Wednesday 23 August 2017

Big Ben's last bong

What I read 
According to "Big Ben bongs sound for final time for four years," Big Ben, the monumental clock in England, last bong at noon of 21th, August, and will be under maintenance until 2021. The clock's arm would be "dismantled" and the bell knonker would be "locked" Many ones have gone to the street to listen and take a photo with last bong. At the same time, stopping Big Ben bong are being a controversial project in politics. "Health and safety adviser" and "the house of commons" say the object of the silence is to care about worker's hearing and safety must be taken "priority", whereas the UK's prime minister Theresa May and the party argue that it "cannot be right" to silence.

My response 
At first, I'm looking forward to summarizing this news about the Big Big silence. I heard the news many days ago and no one wrote my news then it's a good chance to write this news that I'm interested in. However, to say with honest, I'm very tired of this news. As I thought, it's not hard to understand. But it made me headache with a lot of politics. This isn't the only blog I read today; I read another news about this clock, too, but it's fulled with politic. So I choose this news; anyway, it's still politics. So I've done my summary now. I can relieve now after being crazy with many of those names that I don't know in the news. Those names, I admit that we can't totally get the news and have to read again and again until I know who's them. Fortunately, I know an English man and I could get some information easily. However, he also said it's boring to follow the politics. And I totally agree.

Anyway, let's talk with some thing in the news. I'm interesting in this news and I see that it's a big renovation to silence the Big Ben. We all know Big Ben and I'm sure many ones never hear its sound, as well as me. I suspect the reader might want to hear it; you can click into this news and listen to it. Another thing, I'm really glad I'm not going to England that I wouldn't have a chance to hear the Big Ben.

And then come to the most nervous thing, a lot of politician are in the news. If you want to know how confused I am, I bet you to read, not this news, but this, and try to understand who is who and why he or she does that. It's another one that I say there's a lot of politics. I suspect no one would click to it, but it's a lot more information about this project. If you just read once and don't mind who is who, you would be fine. But as I've done reading this nervous news and understand, I still stuck when I start doing summary.

One thing I tried to find and still don't know is why UK's prime minister Thesera May opposes the silence process. But after I scrolled up and down many time, I think that it's all about politics. And I won't find more about it because it's politics. Moreover, another reason I choose this news, not that news, is because the "question for readers" I could think is nothing more than politic. So what I think, I think one group of politician might see that this silence clock would damage the tourism business and also economy. But for me, I think, as in the news, the safety of worker is "priority" and it's not practical to make the sound in the maintenant progress because for the workers to work, they must stop the clock's bong, and to start again it take half a day(as in the news says). So it must be crazy if they have to stop the sound for work and start the sound again every day.

In conclusion, I would say this news is completely like a trap. You who are reading my writing now might seem I got in trouble inside on my head. And that's it. I hope next time I would scan the news more carefully before reading seriously. But now, let me take a rest; I stuck in this couple of political news for about four hours. If my score for this blog is lesser than any of mine, it's no doubt.


My question for readers 
Do you think it's necessary to stop Big Ben's bong while renovating? Do you think the tourism in England would drop due to this project? If you're about to go to UK, how do you think? Why, do you think, UK's prime minister and a party oppose the silence and insist to continue the bong while maintenance?


  1. Actually, I did click on your link, but I closed it as soon as I found out how long the article was.

    Let's start to answer your question. I really think it is necessary to silence Big Ben for the safety of workers. The loud noise from Big Ben could cause health problems to them if they let it continue to bong. There are a lot more places to attract the tourists such as the Buckingham Palace and Tower Bridge, so I don't think it will affect much for tourism income.

    Anyway, I'm quite sad about this news because I am going to the UK next month, but I have no chance to hear it bong. Poor me. To think positively, It will be under construction for 4 years which is very short period compare to the time it stand without a cover, how lucky I am to have a chance to take pictures with Big Ben in this look.

    1. Yes, it's quite long. But if you start reading it, you will find out it's not too hard to understand, and also not too hard to not get nervous, like me. When I finished this one today and went out to have my hair cut, I glance at the reflection of the car's window; my eyebrow frown automatically like I'm going to kill someone.

      Yes, that's true. How lucky you would have a chance to take pictures with Big Ben in this look. This look will last for only four years, and will come to the same as it was many many years ago. I hope you enjoy taking pictures with it! Again, I do congratulate with you!

  2. If you ask me, I will answer that they should silence the sound. Imagine that you have to hear the sound that can be heard from 4 miles away in a distance less than 50 meters. The power of the sound is very dangerous for the worker. If they have to hear it every 15 minutes, their eardrum will be broken for sure. Even the Big Ben does not bang, the number of tourist might not decrease because they can still go to see other places instead of this enormous clock.

  3. The Big Ben looks nice, but I not certain about its sound. As I understand, it is very old right, so it have to be renovated. So I agree with Thun than they should silence the sound of the Big Ben. Even some people might think about the effect of the tourists but I think it will not affect it at all. If I were in England, I would go that, but I will not wait for its sound.

  4. I've never beeb in England. But, of course I heard a lot about the Big Ben. It's part of history now, and I think it's really important to care about this clock. It's very popular for tourist, and it can be not good for them. This is one of the main symbols of the UK, and this clock has never stopped since it were created.

    1. Everyone, they think that this Big Ben has never been stopped since its creation. But unfortunately, this isn't the first time this clock stop; it was in maintenance in 2007 and between 1983 and 1985 according to this news. So yes, I first thought like that, so this would be some new knowledge for you and everyone.


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