Monday 14 August 2017

Je t'aime... Me not anymore?

What I read 

In "The erotic songs lost in translation", Cath Pound (2017), says: "many musicians have tried to interpret the French legend Serge Gainsbourg’s songs". It's very complicated to translate popular songs from original language to others. Accordingly to Pound, we know how Jane Birkin, perhaps one of the most interesting women of the 20th century, tries to keep the legacy of her beloved man Serge Gainsbourg and give new life to his songs. Serge was a French composer and singer, he was a very shocking and "brave" hero of his time. He died in 1991. Since then, many musicians have been trying to translate the songs of Gainsbourg into English, but this is not easy, because they lose the "soul of the song". Possibly, only one person can save this - his English ex-wife Jane.


My response 

What do you know about French culture and music? Have you heard any songs of Serge Gainsbourg? I'm absolutely sure that yes. But, maybe you just don't know who is the author of these words and music. I remember one of my favorite movies "Gainsbourg: A Heroic Life" (2010), this is the story of Serdge's life. This is the story about his problems, his victories, his illnesses, attachments and his love. I really believe that this man was a genius. The Jewish boy was born in Ukraine, everyone considered him extremely ugly, and, unfortunately, a non-talented. But anyway, Serge was a self-made person, how is trendy to say now. If you don't believe me, just listen to some of his songs on YouTube. In addition to his talent, he is known for his romances with beautiful women. He had romances with Juliette Greso, Brigitte Bordeaux, Jane Birkin. Unfortunately, Birkin is only famous for the fact that the most expensive model of Hermes bag is named in her honor. Not a lot, isn't it? Gainsbourg and Birkin had a great life: they loved each other, gave birth to children, raised a dog (mini bullterrier), performed many concerts, wrote a lot of songs.

Ginzburg is dead for 26 years, but his songs are with us. He is known primarily as a French singer, and all these years many talented musicians have tried to translate his songs into other languages. Jane Birkin wants to translate them and does it. I have to say that a lot of his songs were very bold and eccentric for the time when they were written. And many songs were dedicated to Jane. She is English. Maybe no one can understand his songs better, and no one can interprete his songs better than her. But I still have a question. Is this really necessary for us? Why? What for? As the example we can see lyrics of the song "Je t'aime... Moi non plus". The song was written for Gainsbourg's girlfriend, Brigitte Bardoux, but her husband didn't allow them to perform this duet. The song was presented to the public only after many years , Serge performed it with his wife Jane Birkin. It made them famous: this song is very bold and erotic. After, the song has been covered hundreds of times: Donna Summer was singing "Love to love you Baby", Pet Shop Boys were singing "I love you – me not anymore", Madonna - "I love either". If you understand a bit of French, you understand that no translation is equal to the original.

French music is beautiful and gorgeous! Songs in the French language are incredible. Exactly the language gives them a special chic. Maybe I think subjectively because I'm in love with French. My opinion is that we should keep the legacy of the author. This man is a legend, and he left to us enough to remember him.


My question for readers 

Do you now any examples of successful translation of famous songs? Do you like covers version? Why is it necessary to translate well-known songs into other languages? What do you think about this story?
  • Pound, C. (2017, August 10). The erotic songs lost in translation. BBC News. Retrieved from


  1. Sorry for size of Questions, I really don't understand how it happened. And I don't know how I can fix it in normal size.

    1. A classmate can probably show you how to correct that tomorrow using Blogger's "Remove formatting" tool, or I can show you. I have to agree that it was a bit of a strain for my deteriorating eyes to read your thoughtful questions.

  2. To be honest, I have never heard any of the Serge Gainsbourg's songs and the cover versions neither. I searched his songs from Youtube and tried to listen, well, I found that I kind of like his songs in cover version by Mathieu Saïkaly. He sings with classic guitar.

    Translation of well-known songs to other language might necessary when people really want to get to understand more about the story and what the singers try to tell. Sometime, only the melody and rhythm are not enough to convey to listeners.

  3. For me, I've also never heard French song and also any translated song. But what you write(present simple: grammar what Peter said, it's on your blog now!) is seem interesting. Then it lead me to search for that song. Unfortunately, I don't understand; the song is something ineffable. Of course, it's because I don't know French.

    However, I know that it's quite important in process of translating song to another language although I don't know any of them. And also, it's not hard to understand why translating French song is very hard to convey truly meaning and emotion exact like the original song. If you know Thai language, you might see a lot of song(but not string song opening in concert) or poet that is quite profound(and that's what we study in school). Our language is also subtle and also hard even for us to understand. But, that is something like our heritage. So I would say it's necessary because when you translate in one language to another language, it is like transferring that culture.

  4. It was not until I read your essay that I listened to Serge Gainsbourg's songs. His songs are very beautiful and were composed of old style sound. In my free time, I very enjoy finding some old songs to listen, and his song is the favourite one I found.

    France is one of the influential cities in the music world, I also know some France bands. I also fall in love with their music. Their electronic music is the best, especially; Draft punk, Air, M83

    I think that there is now reason to translate his songs to others language. It no needs to do that. I think lyrics are not the most important parts of the music. But It is the combination of the sound, music instruments, mixing, voice. if there had lost one of them it might not have been the song that attractive us.

  5. I'm so happy that my essay help to open new music and new name for some people. It looks for me that I'm not wasting my time and writing these essays. I'm a little surprised that you've never heard the songs of Gainsburg, for me It's a classic of "shanson". I seriously think about this issue now. Maybe for me this music is familiar, because the culture of Russia and France is very closely related. Anyway, that's very interesting, and I have to check that (maybe ask some of my friend from other countries).

  6. I don't know much about French culture and music however I think French language is very beautiful due to its sound and tone. Why many artists like translating famous songs to their language might be because they want to share that of amazing songs to other people and wake up them again to new generation. Translating song provide new dimension and aspect to an audience. Meaning might be distorted from the original one however each person interprets and defines meaning of artwork differently because it is related to emotion, feeling and experience. Mostly, I prefer listening an original version song.


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