Saturday 5 August 2017

Fierce or funny predator?

What I read 

According to “Mighty T.rex ‘walked rather than sprinted’”(2017), University of Manchester scientists have calculated the speed of T.rex, ‘everyone’s favorite dinosaur’. Research suggests that although this carnivore could run 30km/h with its strong muscle, its speed drops to 20km/h when considering a ‘highly realistic model’ with skeleton strength assessed; otherwise, its weight would snap its legs. Prof William Sellers says running is impossible in T.rex but not all of them. It means that small one is fast but as it’s bigger, it becomes slower and might change its hunting style. Then he concludes that running isn’t tendency manner being found in massive predatory dinosaurs. Finding tells scientists a lot in ‘its hunting style’ and how life is in the Cretaceous.

My response 
As I was finding one of many interesting news to read, I stopped at this topic, finding it interests me that, actually, T.rex isn't running as I know it. I saw T.rex in many films and its posture is likely to run and hunt its prey fiercely, and many ones must agree with me. It is a very strong dinosaur and it's not fine to be next to it.

After I had read almost half of this news, the picture of T.rex in my head wasn't as frightful as the beginning, but it is kind of funny animal. I understand that this kind of dinosaur doesn’t run as it tells me, so what is in the films mightn’t correspond with the finding. Then I thought of T.rex in the movie I had seen whether it was running or just walking in hasty step. It was quite a long time since I had seen T.rex in the movie. I couldn’t remember much, so I tried to imagine both running and walking T.rex. Then I found that, with its huge size and scary face, both walking and running are something that seems dangerous if it is T.rex. And that took the horrible hunting predator's picture back. It is still not good to know that it is outside my window. Then I doubted if it is really not fast, and it is. After I had finished reading, the article reminded me that its low speed, 20km/hr, exceeds human ability when compared with fastest runner's speed. Therefore, the T.rex in my head is now what I imagine before reading. The article just tells me the speed of T.rex, but it isn’t slow. Even though it says that running is impossible in 'hunting predator', T.rex's walking speed is still faster than me. It might change the way I think of their motion just from both walking and running to just walking, but, not all of them, finding says small T.rex is still fast, that is running.

For me, it is just my little new knowledge about the number of its speed, but it didn’t amaze me as much as I hope after I read the whole of it. However, for the scientists, this finding is very useful for them, helps them to get more information about what dinosaur life is like, grows the advancement in science, and clues paleontologist to further study. It is interesting to see how is dinosaur world. The more we study, the clearer picture we see.

My question for readers 
Do you think T.rex still be a 'scary creature'? I mean the big one that doesn't run anymore.

1 comment:

  1. I thought for a moment that Melon had ruined the idea of these giants sprinting after human prey in the Jurassic Park series of films, in which mad scientists bring dinosaurs back to life by using DNA preserved in amber for millions of years, supplemented by some frog DNA when the ancient genes were not complete, but those stories were never very believable anyway. I think they will be as much fun as ever, but now we know a lot more about our relatives of 100 million years ago than we did before.

    As usual, I'm amazed at what we can learn about the world through science, which continues to progress at faster and faster rates.

    In the meantime, the best stories are not harmed by our increasing knowledge, we just know that some things in them are fantasy not reality, and that is not a big problem in a well-told story.


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