Monday 15 August 2016

Is role model important to achieve one’s success?

Source background
From "Rio 2016: Singapore delights as Schooling beats Phelps in 100m", Heather Chen reported that Singapore's Joseph Schooling had defeated decorated US Olympian Michael Phelps, who were his childhood idol, in the 100m butterfly swimming race and had won his country's first-ever Olympic gold medal. (2016)


My Yes/No question is:
Is role model important to achieve one’s success?

My answer is:
No, the thing crucial to be successful, for me, is my own endeavour. Role model is only a little component. 

According to the news, Schooling had Phelps as his idol since he was a little boy. Although he had failed to be qualified in the final round of the previous Olympic game, he was finally be able to win Phelps and grab the gold this year. What made this accomplishment happened? Although his childhood idol took some parts of this achievement, the more obvious answer would be his continuous endeavour – not Phelps.

At the beginning of life’s journey, role model is a good start to look at - look for the path that your idol walking through, learn their good aspects that may help you when you get into life’s dilemma, but not just copy everything of them. Trying to be someone you are not makes your life much more miserable. Plus, your inspiration will run out quickly which leads you to end up with failure. There is no specific role model I have relied on up to the present. Therefore, my motto in life has always been just be myself and continuously do my best. How is about your life? Do you have any role model who is significantly influent on your success?
Chen, H. Rio 2016: Singapore delights as Schooling beats Phelps in 100m. (2016, August 13). BBC News. Retrieved from 


  1. For me, role model is not a crucial part, but without one, I would not make it to this point. Competition in our society pressures us to be the best. It uses money, fame, stability in life to drive us to work beyond our limit. I love physics, and I enjoy reading physics-relating books. It is normal to work on something that you love for an hour and two. So, I always spend time after class working on improving my knowledge on physics, but I know that it is definitely not enough for me to be better than anyone else. I wanted a scholarship from the Thai government and I know that I need to work harder. It was tough to stay focus on one topic for a long time and sometimes you feel resigned. However, when I feel tired, when I want to give up, I often think of my role model, Richard Feynman. He is the writer of the books that I was reading and his views of physics are so motivational. He was the reason that I studied hard and earned the scholarship. It is true that part of my achievement is from my own endeavour, but having a role model definitely helps.

  2. For me, I don't really find someone who is true idol to me. My role model has change overtime. When I was young may be character in cartoon and when I get a bit older maybe he/she is a successful person. The reason why I don't really find real role model because that fact that everyone is unique. What we care about role model is the is their path to success and since everyone is unique the path to success is difference among people. What I always think when I feel hopeless are 2 things first my responsibility and my goal that is what i really care. It does not mean I took a dirty path to get what I want but it means that I have to compete with not just other but myself too.


  3. I don’t have any role model but I like to watch some inspirational speech from many different people. its give me thoughts and aspects. Many people have given me the ideas or show me how much they have work hard to achieve something. For instance, yesterday I saw the Korean academic program on Youtube, basically they invited people from many different countries to present the same topic and compete with each others. One contestant is from Zambia, another one from the UK and one from Thailand, everyone in the show seem so fluent in English except the Thai guy, but he never shows that he nervous, he delivered the speech well even though he got stuck with some words, he always present with a gently smile and he finally won the competition that day. I was so impressed, I imagined myself on the show with my broken English I must feel so nervous. Plus, I just watched my video presentation and it quite bad but the guy has given me the encourage and confidence so I hope I can do well next time.

  4. Responsibility and great attempt are the keys to success. Without them, one couldn't achieve in anything. People have to struggle and push themselves so hard all the way long in order to succeed. It is also true that without role model, ones can succeed if they have enough attempt. However, I think that embracing someone as a role model is very useful in terms of encouraging and pushing us to work harder and sometimes even beyond our limits.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. What a challenging question! Actually, I like the variation that Oil, Phu and Namwan have suggested: Do you have a role model?

    I've always admired some people, but I'm not sure that they were role models. I didn't know enough about Newton or Einstein to actually model myself on them. I just admired their achievements when I was in high school, and wasn't interested in their personalities until later. Kurt Gödel might have come closer, but again, it was because his work in logic attracted me, although I did like his cool glasses and hair when I was 14 - 15.

    Perhaps the real role models were fictional characters. But is dreaming of being X actually the same as making him a role model?

    Later, Plato's version of Socrates was a bit of a role model, and perhaps more recently, and deliberately, the philosopher Sam Harris, whose consistently calm demeanour in public seems admirable to me, although he's certainly not the worlds greatest philosopher, but that's not what makes someone a role model, is it? And Harris has much in common in his calm public demeanour that reminds me of my father, so perhaps he was a role model long before I had ever realised it?

    1. And I'm not sure that all of the things that attract me in SOcrates' personality and behaviour as reported by Plato are entirely wonderful, but then, does a role model even have to be good?
      Does a mafia gangster like Don Vito Corleone become less of a role model to his son Michael simply because he is in the habit of having people killed to improve the business climate?

  7. For me, I think about role model is important to achievement, It isn't one thing only for success but it's beginning point of success. When we have role model for our life we will have aim of our life and role model can help us to see our future when we had successed. That's inspiration for make something what you love or you like and role model can help you for method of success in your dream or aim. Role model is not what we want to be all model. Maybe, we want to be something from role model such as ideas of life, thinking and so on. My mother is role model for me in part of thinking of life and good performance. I bring that to conbine with my life and one day in the future, I would like to be successful person in the future. I think, I should keep going and don't give up when I have many problems and I will tell to myself about my role model and keep going. That's inspiration.

  8. To me, role model does have an effect to what I am today. I don't know why I never think of making a lot of money, living a luxurious life and chasing for success. After I obtained my first degree, I got various future promising jobs offered in business sector but I turned them down. I took a humanitarian job instead. At that time I enjoyed helping people who were really in need. I did not pay much attention in salary but experiences gaining from job. I planned to teach after an early retirement. I do not really know that why I live my life in that way. Now I realize that part of my decision in designing my own life plan is from the influence of one of my teacher and a few persons I met who live a simple life with a strong purpose. They are probably my role models that I unconsciously follow some parts of their living and adapt it to be my own.

  9. For me, practice is the key to success rather than a role model because people who work harder would obtain highly performance. Not only practice would bring the achievement but also others action would bring accomplishment such as attempt and concentration. When I was young, I wanted to be clever and smart like my best friend. I thought that every people wasn't the same at all. Some people were intelligent by their genes but some people weren't be like that. So, I tried to study hard and always pay attention in the class. Then, I got good grades because of my attempt.

  10. I find this news refreshing and heartwarming. A role model is not crucial but I think it would be good to have a role mode as it can help give extra courage and pressure to push you through any difficulties. It's what I call inspiration. We probably have own role models without realizing it. It can be your mom, your dad or your siblings who you look up to since you were a kid.

    For me, a role model doesn't need to give me only positive thought but it can send out the negative feeling as well. I mean.. when role models may inspire you to become like one of them, they can also push you to become better so that you can overcome them at the end. It's this kind of energy that you can also get from your role model.

    1. Do you mean that negative feeling is when role model is influent to push you to become better? Do I misunderstand your meaning?

  11. I never have my idol for improving my life. I agree with you that if you would like to be someone who are your idols or you impress, it's very difficult to be like them and finally you feel fall and tired. I think challenging yourself is the hardest way to improve your life. For example, I would like to study abroad but my English skills aren't good enough to apply universities which I want to study, so I need to challenge myself to improve my English skill, like study hard and practice more and more, because I don't know about candidates who would like to apply the same universities which I want to apply. No one know about your skills and conditions so you need to find your own solutions which are suitable for you.


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