Friday 18 August 2017

High Blood Pressure

 Doctor giving health advice

What I read
According to "Fat but fit still risk heart disease"(2017), the research says that people who are overweight or obese have high risk of heart disease.The researchers studied health data showed us that normal blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels were no assurance of good heart health among obese people.After traced a period of more than 12 years, 7,637 of  people in the study had developed heart disease.Weight is also the main risk factor;in the study,people who were overweight or obese readings were about 28% more likely to develop heart disease than similar readings and a healthy body weight.

My response 
When I read this article, I was surprised that overweight might have caused high blood pressure. Before I read, I thought it is only happened in a person who is getting older. The effects of an unhealthy lifestyle can build up than your blood pressure could increased. I think this research is close to our life.If other members in our family have high blood pressure, or have had, it might be high risk to get blood pressure.Furthermore, people may be easier to become overweight when the economy continues to grow constantly. Along with the increasing income of people, they have more high consuming power. If they have an ability to purchase more food, they might eat more than they can eat to satisfy their desire of eating. In many countries, heart disease can be a serious problem, because there are too many people have high blood pressure.

As the research says blood high pressure often increases as weight increases. However, being overweight also can cause disrupted breathing while you are sleeping. So the most important way to avoid increasing blood pressure is to lose weight, it is one of the most effective lifestyle changes for controlling high blood pressure. The other way is to eat a healthy diet that is rich in the whole grains, fruits, vegetables. It is really important to take care of our health when we are young. If we have already overweight, it is hard to recover to our regular weight. Although overweight may not be increasing the risk of heart disease directly, we still have to control our weight. It is a way to prevent increased blood pressure and high glucose from happening.


My question for readers 

What do you think? Is it essential for us to focus on high blood pressure now? 



  1. Yes, of course, it is vital to pay attention to high blood pressure, which is one the underlying health problem people are facing. I think that it is very hard to notice this problem because eating is something that most people quite happy with, and it is hard to notice the bad aspect of eating while we are happily eating.

    I have never thought about how an economy could affect eating habit of people. as you said, The more money you have, the more food you eat. It sounds interesting.

    In my opinion, the solution to this problem is very simple, people should force themselves to stop eating and do more exercise in order to control their weight.

  2. I think many factors are related to our health. And it's good to take care of yourself. But for me, I never be too nervous about eating. But usually, I never like to eat anything strange or anything that people don't tend to eat.

    However, we should acknowledge that exercising is never bad for health and it provide our healthy body. I think everyone know this, but not everyone do this.

    To sum up, being aware of your health is good. I agree that eating with carelessness might give you an unhealthy body. But, for me, I won't be too fussy with what I'm eating. On the other hand, I think exercising regularly is more important. And if you are obese that means you don't exercise.

  3. To be honest, overweight is the cause of a large number of diseases, and high blood pressure is one of them. Fighting with overweight it is fighting for our health. And we have to start right now. I'm very happy that now a healthy lifestyle is a trend. The new generation spends time in a gym, chooses healthy food, does not consume alcohol. This is cool. If you give your health a little more time, then we can avoid many diseases. If you pay more attention to your diet - you can cure many diseases. And don't forget that a man is what he eats.

  4. My response as I read Sharon's informative summary and thoughtful response were a bit different to the others. I was wondering what this means for society, specifically, whether laws should be made up to control the harms that come from obesity.

    If we think it is acceptable to criminalize, for example, heroin or yss baa because the personal use of such things imposes social costs, then the same must be true of foods that cause obesity and the related health problems which cause serious burdens on health systems, reduce productivity, destroy families with early deaths, and so on. It appears that chocolate cake should be illegal, that the producers and dealers in candy and soda should be sentenced to decades in prison, and that that sugar producers should be executed like many societies still treat a lot of drugs that are unpopular with the people who make up the law and with citizens who do not think too carefully about the reasons given for such laws.

    Personally, I think we should we allowed to decide to enjoy some unhealthy chocolate cake or delicious fatty pork, but being consistent, I also think that there is no moral justification for stopping people drinking champagne, shooting heroin, or taking yaa baa, however harmful to them personally, just as my fondness for rich chocolate cake does not do my health any good.


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