Thursday 17 August 2017

New-found Archaic Human's Teeth in Sumatra

What I read 

In the article "Early humans may have seen a supervolcano explosion up close"(2017), according to the discover of two ancient teeth in an Indonesian cave on Sumatra island, our specie might have been in this area around 73,000 years ago which is earlier than what the archaeologist thought that Homo sapiens started immigrating from Africa, passing through islands in Indonesia, to Australia around 65,000 years ago. Westaway, a senior lecturer from Macquarie University, say that this does not mean these early humans settles down in this island because they have to deal with a supervolcano -Toba- explosion (71,000 years ago) and thick rainforest which is very hard to survive, moreover , the evidence of taking up residence has not been found yet.

My response 
It is so amazing in the way we discover things from the past, not just ten or twenty years ago, but thousands years ago. I have heard before I read this article that our specie had originally lived in Africa before they spread out all around the world. It makes me feel counter-intuitive  and astonished at the same time that Africa, the land of extreme environment and difficult to live today, used to be the place where early humans had evolved to become the present human we are. It brings up my idea that Africa from 60,000 years ago might not look like the same as today. There might be more trees and animal, and rain more often than present because I have no idea how archaic humans could survive and evolve if they live in the place where food and water are really hard to find. Especially for evolution, if they had not got enough food, they would not have enough energy to develop their brain.

The distance between Africa and Australia is another amazing thing which makes me curious about  how  humans in 60,000 years ago could immigrate across the large Eurasia and open sea to settle in Australia. Of course they might not walk directly to Australia and reach the destination in one generation, but it is still a long way with many obstacles to face, for example, Timor Sea is a big deal for them to sail across without technology.

Archaeology is very interesting in my opinion. I am always excited when the archaeologist discovers some new evidences which can be used to prove or refutes the early theories. Like this case, the discovery of two ancient teeth is a significant evidence for us to rethink about the transitional thought of ancient human immigration.

My question for readers 
Why should people study to find out our origin? Do you think archaeological knowledge is useful? 


  1. Why we have to find out out origin? It's of course that we want and try to know everything in this world, future, mystery, history, also in outer space. But unfortunately, "we" doesn't include me. I really hate history and never like to read history book. You know it.

    So now you might guess my answer for your second question. I don't think "archaeological knowledge" is worth for wasting my time. However, it's "useful" for scientists, maybe you, and others, but, sadly, not me.

  2. It's amazing to discover things from the far away part.
    I have been curious what are the methods to find these old things.
    This field, archaeological, is very interesting for me. The reason is that I am interested in history. I think it is important to know our history; where we origin? and when we origin. In order to understand people. I think we should learn from people, who come before.

  3. I think that for a person who does not know history - there is no future. It is important to study the history of mankind. I'm not an expert in archeology, unfortunately. But I would be interested to understand this question.
    Besides, I think that it is important for a person to know the history of his family. Nowadays it is quite convenient - we can do a genetic test. This test provides an opportunity to understand where your ancestors lived, in which countries and in what territories. Perhaps on Sumatra found two ancient teeth of someone from our ancestors?


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