Saturday 5 August 2017

To be or not to be?

What I read 

 In the article "A long engagement: Weddings waiting for marriage equality", (2017) the author considers a very serious problem of our days. The problem of gay marriage is widespread in Australia, and, of course, in all over the world. A lot of people live together for a long time and they can't legalize their relationship, because that is prohibited in their country. The author gives us several examples of different couples, and for each couple the marriage is very important. Unfortunately, government laws don't allow this. The law allowing same-sex marriage is really necessary, but the vote takes time and a lot of money, and hate campaigns develop. And we can't ignore that by now more Australians have considerably increased their support for same-sex marriage. Many people are waiting for the adoption of this law because that could change their lives and, of course, this law will allow equalizing the rights of same-sex couples.

My response 

Many years ago it was illegal to be a gay. For example, in "The Imitation Game" (2014) movie we can see one of the saddest stories of that time. But life changes, and now we can already talk about legalization of same-sex marriage. And, you know, I think that this problem can be the easiest problem of LGBT society in the world. So, I know that the problem is important for Australians gay couples, and Australia is very developed country, where civil rights and freedom are highly valued. But I'm from Russia, and, unfortunately, I know another side of same-sex affair problems. In case of you are a same-sex couple in Russia - you have just only one real problem: how to keep your  freedom, health and even life. In Russia a person must carefully hide that he/she is gay. And I know some couples who choose to change citizenship and leave everything behind in Russia, but they would be together and they don't hide their feelings from society. This is very interesting question for me, but for a long time I can't understand why is Russian society closed? 

However, this is not all. Have you heard about Chechnya? I have found that this place is, probably, the most dangerous area in Russia. So, in Chechnya STILL has at least six secret prisons for gays. And, if you are a gay... It looks like you don't have any chance to be alive. Of course, the republic has very strict laws, and nobody cares about  people feelings. I also can say that in Chechen Republic your family (father and brothers) may kill you if they assume that you are gay. And this isn't regulated by any laws in the Russian Federation! It's scary, but it's the reality. And we have only one chance to help these people: to draw the world's attention to the problem.

All in all, I want to say that all people can love, and that isn't important whom. I absolutely support same-sex couples and same-sex marriages. And I'm happy that everything in our lives does not stand still: 50 years ago we could not even think about same-sex marriage. I hope that in 50 years this would be normal. Our life is changing, moral is changing and - for sure - laws are changing too. And in my opinion our society has to give a chance for ordinary life to all people, without any "but".

My question for readers 

What do you think? Do you support LGBT society? Do you support same-sex marriage? Do you think is it a good idea to legalize a same-sex marriage in Thailand?


  • A long engagement: Weddings waiting for marriage equality. (2017, August 4). BBC News. Retrieved from
  • Novaya Gazeta: Chechnya has at least six secret prisons for gays. (2017, April 24). Meduza news. Retrieved from
  • The Real Russia. Today. A journalist is threatened for reporting millions spent on helicopters; a Krasnodar judge’s daughter gets married in style (and controversy); and Ramzan Kadyrov is laughing about LGBT people. (2017, July 17). Meduza news. Retrieved from


  1. I wish the cowardly Australian politicians would do the right things and legalize same-sex marriage, which the majority of the Australian people want. Of course, it is not the right thing because a majority want it, but my countries political leaders don't even have the bad excuse that it's unpopular with the people.

    I guess that they are afraid of the anger of religious types since it is commonly religion and religious belief that is the cause of such morally bad laws against people. I remember that when I was growing up in Australia a few decades ago, my schools were all Catholic schools and the teaching was that being gay or lesbian was evil and against God's laws. Indeed, so strong was the religious hate for homosexuality that it was probably better to be a murderer than to be gay or lesbian.

    Happily, things have changed amazingly quickly in Australian society, I suspect for one main reason. Gay men started to come out in increasing numbers from the late 1970s on, so that many families knew that it had gay and lesbian members, and that the gays and lesbians were as good as anyone else. This coincided with a healthy decline in Australians believing in religion, and as religion decreases, good morals usually increase.

    In the late 1970s and early 80s, homosexual sex was still illegal in Australia, and only started changing in the late 1980s, but social attitudes changed very quickly, and it is now almost certain that before the end of this year, same-sex marriage will be legal in Australia, which shows amazing social progress over the past thirty years.

    And yes, I think Thailand should also bring its old-fashioned marriage laws into accord with good morals.

    1. Yes, I totally agree with you. But I'm afraid that for Russia 30 years isn't enough. I think we are going now in the opposite direction.

  2. I think the problem of gay marriage is still haven't been solved in most of the country.I was really surprised that in Australia government laws don't allow this.Because I thought they were open thought about same-sex couples and same-sex marriage.

    In Taiwan,the law of same-sex marriage has just been allowed.Before the government agree same-sex marriage,there were lots of protest demonstration.In my opinion,there is no reason to prohibit gay to get married.Everyone has the rights to decide the person who they want to marry with,no matter male or female.However,there are still some disagreement about same-sex couples and same-sex marriage.I think no matter you agree or disagree,we still have to respect them.


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