Wednesday 24 August 2016

Phu's Favorite Work of Art

For me, I have a lot of work of art that is my favorite. However, when I think carefully, I found Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, the dystopian/utopian novel, and Lord of the files by William Golding (I did not put 1984 by George Orwell in my favorite piece of art because I haven't read it) to be very good piece of art. Sine I start in the new school, which is an international school,  I found that english liturature is way better in some of Thai liturature(maybe this depends on the teacher). I love when the teacher analyse the effect of the language on the reader minds. I found these novel to be meaningful and way beyond our imagination. I am now reading Brave New World when I got free time (no/finish homework). I also bought the essay by Aldous Huxley called Brave New World Revisted and the door of perception, to further my reading on this wonderful writing by Huxley. I could not imagine how the world changes throughout the time. 

Barave New World ask us many questions such as Is it ok to be happy but not free? It is started in the Central London Hatchery and Conditioning Centre, where many students are studying how human are made in the AF 261. People are desing to love each job their assign. The Breave New World Revisited talks about the author views on world today and the novel itself. The door of perception talks about his experience on the uses of mescaline.


  1. I had read Brave New World when I studied at university at the first year but now I already forgot everything about it. I know that it is a good book and I also like to read it. In fact, I don't know much about novels and I don't like to read any books. They make me feel asleep, and I don't enjoy too much. But if they are interesting, have fun, and easy to understand, I will be happy to read.

  2. I remember The Doors of Perception better than Brave New World, which I would like to read again because although my memory of the details is getting very uncertain, I remember thinking it was a great piece of literature. And as Phu notes, it raises a lot of questions to engage the reader.

    Although I don't agree with his thesis on the use of psychedelics and other drugs, I thought that Huxley's honest account of his experiences was very useful. And for a university student in the late 1970s it was an inspiring sort of encouragement. And it's still being read and enjoyed today! I suspect that Brave New World in fact the better work of art, but Huxley was probably always a competent writer.

    1. I really agree with. I am right now think of finishing Brave New World and then I will read Island ,the counterpart of Brave new world and maybe 1984. Do you have any recommend books for me to read?


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