Monday 28 August 2017

Developing Critical Thinking, 2 (Bixby & Scanlon, 2013, p. 82)

What I read 
Bixby and Scanlon's second pair of critical thinking prompts on page 82 asks us to make use of the contrasting ideas in the two readings "Making a Difference" (2013, p. 79) and "Most Likely to Succeed" (p. 81). 

Questions to respond to 
Choose one only of these questions to respond to in your comment.
  • Who is the most successful person you know? How did they achieve their success?
  • Write about an idea you have that you have not yet followed through. What stopped you? 

  • Bixby, J. & Scanlon, J. (2013). Skillful reading & writing: Student's book 3. Oxford: Macmillan Education 


  1. The most successful person I have known is my aunt, she was born in a poor family. She has never gained a good education, but she has never stopped working. She works since she was a kid until she entered the company, she always tells me that there are two things that push her here.

    First, Honesty, she thinks it is very important, to be honest with your co-workers, and also to yourself. As a manager of the company, she has to deal with a lot of money. She is very good at it, and she writes down money the company use for everything.

    Second, Diligence, as I said, she never stops working, and keep moving into her dream without thinking about anything else. she told me. if I have diligence I can do any thing I want.

    However, There are sometimes that I have not achieved. It is playing musical instruments. When I was young I learn many kinds of musical instruments, but I did not master it. When I was in the university, I was in the band with my friends they help me a lot in order to make me in the band, I tried very hard, and finally, I can play in the concert with my friends, after I finished the university I stop playing it and now I forgot everything I have learned from my friends. It is like temporary skills for me. I prefer to spend my time reading rather than practicing musical instruments. Nowadays, I have to learn two languages, so I have no time to concentrate on another thing.

  2. My husband is the best example for me. I honestly can say that he is one of the most successful people I know. So, when he was 20 he graduated one of the best universites in Russia. Аt the age of 21 he headed the department in a large company. In 22 years he left everything in Russia and went to live in Thailand. He was able to create a travel company that is constantly growing and developing. Now we are working together, and all the time we are trying to expand our borders. In addition, he is a professional climber and mountaineering guide. So, I'm very proud of him. But all of that is not easy. I know how much time he spends on the computer. He is very hardworking and purposeful. He works for 16-18 hours a day, and he does not know how to rest. And he reads a lot and constantly learns something. It is usually expensive to pay for success.

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  4. In my opinion,being successful means when you achieve your goal you will be satisfied with what you did so everyone can be successful.

    I think the most successful person is Zhuang Zhu,Yu-Nyu who is a respectful women to Taiwanese.In the early year of Taiwan,it was hard to lead a normal life.You might have a job but you just earn a little money so it is hard to lead a life, and even no need to mention about having a family, it will makes you become quite penniless.
    Therefore,she used to offer free bento to the workers and she even offer warehouse to let them have a shelter. Because of the great cost, each bento became 10 dollars but it is still cheap.(nowadays,each bento costs about 70 dollars,but actually the value of money is different before and now) With this event,10 dollars will cast into her imagine after she passed away.

    Although she knows that she would not get any payback and she even cannot afford the money afterwards, she still insists on doing this good deed until she get stroke.
    To sum up,It is her devotion to people makes our society warmer and fragrant as well as making everyone respect her which makes me think it is a real success.

  5. I'll talk about one of my plan that I hope to do but not now which is becoming professional in drumming. As I says in my first assignment to tell about what I'm interested in, I really like to play drum and try to be expert like many musician today.

    And of course I choose to write it here, it must be the one I haven't followed yet. The reason is now I'm studying for my degree which is more important than playing drum, and also I have many thing to do(which I love to do), such as improving my English and many other. So now I don't have much time to spend on this. Anyway, I never throw this idea away and I usually play drum when I'm free.

    Therefore, I'm waiting for my graduation and that time I have no worry about anything, just work and do my hobby. And that time I'm going to spend most of my time to improve this skill.


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