who isn't sleep 8 hours a night, you shouldn't worry about it too much. We have a lots of things to do in a day. However, you should concern that you can get sleep enough suitable for your ages because of less sleeping hours may increase the risk of obesity, heart disease, depression, and early death; in other words, having bad sleep quality can impact to your health (2016).

 According to"Insufficient Sleep Is a Public Health Problem" which gives an interesting information that school-age children need at least 10 hours of sleep daily, teens need 9-10 hours, and adults need 7-8 hours. It means 8 hours of sleeping time is not quite accurate for everyone. I think it may depends on your age, your food that you select to eat, and your exercise behavior as well. I know one of my friend who sleep 4-5 hour a  night, but she is a person who addict weight training. She works hard, and maybe exercise harder. Her sleeping hour is less than me, but she is stronger than me. However, I don't think that sleeping in 4-5 hours is suitable or quite good sleeping habit. You should sleep well and when you wake up you should feel fresh like a daisy. Not too less hour or too much hour for sleeping is enough for me.

In an addition, There are some tips of good sleep habits or sleep hygiene (2013) which I totally agree. I even did one of bad habits that should avoid; that is, I ate a big meal at midnight before I went to bed and I can't sleep for a few hour. That's a horrible thing. You should avoid to have a meal before bedtime, but you may have a cup of warm milk that can help you sleep better. That is a tip it  can help you for more sleep well. What time is it now and it's nearly your sleeping time or not?
 William, C. How much sleep do you really need? (2016, May 25).New scientistRetrieved from  

Insufficient Sleep Is a Public Health Problem. (2013, September 3). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved from


  1. For me, sleeping for 8 hours isn't enough. Actually, I like to sleep approximately 9 hours, but it depends on the situation such as holiday and examination. When I was 19 years old, I could sleep just only 5 hours a day with 1 cup of coffee in the morning because I had to read books and prepared for my university exam. Now, I think that I can't sleep just only 5 hours per day anymore. It seems that I get older, so I have to sleep more.

    1. I smile while I am reading your sleeping habit because it is totally same as mine! I would need to sleep for more than 9 hours a day also.

  2. For me,the number of sleeping hours that ones need is different not only because of age but also because of the habit. For example, if ones sleep 5 hours for a period of time, our life will get used to this number little by little. At one point, we will notice that sleeping only 5 hours is sufficient to be fresh in the morning like setting the clock inside our body.

  3. Since high school, I sleep only 5-6 hours and that's not enough for me. I sleep just that on the weekdays but on the weekend or whenever I don't have to wakeup early, I usually sleep up to 10 to 12 hours. This might sound crazy but that's what happen to me. I know it's not good to sleep too much as well as not getting enough sleep. I try to go to bed early but I just can't. Sometimes when I don't have enough sleep for too many days, it will be one day that I won't wake up until my body get enough rest. The alarm means nothing at all. Even I set it more than ten times or more, I still don't hear anything.

  4. I usually sleep for 8 hours if I sleep less than 5 hours it will affect my concentration and I will yawn all day. I know that oversleeping can cause many diseases so I tried to avoid it but it’s hard because both long and short sleeping period effect health.

  5. For me, I usually go to bed about 9 hours from 9.00 pm to 6.00 am.If not, I don't have enough energy to study and play with my friends. However, when I have an AEP course, I have to change my sleeping scheduled a bit because of homework. For me, I don't really like to sleep late. And I always wake up at 6.30 am no matter the time that i go to bed. I think it got to do with biology clock.

  6. I dream of regularly getting eight hours sleep a night. I usually get six, which isn't really enough. I think seven is OK for me. What I usually do is have a nap for an hour or so in the afternoon. Unfortunately, I like working late at night and always feel fresh then. But I need to wake up early some days, and if I get up at six, that's also a good time for me to work before heading off to AUA. And the early rise means I can savour my coffee in peace as I browse the news and catch on my personal world and the wider world.

  7. For me, I always go to bed at 11 p.m. and wake up at 6 a.m. But if I'm very tired, I will go to bed early around 9 or 10 p.m. and wake up around 6 or 7 a.m. I had an experience that I drank a cup of coffee in an evening and I couldn't sleep until 1 a.m. but I needed to wake up early to study. That was terrible and I felt very tired and not comfortable. Although I got enough sleep during the night, I felt asleep and I would like to take a power nap but I was studying and I couldn't do that. However, I agree with you that we should have enough sleep because it repairs and improve your body function. And I think we should go to bed early and get up early. I don't know who has an experience same as me; I tried to go to bed late at a night, and next day I woke up late but I had headache all that day. I think that time I went to bed and wake up weren't suitable for me and I suggested myself that I shouldn't do that.

    1. I recommend addiction. Although I prefer not to have one within an hour or two of going to bed, a late night coffee doesn't upset my sleep - this physical tolerance is just one of the benefits of being a drug addict.

      I'm sure my natural body clock is to go to bed late and get up late. I thrive on that. But most of the world is geared for early sleeping and rising. My mother is the same as me. She rarely goes to bed before midnight, and never rushes to get up early, nor has she at any time in the last fifty years or so that I remember. My father was the opposite: he always went to bed early and was up at dawn ready to start work. He woke at 5:00 AM as usual on the morning he died a few years ago: an excellent advertisement for Ben Franklin's saying about "early to bed and early to rise" and so on. I'm not sure what famous saying I'm an advertisement for.

    2. I'm sorry about your father, Peter.

    3. Thanks Oat. It was some years ago now, and he had had a good like (in Aristotle's sense) for eighty years before dying quickly at home. The loss was sad, but it happened in the best possible way.

  8. I think it depends on one's preference and the quality of your sleep. But age may be potential factor as well. When i was a kid, i used to woke up sooo early with highest level of energy and that gave my mom headache because she wanted to sleep a little more. But it's a different story when i grow up. I always need more sleep even i already had 8 hours of it.

  9. The question is good for us to explore and find the sleeping hours which is best for us. It is not difficult to observe how many hours you need for your sleep. If you wake up with drowsiness, lack of concentration, being unable to remember things well, getting easily to irritate, and lack of energy and motivation, you have not enough sleep. Chronic sleep deprivation leads to many health problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. It ruins our body: digestive, respiratory, immune, cardiovascular, and central nervous systems. We really need to pay attention and take good care of our health. Our health or body are like the engine. They are needed to be taken good care and maintenance. So, don't wait until they are in problems. At that time, money probably doesn't mean much. Can we buy a new kidney? Remember money or success cannot buy everything!

    1. "Can we buy a kidney?" got my interest.
      I don't think we can in most countries, certainly not in mine. I guess this is one of the things I could have filled in in Hartmann's survey about my country's economic system: a healthy trade in new and used kidneys, and other organs, is illegal.
      Should it be illegal? Is it illegal everywhere?

    2. I think this your second time in about this question. I think the reason that it is not allowed to sell some part of human organs because they don't want to encourage human trafficking/kidnapping for the purpose of organ sales happened in some countries. Also, it is unlike the ordinary products selling and buying in the free market.

    3. Sorry, it might be possible if the kidneys are made up from cloning.

    4. Sorry, it might be possible if the kidneys are made up from cloning.

    5. Kitt, yes, I did ask this before. I was reminded of it when you mentioned it and I made a connection with one of the questions on Hartmann's survey on pages 53 - 54 that we did online a couple of days ago.

  10. Thank you. But in the survey I did not think about this issue at all.It's interesting. My answer on your Q.8 are marijuana, amphetamine and sleeping pills.

  11. Thank you. But in the survey I did not think about this issue at all.It's interesting. My answer on your Q.8 are marijuana, amphetamine and sleeping pills.


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