Wednesday 14 March 2018

Black Panther, a superhero movie which more than heroism

What I read and watched

In "Why Marvel's Black Panther is no ordinary superhero movie" Annabel Rackham (2018) reports that Black Panther is the first black superhero in Marvel Cinematic Universe. It is set in the mythical country of Wakanda where has the world strongest metal and advanced technology than others. Lupita Nyong'o (2018) who plays as Nakia told the reporter that This film can bring audiences to an entirely new country that anyone has never been to. The movie's core is tussle of a man who has grown up with conflicts and dilemmas in the USA which made him be a villian to help mistreated Africans suffering around the world by using Wakandan technology. It not only shows about folkloric and mythological but also reflects on some significant social issues. Furthermore, Black Panther film also represents the harmonious world of Wakanda where citizens can design their future admirably together.


My response 

After I have read this news and seen the movie, I was really trusted that Wakanda is the real nation which located in Africa. Wakandans live together peacefully without conflict and war even though they habitation and cultures are fairly diverse. This movie has shown the mixture of African's tribal cultures and the incredible techological power perfectly.

Firstly, this article and movie made me sympathize with other people who from different background especially African people. Most of Thais, we sometimes disrespect to who have darker skins from us. Personally, when I have read and watched this film It has changed my attitude that I should not judge others by their appearance and personality but I should be more open-minded and polite to every people.

Secondly, It also taught me about diversity and conflict management. In Wakanda, they are so many tribes but they respect to each other and confront the problems together when it comes to protect their nation. It reminded me of Thailand although we have different political views or religions, I hope we could live peacefully and stand against obstacles same as Wakandans do.


My question

What do you think about rasicm problems in Thailand and other countries ?
and How can we change people attitude about it ?




  1. I haven't seen this film yet, but am looking forward to it, so I was pleased to see Bank's post. I'm a bit unclear about political situation in the country of Wakanda: is it a democracy or something less good?

    I have seen a trailer or two on YouTube, but was more interested in the action and the actors than the story.

    I was also interested in Bank's thoughtful comments on prejudice, of which our societies have many different types: racism, sexism, educationism, and more. I wonder: are the Wakandan's vegetarian, or are they guilty of speciesism?

    Actually, I'm not a vegetarian, but I do think that you have to answer some questions about eating meat if you want to avoid the prejudice of speciesism.

    Although I haven't discussed it here, I am looking forward to the responses to Bank's question.

  2. Even though I am a big fan of Marvel files, I still have not seen it because I do not have time today. Whatever I am strongly believe it is really good movie and I will watch it in the near future. Many of my friends reviews it as five star film.

    According to your question, I think in Thai we do not have much about racism problem. But in some countries like Australia or some country in Europe. I think every people should encourage their children when they were young and teach them to understand the equality. IT would be better and better over the period.

  3. I tried to convince my sister to go out for this movie but I failed. I haven't watch it yet but very soon. Anyway for your question about racism in Thailand, for me I never understand why many Thai people are obsessed with white skin. I heard that dark-skinned people are looked down on because dark skin relates to people who work in the fields and the upper class work indoors, so their skin color are lighter.
    What do you think about it?

  4. When I was younger I also found myself a little bit racist. I judged people by their appearance. When I had a chance to be an exchange student in the U.S. I was assigned to stay in North Carolina state which has both black and white people. I told myself to be an open-minded because I was new to that environment and school, I was the odd one out not others. The first person I asked to help me with locker was a black guy in my band class, and he was really really cute. (After watching Black Panther, the movie reminds me of him because he look like the king of Wakanda.) In that school blacks and whites are friends. Although sometimes, I still could see the obvious separation of groups when they have lunch, They are all friends in classes, schools and activities. At the end of the year, I have a lot of close friends who is black. I think if who would be racist should be them because I was one of a few asians in school. People in my school, do not judge others by their appearance but their hearts and souls.
    Thai people should really stop making judgement about other appearance. Judging is kind of the main thing we do since we were young. Making fun of friends by calling them Fat, Short, Black etc. even teachers at school also do it to their students. We need to stop this and start to see people by their hearts, abilities and personalities


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