Tuesday 23 August 2011

Effect of married and divorced with weight

When I studied at my university, I used to observe and concluded with my friends that having boyfriend or girlfriend can effect to people to gain weight. It concluded from observation and my experience and I believe it is true, so when I saw “Marriage and divorce 'up weight', says stud” in the Health section of BBC news (2011), it make me remind to this topic again and I think that it can support my idea.

The reporter point out that marriage and divorce can stimulate weight gain. This information is from studying of 10,071 people. The researcher compared the BMI (Body Mass Index) of people who married and divorced with other who have just married or single. Women who have just got married were a greatest risk of large weight gains (increasing more than a three point BMI). 33 percents of women who married have higher risk of a small increase in weight (increasing about a three point BMI), 48 percents higher risk of large weight gains and 22 percents of women who have just divorced have higher risk of a small increase in weight. For men, 28 percents of them have more likely to have a small increasing weight, and 22 percents for the men who have just divorced.

Before I will give my opinion about this news, I want to give more information about BMI or Body Mass Index (line 3 in ¶2). It is a standard index for measuring obesity. If you want to calculate your BMI, you can calculate by this formula: weight(kg)/[height(m)]sq and compare your answer with information below.

Underweight: Men 20.7 or less, Women 19.1 or less
Ideal weight: Men 20.7 to 26.4, Women 19.1 to 25.8
Marginally Overweight: Men 26.4 to 27.8, Women 25.8 to 27.3
Overweight: Men 27.8 to 31.1, Women 27.3 to 32.2
Very Overweight or Obese: Men 31.1 to 45.4, Women 32.3 to 44.8
Extremely Obese: Men greater than 45.4, Women greater than 44.8 (Owyoung)

For me, I completely agree with point that married can make people gain weight because it similar with my first thinking. Maybe they are happy with their life after married, or they may think they don’t have to worry about their weight or their shape because they already have partner, so they gain weight. However, I doubt about why people who divorced gain weight because I think they have to sad or mournful, so it might affect them less weight, not gain weight, but maybe they happy with their freedom. :)


Marriage and divorce 'up weight', says stud. (2011, August 22). BBC News. Retrieved August 23, 2011 from http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-14592168

Owyoung, P. How to Calculate Body Mass Index for Men. eHow. Retrieved August 23, 2011 from http://www.ehow.com/how_4867177_calculate-body-mass-index-men.html


  1. "they may think they don’t have to worry about their weight or their shape because they already have partner, so they gain weight. "

    Thank you Pear.
    This line made me smile as I'm enjoying my afternoon coffee and croissant, which I'm doing a bit late today - I usually have a coffee and snack around 5 on days when I finish teaching at 12:30.

    Soon it will be time for dinner, and another hit for my BMI.

  2. Peter,
    this blog, the blogger is Fai not Pear!!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I'm agree with you nongFai,
    marriage makes people gain weight.
    Women or men don't have to worry about their shape or their image. They are busy with works and children.

    Anyways for the reason why divorce causes people fat, in my opinion, they may give up on marriage. Then they turn to enjoy eating, drinking and socializing. That's all I can guess, because I don't have experience about broken heart or divorce at all. :P

  5. Oops.
    Sorry Fai.
    And thank you Golf.

    That's what comes of trying to do too many things at once - multi-tasking makes you do them all badly. But I did OK drinking the coffee and eating the croissant.

    I was also worrying about my thesis statement for the essay I'm writing on Simon. I'm up to version 11 (eleven) now, and I'm still not sure that that sentence is exactly right, but at least now I'm happy that it has my ideas about Simon clearly stated, properly connected, in the right order, and in one sentence. I think this was using up most of my available brain power, so the quick blog response suffered. The thesis statement for Roger was much easier to write, and even the one on the twins, Samneric, wasn't as difficult as the one on Simon. Maybe it's because Simon is my favourite character?

    Anyway, I loved Fai's line about not having to worry once you had caught a partner.

    And now that that thesis statement is finally OK, at least for now (I haven't written the body of the essay to actually support it yet), I can relax and blog at more length.


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