Monday 15 August 2011

For the Plugged-In, Too Many Choices

Everyday I like to spend my time almost one hour with Facebook for updating status and contributing some comments to my friends, and I believe that many peoples around the world are having the same routine as me. I like social network, Facebook, because it has brought me to meet my old friends, and we can keep in touch even we have not joined each other for years. Nowadays, there has been an increasing ways to connect people by social networks as appeared in the article "For the Plugged-In, Too Many Choices" writen by Stephanie Rosenbloom in The New York Times.

The article talked about many choices of social networks currently such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, and other innovations of website like Klout, PeerIndex. Social networks are very popular which can say that every one in four-and-a half spent of website is spent on a social network site or blog. The writer raised some example of an influence of social network to daily life of Ms. Jessica H. Lawrence, who used social network, Twitter, to set up her new life in New York City by tweet messages for job, apartment, and boyfriend. More over, the article mentioned about plentiful of useful website to help social network users to manage themselve, for example, help user can post same comment across multiple networking site by double click or mouse. Some web allows user to write posting month in advance and schedule them to publish in later date like TwitResponse, Buffer, SocialOomph. On the other hand, some people are thinking that all these networking are leading to allienaton. Some have taken a social media detox, or opted out only to opt back in again. Too choices for social network are waitiong for users to use them.

I like an opinion "social network are leading to allienation" even I have recognized that there has been a lot of advanges from them in terms of working and communication. Even social network bring people more close to each other but it is in only unreal social, I concern that in the real social those users are still lonely and separte from real world. Maybe I am thinking too much!!!

Rosenbloom, Stephanie.(2011, August 10). For the Plugged-In, Too Many Choices. The New York Times. Retrieved at August 15, 2011 from


  1. But unlike the "unreal" society of Facebook and such like, a class blog is a very real social group (¶ 3): we really do know all of the people writing on it, seeing them most days and getting to know them and their ways of thinking better as share ideas both in class and in response to the topics blogged here.

    When Dew writes that "everyday I like to spend my time almost one hour with Facebook" and that she "[believes] that many peoples around the world are having the same routine as [her]" (¶ 1), she exemplifies an important point: it's important to write daily and the best way to do that is to make it a routine, a habit that you at the same times every day.

    I don't think you need to spend an hour blogging every day, but it is important to write every day. I do think that at least 20 minutes of actual writing, as in typing sentence after sentence after sentence, is a reasonable aim, whether done in one blog session or over a couple of shorter sessions as part of a daily routine.

    No more. Time to run out the front door.

  2. I love social networks.It is reducing the boundry of the world. Since now I am in Bangkok, far away from my family and friends in China. I use MSN or QQ to chat with them or talk to them through a webcam and speaker. one of the advantage is it can save me a lot of money because I don't have to make the expensive international phone calls anymore. Another advantage is that we can see people and chat lively with them through webcam and speaker. I love to see my parents and my sister and my nephew taking to me through my computer. They are also very happy to see us, especially my daughter, who grows so fast.

    My friends use blog to tell others what is going on with them,especially the ones who have chidren. They will write about the children and post picuture of them. I normally will read the blog and make little comment on their blog. In that way, we keep connect with each other even though we are in different countries.

    But I do think communicating with people through social networks should not replace the actual contact with people in real life. To me, how you get along with people in real life accounts for a large part of our success in life.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I love every way possible of social networking; facebooking is my favourite activity which i spend most of the time engaging in. It is certainly true that advanced communication technology can lead people to a smaller world, meaning that we can keep in touch with each other more quickly and easily than ever before. I have to admit that I am addicted to facebook since it is not only an effective tool which allows people to keep up-to-date with their friends, but also encourages its users to express their feelings and what is currently on their mind. The major reason to illustrate why facebook is by far the most popular social-networking website is that it aims to enable its users to become a celebrity among their friend circle. we cannot deny that once we comment on other statuses, pictures, or, click a like button, we want a response from others. In extreme case, some people spend a significant amount of time finding a topic to title their status in order to draw an attention from others. Therefore, using social-networking devices is often regarded as a time-consuming habit. It depends on individuals to utilize the technology.

  5. I like to play a game on Facebook and comment my friends' status or photo, but I don't like to chat via any social network. I agree with P'Dew that social networks bring people more close to each other only in the unreal society. You don't think too much..don't worry ^^"

    In contrast, I think it tears closed-friends apart whilst brings unknown-persons become much more closer...How could a person who always communicate by chat become successful?
    I rarely meet my old friends and I think it is caused by social network. Although, we don't call or meet each other but we still know each other's life is going on. So social network are good and bad....

    I agree with June that communicating with people through social network shouldn't replace actual contact in reality. However, both ways of communications can be together as long as a person can control behaviors of social network chat in order to stay away from the lonely-position (or social phobia) likes P'Dew said.

  6. me too, I'm the one of those who addicted social network like Facebook. I'm agree with P Dew that social network brings people more close to each other but it is in only unreal social, if you often accept other people around the world, even you don't really know them.
    But for me, my contact list in my facebook, there are only my friends from real life only. Also I set high-priority for viewing from anyone. Because I think it's my private space which I share only my friends. moreover, I agree with NongTang that social network help me to keep in touch with old friends. We know each other's movement without meeting in a real world.

  7. Plugged-in in social networks is a very perfect example to show that human demand is unlimited. For me, the first version of facebook as Mark Zuckerberg launched is just good enough. If I want to do a video call, I can use Skype or MSN.

    As a result of marketing, facebook and other social networks have to be develop something new all the time for getting user interest. However, the more plugged-in, the more complicated. They lost their simplicity and their positioning became unclear. In the past, we use facebook, Skype and MSN for different purposes but nowadays their are so many social networks and each of them has quite same features. Consequently, their create the red ocean by competing in the same thing.

  8. Social network is very useful. I like it. It make people have more chances to talk, to listen, to express and perceive ideas.
    But plug-in apps or extensions are too much. They raise overwhelming for people when there will be enormous data someone can take. Exceeding data will be forgotten. However, this will not last for long. When people bore, unnecessary tools or unwanted programs will be rapidly disappear.

    Anyway, social network can be really useful and interesting, if it relates to or goes along with real life situation. For example, If Peter posts our blog-using statistic only on a class blog and not stating in a classroom, less people would publish their posts, unlike today.

  9. I also want to be able to search or google social networks. Googling will not show result from them. If I google "For the Plugged-In, Too Many Choices + class blog", this page will not be shown. I don't know why, but it may because I cannot just look into another personal stuffs.


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