Friday 5 August 2011

Height links to Success

It doesn't mean that people in same country or same culture have the same perspective in everything; however, one thing that South Korean people seem to have the identical viewpoint is height led to success. My South Korean friends lived in Thailand have told me about how importance of height in their country. They tells me that taller individuals have more opportunity to get good jobs, beautiful wives and have lots of friends. At first, I partly don't believe them; until last night, I found an interesting article in New York Times: the title is "South Korean Stretches Standard for Success" which provides intriguing contents supporting my friends' words, and now I know what my friends say is definitely true.

Dr. Shin Dong-gil, a doctor at Hamsoa clinic-one of the spawning growth clinics in South Korea says "Parents would rather add 10 centimeters to their children's stature than bequeath them one billion won." There are many growth clinics that offer hormone shots, traditional Eastern treatments and special exercises which answer parents' demand of increasing their children's stature.
According to the article, Moon Bo-in, a 5 years old girl, whines with fear while she is trembled by acupuncture needles from the corners of her mouth like cat's whiskers. "It's O.K. dear," Seo Hye-kyong, her mother says. "It will help make you pretty and tall. It will make you Cinderella."
Unfortunately, there is no clinical proof or other evidence to support or verify that those methods really work; in contrast, parents rely on the growth clinics in order to do whatever they want to do for their children.

Although, I have heard a lot about the priority of having good appearance in South Korea, but I quite feel it is the effective ways or tortures instead...However, I can tell one factual thing that every parents, not only South Korean parents, wish their children to be happy and successful in their lives and they always choose good things for their children.... Therefore, the idea of increasing their children's height is not immoral because they know the benefits of being taller.

South Korean people value taller people as successful people in contrast with the South Korean's trend in the past which shorter was considered better. Everything is about the global trend. From the article, the famous Western stars that mostly have a perfect body with attractive height, have influenced many stars and teenagers in South Korea to have that body.

It doesn't mean that taller individuals will have more chance of getting good careers only, but it also includes having satisfying friendship and lively school environment, increasing self-confidence, and taking priority to choose the right partner to marry with.
"In our society, it's all about looks." Ms. Seo says. " I'm afraid my daughter is shorter than her peers. I don't want her to be ridiculed and lose self confidence because of her height."
In addition, not only the parents concern about their children's height but also the children themselves.
"If I'm tall, I'll have an advantage selecting my future wife" Seo Dong-joon, a 15 years old boy who knows his goal now, says. "Short guys are teased at school."

From the last time I went to South Korea, I found that many school girls are not small like Thai school girls, and some school boys are taller than Thai comparing with the same age. Pertaining to the fact that, South Koreans have been growing taller over the past 30 years. The average height of high school senior boys has increased 3.-5 inches, to 5-foot-8 while girls has grown to 5-foot-3, by 2 inches in the past.

In my opinion, although there are advantages of being tall but there are various disadvantages. Focusing on growing stature is may stressful and it can lead to social awareness. In addition, parents put their money a lot for their children's growth investment. If it works, that will be great; but, if it doesn't work, a child will lose more self-confidence and feel depressed. The idea of being tall is fine; on the other hand, I feel like those growth clinics are taking advantages from those kindhearted parents. How can they completely trust those clinics? How can they guarantee the effective result without side-effect? There is no evidences for now, but in the future the answers might occur and I'm really curious about the future trend and what it be....

Sang-hun, C. (2009, December 22). South Korean stretches standard for success. New York Times. Retrieve August 4, 2011 from


  1. “Short people got no reason, to live.”
    —Randy Newman (1977), "Short People"

    The South Korean mums trying to stretch their kids do have some solid statistical evidence supporting them. See these studies published in various academic journals:

    Judge, T. A., & Cable, D. M. (2004, ). The Effect of Physical Height on Workplace Success and Income: Preliminary Test of a Theoretical Model. Journal of Applied Psychology, 89(3), 428 - 441. Retrieved August 5, 2011 from

    Nettle, D. (2002, December). Height and reproductive success in a cohort of british men [Abstract]. Human Nature, 13(4), 473 - 491. Retrieved August 5, 2011 from

    and the following report in the American Psychological Association's magazine:
    Dittmann, M. (2004, July - August). Standing tall pays off, study finds. Monitor on Psychology. Retrieved August 5, 2011 from

    So, is it really "all about looks" as Tang writes, quoting Ms. Seo (¶ 8)?

  2. The quotation from Newman's song in my last comment is the opener of Judge and Cable's article.

    Do you think it's effective?
    Would you have used it as an opener for your essay?

  3. It's very interesting point. I have never know that height is important for some culture. I doubt that why it is important for making friend. Height can make people have a good-looking that may use for choose partner or have effect to opportunity to get job , but I don't believe that it can effect to having a lot of friend.

  4. To Peter,
    I think the quotation is strong enough to make readers curious about this topic and it is a short sentence that directly express the attitude of this essay.

    However, I think it is too mean to say that!
    The quotation's idea of attract readers is great, but for me I will change the crucial words into mild words.
    May be "Short people-hard to live in"...

  5. To Fai,
    Thanks for your comment. You know what, I used to have the same idea as yours that height doesn't effect people to have a lot of friend, but the truth is it does!

    Maybe because of their culture or the modern trend, many people, especially teenagers, prefer making friends or talking to good-looking and tall people. So those tall people may have more chance to have lots of friends.

    Anyway, I think in this case of making friends, height is important for men than women.


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