Tuesday 22 August 2017

Developing Critical Thinking (Bixby & Scanlon, 2013, p. 79))

What we read 
We have just read and answered questions on "Making a Difference". Now, we want to do the critical thinking exercise. 

Question for readers 
Write a comment responding to these questions on page 79 of Skillful (Bixby & Scanlon, 2013). 

  • Describe your reaction to William's story. How do you think the attitudes of the people in his village changed after his success?
  •  What words would you use to describe William's personality? Do you (or does someone you know, not someone you know of) share any of these traits? Which ones? 

  • Bixby, J. & Scanlon, J. (2013). Skillful reading & writing: Student's book 3. Oxford: Macmillan Education 


  1. I like this story, and I can say more - I love a lot of same stories. I like to believe in people, because I think in our days we have a serious problem. That problem is quality of people. How many people do you know? I think - a lot. And how many of them try to change something in our life? Who try to change our planet for better way? Who try to create something new for humanity. Or, who care about life in your city or your village. I think that only one person can do a lot!
    I think a good word here is "persistent". If a person can go to a goal, if a person really want to go to this goal, falls will not stop him. And we have to believe. We have to believe in our goal, and believe in yourself.

  2. I think he is a very ambitious man that never give up even if many people around insulted him. If I were in his situation, I would be also angry at those who insulted me because actually I were going to help them but why do they have to look down on me, that's really bad of them; maybe I would change my mind not to help them, but only my family.

    So every people who had insulted him came another men/women after he proved that he could really do. Everyone ran to his house wanting him to help them, too. So, of course, everyone must think that he's really cool, or maybe someone might feel jealous of him.

    So a word to describe him is ambitious. In fact, he's more than that but I can't think about the word to describe all his good trait.

    Sadly, now I can't think about person whom I know and being like this guy making windmill. Actually, I know many ones who are ambitious but I think none of them has successed the biggest achievement like him.

  3. William's success encourages people in the village to not give up your goal and intention although everyone believes that you are unable to achieve it. Moreover, his achievement demonstrates to other people in the village that you can change your life. Growing up in tough and inadequate environment doesn't mean that your entire life will be this forever. You can change it by your ability, determination and spirit.

    Determination is the best word to describe William. Without determination, he will not be able to overcome his obstacles such as poverty and lack of education

  4. My first reaction is WOW this is wonderful and encourage me to make thing impossible possible. In reverse if he was not doing who else was gonna do and see how their life have changed. It's show the power of education and admiration, if one people strongly has passion in one thing and never give up their can change their world and might be because his neighbors underestimated him became one reason that push him to succeed.

    At the moment I have no idea who William's reminded me of but his personality : a person who lack of opportunity, who never give up and face the risk bring him out his personal legend and bring more good things to the world.

  5. After I read his story, I think that he has a very good science skill and creativity. He can create a windmill without any a blueprint and the method. Moreover, he use scratches that no one need to make it and achieve his goal. It makes the people in his village change their mind about him because he can built a thing that they don't think he can finish.

    If I have to describe about him, I would use a word "creative" because he can create a windmill from a picture, knowledge and his imagination.

  6. After I have read William's story, it shows that he has an attitude that crucial to follow from. He had never given up from any restrictions. I aw quite surprised of how young he was when he invited his first windmill. His story make me thing of myself when I was in the same age as he was. I think people in the village might feel a little bit sad due to their rejection of William's idea. I admire him very much that he keep doing what he believe. I think he is kind of positive person. It is one type of personalities that people should have to reach their goals.

  7. What William had done is every amazing and helpful. It makes a huge development for his homeland and brings up the better life for people in his village.
    After his success, the villagers will be very happy and full of joy. They must be pround of him, a boy who brings their hope of happier life. They will learn that every problemscan besolved if they not give up.

    William is an ambition person and a fighter who never gives up his dreams. He is also a positive man, his good attitude made him succeed.

  8. William's story absolutely inspired me and he also reminds me of a sentence my high school teacher said " If you don't have the reaction to do something it doesn't matter but if you do it, it will make you more different."
    I always keep this sentence in my mind because when I was indecisive to do something or make decisions indecisively and even encounter some obstacles. It is the sentence that cheer me up to move on.

    If William gave up studying by himself in the library he would not find the way to build the windmill so he would not be succeed now. What's more, it is his ambition, determination, and never care about other's thoughts to make him more different and complete this achievement.

  9. I think the people in William's village changed their attitude immediately after his success. Before he complete the first windmill, everyone thought he was a crazy guy and did not support his idea of helping the village.
    I think the one word to describe his personality is his positive attitude that anyone can not let him give up from making windmill. His ambition and determination main reason why make him success.


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