Monday 7 August 2017

Question before reading: "Do we know too much" (pp. 60 - 61)

Before we read 
What are some of your own genetic traits that you feel come from your mother's side of the family? What about your fathers? 

Some areas to think about here include: 

  • abilities 
  • appearance 
  • eyesight
  • height
  • likes
  • personality 

This question is taken from page 60 of Skillful Reading & Writing (Bixby & Scanlon, 2013).   
  • Bixby, J. & Scanlon, J. (2013). Skillful reading & writing: Student's book 3. Oxford: Macmillan Education 


  1. When I think about it, almost all of my characteristics, the things that make me me, have been influence by my parents' genes. The most obvious is appearance: I have the same shaped face as my father, and his loss of hair from an early age. I think my bad eyesight came from my mother's family genes.

    But it isn't just the physical things that have a clear genetically inherited effect: my personality also reflects the same traits that I see in my parents. I'm not very good at socializing, and this is the same as my father and his family, a trait that is unfortunately also shared with my mother, who is often uncomfortable in social situations.

    And when I was in high school, I always thought that my strong abilities in mathematics and science, and thinking generally, were inherited from my father. He did not have the same education that I had, but was brilliant at working things out to create new machinery and so on.

    I have to agree with the mounting research which tells us that the parents genes are the single most important thing in determining what our bodies are like, our intelligence and even our personalities. My own family supports this.

  2. I think most of my genetic traits are came from my father, such as my appearance and height. Everyone say that I look like my father more than my mother. Furthermore, I have normal eyesight like my father, but my mother is nearsighted. However, I also get some appearance from my mother, such as my nose shape.

  3. My height is surely from my mother. She and I are almost the same height. Also, I got a smile from her too.

    Maybe, I got my nose shape from dad. It looks not like exactly the same, but more similar to him than from my mom.

    I'm not sure about my personality, is that really can pass by genetic? I can get easily agry just like my father.

    1. I rather liked Pa's final comment about the possibility of personality being inherited. When I first started learning about genetics and how our inherited genes make us, I thought it meant physical things like height, eye colour, hair, eyesight and so on, but as I leaerned more, I realized that genes play a major role in everything.

      When I thought about it more, this should not have been so surprising. I grew up on a farm, and I knew that dogs inherited personality traits from their parents: angry dogs gave birth to angry puppies who grew up into angry dogs, while friendly dogs gave birth to more friendly dogs, and the same could be seen in our horses and cows - the genes didn't just make the physical bodies, they also made the brains that created the emotions, intelligence and so on. I don't think this means we are our genes, but they certainly have a major effect on every part of making us what we are.

    2. My appearance is looks similar with my mom too!
      And I think the personality would be a little effected by parents instead of passing by genetic because everyone live together will influence others so I think my personality is combined with my Dad's and Mom's characteristic.

    3. My height is from my mom,too.I think it is interesting to know that is personality can be pass by genetic or not.I think i am generous just like my mother.

  4. I like this question.I can talk only about my mom, because I don't know my biological father. But, it looks like I take a lot from my family, probably almost all. I looks like my mom in 80-s, we have same eyesight and height. And - for sure - we like same things. We have a lot in common! If we will talk about abilities, I could say that we also very similar in this. Absolutely, I'm sure that children take a lot from genetic cod of family, for example different types of illness or habits and behaviors.

    1. I think that some abilities can come form genetic, some from your own. Personality, mostly come from how family raise you , I thinks.

  5. First should be appearance because it is genetic. I think got my father's eyes my face's shape from my mother. Mouth and nose, a little bit of both. Height form my father. His's height is about 178 cm. Mine is about 180 cm.

    1. Have you ever thought of any personalities that might come from your father and mother?.

    2. I agree with you that appearance is the best thing to think of when we talking about genetic traits. Eyes and face are usually come up in people's mind at first met. So we often heard other said 'you have got your mother's eyes or your face looks just like your father'.

  6. I am similar to my father in appearance and height, it also come from my mother. My father died when I was young so I quite not sure about my father's personality.
    When I was in high school, I was very hotheaded, apparently, it came from my mother.

    However, I am not similar to both my father and my father in abilities. It show that I can do a lot of things than my parents can.

    1. It looks like we have very similar situation in our life. I also don't know anything about my biological father. But! My upbringing was done by my stepfather, and, for example, I can say that I have a lot from him! A lot of people very often say to us that we looks similar, and I have same likes, and almost same character. So, it looks like not all in our personality comes from genetic.

    2. I also similar to my father in appearance and height too. It might be that these genetic are usually came from father's side. However, I think my personality is came from my father.

    3. I like the word 'hotheaded'. When I was younger than now, I usually be angry and something like that word. But now I try to keep my feeling, try not to blow out every time I want to. That emotion makes me realize that sometime it's not worth than keep with me. However, I still be 'hotheaded' easily but I just try to keep it.

      And something that I'm not same with my parents is my personality. It might same in little aspect, but most of it isn't. When I grow up, I think I'm like a robot in 'terminator', I can think and decide who I want to be. It sound like I'm obedient. It's yes. But not sound like I'm going to be a bad guy. Just try to be myself. But don't judge my a bad guy, I still be a good guy.


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