Thursday 31 August 2017

Study Skills - online sources (Bixby & Scanlon, p. 86)

What we read 
One focus of our class this term has been learning to use sources, and the Study Skills for Unit 8 (p. 86) discusses selecting and evaluating online sources (Bixby & Scanlon, 2013). 

Question to respond to in a comment 
How many times a week do you use the Internet for these activities?

  • to get the news
  • to find out about historical events
  • to do research for a school paper or project
  • to get ideas for places to go on vacation
  • to get driving diections
  • to do other things
Have you ever found information that was untrue or incorrect on the Internet? How did you find out? What was the result? 

Why do you think it is important to check the reliability of information you find on the Internet? 

  • Bixby, J. & Scanlon, J. (2013). Skillful reading & writing: Student's book 3. Oxford: Macmillan Education 


  1. I use internet sources a lot every day.
    Yes, sometimes i found incorrect information on the Internet.
    usually i check a few sources to find information, and check everything all the time.
    Which result do you mean here?
    Yes, I think it's very important.

  2. Although Skillful was published in 2013, which is not terribly long ago, I kept thinking as I read the list of examples of things we might look for as being a bit dated. Perhaps in 2013 it wasn't normal to get the news, do research, find out about holiday places and so on online, but in 2017, I do all of those things only online and most of them on a daily basis. if I want to check a quick fact, I use Google, whether I'm sitting in front of my computer at home, or walking down the street, in which case I whip out my phone, say "OK Google" and then tell is what to search for. And I do lots of other things online every day, from reading novels, to banking, to contacting friends and creating my lessons for students. I wonder how much more of my life will be online in a few more years.

    Of course, I've found lots of things online that are wrong. Facebook is a rich source of falsehoods and worse. Some of my friends, especially a couple of relatives, are in the habit of sharing amazing stories or amazing warnings from the police and so on: these are almost always lies. I don't think my sisters, aunts and others are liars, but the people who create and post these things must know that they have no foundation in reality. i have sometimes done the research and replied to correct my dear friends unfortunate habit of believing things merely because they saw it come from a friend that they like. I like my relatives and friends, but I'm not sure that that makes them reliable sources of information.

    But I've also believed things that turned out to be false. For example, for a long time, I thought that the French philosopher Voltaire was the source of the idea that "to know who your oppressor is, look at who the law does not let you criticize." In fact, this excellent and true idea has a much later origin from an American thinker. I think I believed it because it is certainly the sort of thing that Voltaire has said in his works that I've read. I learned it was wrong when I wanted to use it in a piece of work, so did the research to find our exactly where Voltaire had said that those whom we may not criticize are our true oppressors: I couldn't find it, but I did find information about its real, but less famous, source.

  3. I usually use internet to get the news everyday. I follow many news websites. When the news is come out, I can know it immediately. I also look for the information about the historical events and places to go on vacation 2 or 3 times a week because I am interest in these things.

    When I read the information in the internet, I found that there are many website post the wrong information because articles on the internet can be written by anyone. So it might be the person who misunderstood the information who write it. I can know that it is wrong when I compare it with other websites or books. As the result, I need to find information from other websites.

    It is very important for me to check the reliability of information because I usually find news. If they have a wrong information about news, I will misunderstand too. So I have to use the website which is reliable.

    1. Sometime, news on the Internet makes problems in our society because it is easily and quickly spread out without checking whether it is correct or not. If it is right, that's fine, but if it doesn't, then there will be problem because many people have already judge at the first time they read the news.
      Moreover, it is not just about right or wrong, we should think to present it in appropriate way and language, especially, for crime news. Lately, I have seen a lot of crime news presented with horror uncensored pictures, for example, headless body and faces of women who were raped. This act does not pray respect for victim of crime.

  4. I sometimes look for the news and that's the assignment here; I also look for some of them when they are a lot interesting, so I spend my time for this activity just about two or three times a week. Also, as I hate reading and stuff like history, I never read them. And I'm studying now but not in college or highschool: just the language, so I never do reserch or any paper. That's very lazy of me because other things I do and that's the huge part of my life now is just about my freetime. However, I spend a lot of time in learning English even if I'm at home. So it's hard to answer how many times because it's most of my time.

    I often see the fake news on internet such as facebook. How do I find it is I like to surf on them and they contain with those news. The result is I might panic with the news something shocking and sometimes can be harmful to another one in case of the fake news that blame some superstar. However, I hardly believe those news and find it ridiculous; I'm not too serious with them. So yes, how it is important is obvious; you should get the correct information; no one like to be frustrated with those fake news. If you want to know what's going on, you should find out in reliable media, not like facebook or something like this.

  5. I spend time the most to use the internet do other things such as watching Youtube and using social medias. I think at least 3 hours a day. I sometimes use the Internet for getting direction when I drive to where I have never been to before. It is very useful and convenient. When I was a student, researching is very important for doing assignment therefore I used the Internet a lot to look for information and ideas. I don't much use the internet for getting news and historical events because they are not my interest. And finding a place for travelling on the internet is a good idea in my opinion because nowadays there are people who are called travel blogger, review their trips which I think it is very cool and I normally read it to get an amazing place where I should visit.

    1. It interests me when you mentioned about using the Internet as a tool for finding the place to go, it is something I always do as well when I want to find a particularly interesting place to go.

      But something it is not reliable too as well because in some review it took place a long time ago, or when we visit the place it not look like in the picture they show in the review at all. I think people once face this situation before. Additionally, its detail sometimes not correct such as the price for the accommodation cost, bus ticker etc. So I sometimes avoid using travel blogger as a useful tool for my trip. I usually go to the official website of what particular thing I want to know. For instance, If I want to know about the cost of the train from the city to another city, in the review might say differently from the official site, so I trust the second one, or I call them asking or emailing for the real information.

      I think whatever on the Internet is unreliable. Even something very simple, so we should consider what we looking for thoughtfully.

    2. Actually, I seldom use the internet to search about history and news, too. Except it relative to my homework. It is really common that everyone use internet to search some new or secret place to go. I often searching some significant view that maybe I could go by myself. Maybe sometimes the information is not correct, I think I love adventure no matter it is not reliable.

  6. I use internet to source my interest things quite often. And often I found that was untrue by first, experiences yes self experiences could be wrong. Second, when I really want to know about thing in the internet I choose to compare the information from many sources and it is important to check because you can misunderstood about things for the rest of your life or you can be trick by people who use internet in bad way. For example, if you are a traveler you can get lie by the fake booking website, not only lost your money but also your time and your enjoyment. Learn from the past, history events, from the past story can change and rewrite by the winner so check from many sources is useful maybe books not just in the internet.

  7. Actually,searching on the internet for those activities really took me most of time a week. No matter eating or any free time I use the internet.
    I often find lots of fake or untrue information, because everyone can use the internet to make fake information. I finally find out usually when I am in school and asking the correct information from my teacher or my classmates.
    I think it is important to check the reliability of information because if we do not check it correct, we will misunderstanding of the information that we have search on the internet. It is really important to check it reliability, because internet is the main source that we get the information.

    1. I have same problem (but may be I think that this is my problem). I use the Internet very-very often, sometimes I think that whole my live is on the Internet. I have to study on the Internet, I work every day on the Internet. To be honest, sometimes I hate my phone and my laptop (especially in hight season). Every day I have to know about economical situation in Russia and in Thailand, I have to check all exchange rates. I have been working in tourism for four years, and all this time I work online. Plus, I work as a travel journalist. I have to look for a lot of different information for my articles on the Internet. And I have check all information at list few times.

    2. In fact, nowadays, the Internet takes us the most of time if I have some problems need to be solved,I will search on the Internet first.
      But there are many unreal information on the Internet now as everyone can write their comment on the website such as there are lots of reporters in order to appeal the readers, they use the fake title to attract the readers and the content in the news is totally different from the title so it is really important for us to check the information and consider it carefully.

  8. I usually get the news on the Internet almost everyday as it is very convenient for me to receive the latest news on my cellphone and even go abroad I still can get the news which happened in my country,moreover,it is also can receive foreign news on the Internet and nowadays it is even more faster than the TV news.

    But,there are still lots of wrong information on the Internet,for an example,I used to find the directions and shops on the google map after I arrived the directions the google map led me,I find myself get the wrong directions and the shop even disappeared.
    I think maybe the information on the Internet has a long time not to update which always make people mislead.Therefore,checking the reliability on the Internet is an important part to me after I got the information on the Internet as there are too many resources on the Internet and I don't know which one is real so I always double check and find other similar information to make it sure.

  9. I have found a lot of fake news, especially, on the Internet. At first sight, It looks like a excited news from me but after taking time considering the news I found It shows that it is a fake news. In other hand, I quite really enjoy fake news. It's fun, and also give me a new perspective, but it is still a fake news. Some people also say like it is a alternative fact.

    It is imperative that we check the reliability of information you found on the Internet. In academic term, we, usually, use information to support our papers, and It is important that the information we use should be true and reliable. Nowadays, people use a lot of information from the Internet, which is convenience and various. In the same time, It's very hard to notice which one is true or fake.

  10. I use the Innternet to search for information almost everyday.Sometime, the infomation I got makes me confuse becouse I always looks for it from more than one source and sometime they give differience answers. If that happens, I will search for more from the reliable sources, for example, If I looks for the heritage site informaton, I will search from the Fine Art Department website.
    It is important to check the reliability of information I found on the Internet because on the internet, any people can post any information which can be untrue. Therefore, it is a good idea to check it before we use or believe in that information.

    1. I agree that finding too many different information confuses you(it's also me), but that's good thing to know that one of those source is fake and you're going to be aware and check the truly one. In contrast, if you can find only one source about that news and can't find other, you're not going to know that is real or fake. However, if you find just one source like I say, I'm kind of worried that it's also a fake news because the one with real information, I think, should be reported by many source.

      Anyway, there're many reliable source of news to surf such as BBC news. But however, like paypal and facebook(I saw those scam one), they can be some fake website about the news, too. So anyway we should always awake and sometimes use our sense.


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