Monday 21 August 2017

Coffee Meets Bagel

What I read 
In the article "Why we should listen to Jane Austen in the age of Tinder" (2017) and "If Jane Austen characters used dating apps" (2017) H. Anderson and S. Galer S. suggest about Jane Austen,one of the most British's writer, dating guru, marriage market or husband-hunting from early 19th century in England according to her characters in Pride and Prejudice. Comparing socioeconomic dating from 200 years ago with digital dating searching for love in nowadays, gentleman used to takes a lady's hand (under a layer of glove) to the dance floor have a conversation between dancing to know each other instead of dating through TV reality or use dating apps to find the love of their life. Today people are more likely to get marry at the age of 37 than teenager engagement like the past and their divorce is impossible.             

My response 
Nowadays, technology became part of our life more convenient and more flexible. Talk about women population, it is seem to be a majority in every century and country. Once again, I more likely to agree with Jane Austen about romance rules of dating but think reverse if the characters used Tinder or Coffee Meets Bagel, I think many of the character would be single because in past unmarried couple would never allow to spend time together. They know each other at The Ball but if they have social media as today this world would be a lot of changing and we won't be have The Disney love's stories, fairies tales, daydreaming about Prince Charming and the gentlemen and gentlewoman rules.

First, after I've read Pride and Prejudice I desire a Mr.Darcy in my life but it more likely impossible to happened because I'm also one of a woman with prejudice and because most of literature base on circumstance in each time line but if they have dating apps in that age this story would be hilarious. Think about 200 years marriage is about life time stability and wealth being of young lady, as a matter of fact because they were not allowed to work but housework. But time changes people changes women have more characters and have occupations became importance part of organization. Second, in past we could say "A woman, without her man, is nothing" but now I rather say "A woman : without her, man is nothing" today we can see a power of punctuation than yesterday. However, nobody want to be lonely and I agree that dating application more likely become useful but this kind of love, could it be last long? for personally, I think I appreciate the old fashion rather than talking with the screen through the text, alphabet can not express the personal emotion but the reader instead it could be bad or good, unlike first impression by facing. I want to talk about the disadvantage of digital dating at first it could be beautiful love story in less case it could cause young parents situation. Furthermore, some people use this technology to make more crime such as kidnapping to organs stolen for black market.                  

Why should we listen to Austen? This is the most interesting question to me because we were remarkably respectful in the past. Yes, I mean girls, women and ladies and I strongly believe that we still. In contemporary world we can march with old school to show our reputation than what they call "Net Idol", girls with crazy behaviors in purpose of men attended need. Time changes things changes, it is a rule of nature but we don't have to change everything.      

My question for readers 
What do you think about digital dating? Would you try if you has a change? Do you have any idea about future romance dating,what would it be in the next 200 years? 
  • Anderson, H. (2017, August 7 ). Why we should listen to Jane Austen in the age of Tinder. BBC News. Retrieved from
  • Galer, S.S. (2017, August 10). If Jane Austen Characters used dating apps. BBC News. Retrieved from


  1. Since I think that Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice is the best novel ever written in English, I liked Bo's choice of news story to summarize and discuss. I had already read both of these articles, and enjoyed them: they are fun. The writers, especially of "If Jane Austen characters used dating apps", assume that readers are familiar with Austen's characters, but having seen one of the film versions is probably enough.

    And as Bo notes, in Austen, not all is wonderful in Disney style - there is, for example, the permanently vain and stupid Lydia who follows after her ridiculous mother in desperately grabbing any man who will marry her, even the wicked Mr. Wickham. Her deep understanding of human beings and society contributes to making all of Austen's novels great works of literature that easily survive the centuries.

    Life was, indeed, very unfair for women 200 years ago when the rule of law enforced morally ugly sexism to keep those lowly women in their proper places, just as the law today is often used to keep an unjust status quo in place to benefit elites who deserve neither respect nor the riches and impunity that corrupt law gives them.

    Perhaps one of the enduring values of great literature is that, however different our society from the one it describes, it can tell us something important about our own situation. This is also one of the reasons I admire the much more ancient Homer, a valued source of Western culture these last 3,000 years.

    Thank you Bo for some stimulating reading to respond to with my morning coffee.

  2. I also very, very like Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, and i like the film Pride & Prejudice (2005). Of course, i also read both of these articles in BBC news. And I thought I'd write about it, but in the Monday morning Bo said me that she had already chosen this article.
    And I have to say, that I'm agree with both of you.
    So, to be honest I don't know anything about digital dating. And Tinder - what is it? I heard that it's something very popular, but I don't know exactly what it is. And if we'll talk about next 200 years... I don't have any idea. Life is changing, every year, every day, every minute. But I'm very interesting to know what wait for us.

  3. I have never finished reading any Jane Austen book because it is written with very difficult (but beautiful) language so that I'm not ready to read it for now. However, I adore her work by watching films those are based on her novels. Also, I have watched the Becoming Jane film which is based on her life so that make me adore her even more.

    About digital dating, I don't want to try it because I don't believe it can work out. Moreover, I think it hardly to trust a person who I have never met before. I prefer the relationship that start with a person I know by face to face.

    I have an idea of romance dating in the next 200 years. Maybe, at that time, people can create their own avatars in real life (I mean it is not only avatars in the computer) and they can use them for dating to make their own fantasy world they wish to have.

  4. I have just known that Jane Austen is dating-guru, it very surprises me. Haha

    I have never used dating applications, but I also know a lot of people who find a proper couple from them. I am not certain I would say it is bad to use online dating applications, if I were a shy person I might thing that is the best thing in the world, to find a person who has common interests, with out choosing randomly from your workplace. I think the more we grow up, the less we know people, I mean getting to for romance purpose.

    However, I think that it is something that people should learn from, and they should not make a quick decision about dating-application. people should have the right to chose their own mate. No matter how they chose it from.


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