Monday 14 August 2017

President Trump criticized from Republicans and Democrats for his response to violence at Charlottesville, Virginia

What I read 

According to BBC “Charlottesville: Trump criticized over response to far-right”. Hundreds of far-right mostly white supremacists, KKK and neo-Nazi marches to protest "against the removal of statue of a general who fought for the pro-slavery Confederacy". This is" the largest gathering of white nationalists in America for decades”. They are chanting and salute like Nazi then chaos began, protester on both side fighting each other. In the middle of chaos, a car ramming " into a crowd of counter-protesters and" killed a woman and injured 19 people. The response of president Trump has condemned violence on "many sides" but not specific to far-right. Later the White House has clarified statement that his condemnation of all forms of violence and hatred included white supremacists and so on. Ivanka's twitter appeared to stronger condemnation than the President.

My response 

For so long as I can remember. I have seen documentaries, movies, history class about race problems in the US. The far-right is mostly white people who basically racist. There are many groups, many names but their ideas are the same.They think that their kind is better than other.Today in a modern world you can have this idea but you cannot express it because most people are changing, human has higher morality. I understand that most countries have this kind of problems. In not very far past, there been slavery of blacks (African-Americans) and when slavery ends African-Americans still have to fight with racism and police brutality against black, still the fight is not over yet.

I don’t really understand why this idea still exists because the education teaches us to be kind and to be a good person. So much has moved on, they try to do good for the environment and animals like the story about not to eat chicken that Stephen Law wrote. It is so sad that so many people still have this horrible idea of their own species. Well, thousands of years there is slavery before its end, this race thing is not going anywhere anytime soon. Maybe there are much more people who have this kind of idea than we though.Trump’s wins election can be signs of something that tell us what American think about this race problem.Because Trump’s campaign and policy are lean toward white people and this is why these people are rice up to express them self.Violence that happened in Charlottesville, Virginia. Tells us how bad it can get and it won’t get better if families and societies not educate to next generations. Because clearly school is not enough.

My question for readers 
Most country has race problems,  what would you do to help them?      
  • Charlottesville: Trump criticized over response to far-right (14 August 2017) BBC News. Retrieved from


  1. In my country, racism is a very serious problem. I can say more - the Russians are nationalists. We don't have "white" and "black" people. We have the multiethnic country, if we can believe the Constitution, but not all nations in Russia are equal. My dad was born in Moldova, my best friend is the Kazakh, and other friend is the Ossetian. In the Soviet Union, all nations lived in one big country, people were taught to respect each other. Unfortunately, now I see that people don't know how to live in a multinational country. I know how many problems my friends have just because they look different. And it's terrible. I want to be honest - I don't know how to solve this problem. When I was a child my parents talked to me a lot about the fact that all people are equal, that all people are the same. We travelled a lot. Perhaps, because of this I don't want to live in Russia now. For me racism is disgusting.

  2. It is very hard to solve racism problems. As you said, there are lots of people who try to use any different media to represent how important these racism problems are.

    Yes, I think it is a pressing problem we have to solve as soon as possible, but how? for me, people should learn how different people are and should be an open-heart person, The world is huge, It should have an appropriate place for everyone.

    Your essay and Kate's comment also remained me of the racism in Thailand, which is, in my opinion, not a big deal, but I think it still exists in Thai society. Actually, I think it is still in every part of the world. So I think that learning about people's differences should be taught in the school since students have abilities to learn.

  3. Like Kate and Stamp, I can't think of any easy solution to the problem of racism, which seems to be a natural state for human beings, along with nationalism. Perhaps it would help if schools did more to encourage critical thinking, like asking students from primary school on to criticise traditional beliefs, history, and cultural practices. This might at least help them to see that blindly accepted traditions are not right merely because they are popular or preached by political, religious or other social leaders. At least in the US, these serious problems can be openly discussed, and that is better than pretending the disagreements do not exist: it's hard to make good reforms if you can't even talk honestly about an issue.


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