Tuesday 15 August 2017

Ritualistic Cannibalism ?

What I read 

According to "Cannibals engrave bones of the dead" (2017), researcher found a human forearm with a series of zig zag marks engraved in Gough's Cave, Cheddar George, Sumerset UK. It shows signs of ritualistic eating of human fresh by human being. This pattern on a straight line bone are not teeth marks or damaged by cruel killing, but match to the scientist study of the particular cannibal situation  that happened 15,000 years ago in "other Magdalenian European sites", it could be symbolic idea of cannibalism practice but evidence yet to found. Otherwise, in 1903 Palaeo-investigations discovered "Cheddar man" the complete male skeleton also in the cave. Moreover, in 2011 Dr. Bello and coworkers shows three skulls cases that could be function to hold liquid but difference form this forearm consuming action. 

My response 
Which respond to put first? My first thought was about is that about cannibalism? could that be animals attached action? and why do scientist thought that way? Because first look, the pattern looks like animals teeth but if it was consuming action it would not be ordered like this. Then this also reminded me of cannibal and herbivore about morally wrong theory of present day, in this case mean eat human fresh for living could that be except able as a method of arts of living, I could not summon that. But in this interesting case " Cannibalistic practice" I wondered how many bones do they have found or do they found elsewhere because this could be refereeing to something more unexpected. For example, could that forearm bone be a material to train people to change from ones who do not prefer to eat meat to eat meat ( this might be the weakest way of thought) or is this could be some kind of punishment but no evidence to prove any theories of this zig zag pattern.          

But this designed also reminded me of primitive ornament, this could referred to Gods of nature religions. This forearm might be some instrument of the ceremony compare with the braincases theory of Dr.Bello and coworker.  

In my confusion and questioning, yet to summon the purpose of the pattern. So I chose to stop at this point and dig deeper to primitive research, history of cave art, primitive art and ancient cannibalism. I will come back and continue to clarify my attention  

My question for readers 
What do you think? Should we agree with the scientist that this pattern shows a particular situation of ancient cannibalism or it is just an ancient mistaken?
  • Cannibals engraved bones of the dead. (2017, August 10). BBC News. Retrieved from http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-40886748


  1. When I was travelling around Indonesia, I was surprised, that on some isnands many tribes are still cannibals. In Indonesia have a cannibal police! Can you believe in it? And I talk about 21st century. So, for us cannibalism is savagery, our society does not consider this a normal, but I'm absolutely sure that all people from this tribes are sure that this is the normal. Where does the border go? What is terrible in cannibalism, thousands of years ago, and now? I don't think that this is a mistake of scientists. Probably, if in the world, we can find cannibals in 2017, why the ritual food could not be the norm 15,000 years ago.

    1. Thank you so much for your comment.Yes, I think it is not a mistake of scientists but I just wondered about their "Cannibalistic practice". Moreover, yes, Kate I think we still have cannibals in nowadays and agree with you about Indonesia because I have read some new form many years earlier about a couple foreign tourist,they went to travel deep in the forest of Indonesia by themselves and one of them had survived and escaped form the cannibals tribe. This is really horrible and also I have heard that when you want to take a journey to Peru I mean the Amanzon, you need to beware about the tribe too. And Peru is one travel goal of my long travel bucket lists.

    2. As I was reading Bo's thoughtful response, I was also wondering about our modern idea that cannibalism is a bad thing. Is it any worse to eat with a respect an enemy you have killed in war than to leave the body rot in the dirt or be eaten by wild animals? If soldiers have already killed people, why would it be any worse to eat the meat they have turned their enemies into?
      Law, course, thinks that killing is wrong, but is that right? And having killed, is it really any worse to eat the meat? As Kate suggests, perhaps it is our modern notions of what is morally right that are wrong, as they so often are. (That said, I do think we are morally better than our ancestors, as we should be, having had much more time to make progress in this area as in others.)

  2. Since I have seen the picture, I had a doubt of what makes the scientists think that the scratch on the bones leads to cannibalism. I want to read and see more evidences to prove their theory. So, I cannot say I believe what they said.
    What I think is the scratch might be some kinds of symbolic which have specific meaning for that time.

  3. I think that this evident is not strong enough to support their theory. It cannot persuade me to believe because scratches doesn't make by human teeth. It might be for another purpose.

  4. In my opinion, the evidence is not enough to support the view points in the theory.Maybe it was the fierce attack of animals or anything else.I am interested in the following news about it and to figure out the main purpose.


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