Monday 8 August 2011

Blogging the News

Over the past couple of days, we have looked at the use of italics and quotation marks in academic writing; "San Francisco Legislator Pushes Feng Shui Building Codes" and the related exercises, which we read and studied last week, has examples of both (Hartmann & Blass, 2007, p. 4 - 7), and we have been using them in our blog posts. 

In academic writing, we use both italics and quotation marks for a limited number of specific reasons, several of which are related to an extremely important skill in all areas of academic work: the use of sources. Academics constantly cite sources containing other people's ideas, and sometimes their exact words, in their work: to agree, to disagree, for support, for a starting point, as a topic, and so on. Learning when and how to use sources effectively is one of our main goals in this course.

In order to practise these essential academic skills, and also to ensure that we are reading regularly from a variety of sources and thinking critically about what we read, we will be making regular blog posts responding to articles published on the BBC News website.

Everyone gets to write up their response to an article once a week, according to the following schedule:


And don't worry, you don't have to wait until it's your day to respond to something from the BBC News, you can also comment on your classmates' posts every day

Like every other skill that improves with practice, it helps a lot to include daily practice in your daily routines. I usually check what has been written and post a comment or two as I have have my morning coffee, and perhaps again later in the evening when I settling down to work. It doesn't matter what time you do your daily blogging, but make it a habit to do it at the same time daily, every day, at least six days a week. 

There are some notes available in the AEP Class Blog - information pages section on the right = "Blogging the News".

Hartmann, P. & Blass, L. (2007). Quest 3 Reading and Writing, (2nd. ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.

1 comment:

Before you click the blue "Publish" button for your first comment on a post, check ✔ the "Notify me" box. You want to know when your classmates contribute to a discussion you have joined.

A thoughtful response should normally mean writing for five to ten minutes. After you state your main idea, some details, explanation, examples or other follow up will help your readers.

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.