Friday 26 August 2011

Lonely hearts, lonely love

In most of Asia, marriage is widerspread; in contrast, nearly half of marriages in some Western countries end in divorce, and half of all children are illegitimate. In Asian culture, people are close with their family. For example, they usually have dinner together. However, the world is changed. Even though traditional Asian family values are stronger than in Western countries, Asian marriage rate are decreasing. What’s happening in Asia? Why do Asian people marriage rate go down? When I read The Economist, a headline named “Asia’s lonely hearts” caught my interested.

This article primarily describes the decline of Asian marriage. The writer also provides some statistics to show how many people postpone getting hitched. Because it is hard for women being both employed and married in Asia, women are become highly educated, as a result, more and more women retreat from marriage. The authors points out disbennifits of unmarriage and suggests some solutions for divorced people.

In my opinion, people should enjoy single life because it is replete wih liberties which you could not imagine. When you are single, you have more time for activities. You can hang out with your friends whenever you want; you can go to the gym every day; if you like, you also can play a new instrument and so on. No matter what you do, no one will stop you. Moreover, being single life can improve people’s independence. People can use their newfound free time for solitary fun, as well as self-improvement. Being single compel you to do a lot of things for yourself such as cook, do laundry and tidy up your condo, you do not have any choices, you can’t rely on anyone, you have to do these things by yourself. In addition, in the absense of a relationship, people will have more time to focus on their work. They can concentrate on work and put in those extra hours on a project to impress their boss, because they do not need to worry that working will make them to ignore their partners. Stated briefly, everything has a good side. Although most people think unmarriage contributes a lot of problems in our society and family, it still has some advantages for us. Therefore, enjoy your single life.      __________
Asia’s lonely hearts(2011, Aug, 20). The Economist. Retrieved August,22,2011 from


  1. Yes. Being a single allows you to have more time. It can provide more opportunities for study, career development, hobby, taking care of your parents or even being a monk, without having to consider or plan for a couple living.
    But, how about happiness? Although I prefer single, I think living with a beloved partner make life happier. Cooking fabulous dinner for yourself could give a very good time, but cooking for someone you love might give more and longer smiles, gleam eyes and higher level of happiness. I haven't married, but I think there are the same: doing something for others makes more good feeling which could come from our instinct or socialization.
    Single society could make a serious problem about how to taking care of elders while there are less number of working ages. But in very long term, lowered reproductive rate could make a balance between the world' limited resources and human population's demand.

  2. I like living alone ,and I like to cook, but like Dig, I don't much enjoy cooking for myself - it's much more fun (not sure that that's the right word) knowing that you're going to share the meal with company.

    After moving out of my college into an apartment when I was at university, my flatmate and I loved cooking - we gave regular dinner parties for groups of friends, inviting from four to ten people to join us for meals that went for most of the night. Those pig-outs with multiple courses and different wines are some of my happiest memories, and a lot of preparation went into them.

    But it was also nice when everyone else left in the early hours of the morning.
    It wasn't so nice that we were left with a pile of dishes to wash.

  3. You call somebody who didn't get married single. How about people who divorce? back to single again?

  4. I mean that single people who do not have relationship right now.So,divorced people also is single.

  5. So it means people can switch their lives, if they want to have a couple, they get married. If the marriage is not work, they can go back to be single.
    In eastern society, people always look down on divorce women who pass many marriages. In contrast, people rather not blame men if he has many wives at all. I think it's one of most reasons why women don't want to get married. They just go live together without ceremony. If they can't get along with each other, it's easier to separate.


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