Saturday 10 March 2018

Identity: reading 1, "Discuss it online" (B&S3, p9, Developing critical thinking)

What we read

We have just read and checked our understanding of "Discuss it online."


Our response 

Having now read the text a couple of times, Bixby and Scanlon now invite us to respond to those idea in a critical thinking exercise. 


Bixby and Scanlon's questions

Comment on the following questions, which are the critical thinking questions on page 9 (Bixby & Scanlon, 2013), and then reply to at least two of your classmates' comments. 


  1. If you had to write a response to the discussion question, what part of your identity would you write about? Why?
  2. Why is the family an important part of a person's identity? 



  • Bixby, J. & Scanlon, J. (2013). Skillful Reading & Writing, Student's Book 3. Oxford: Macmillan Education. 


  1. mu first idea was to write about my core identity, but when I thought for a moment, I'm not so sure anymore. In fact, I would like to write about my given identity. Although I think that my core identity is the more important one, it's not the one that comes first. For example, seeking new experiences is one element of my core identity that has always been important to me, and that is reflected in my decision to live in Thailand, making me a member of the group of people who left their home country, but that was only possible because my given identity is Australian, which prepared the way for me to choose to live in Thailand and become an expatriate in my desire to try new things.

    Family is ...

    1. I agree with you that core identity is the more important one. Core identity is the important thing that makes you are you and it's a part of life's decision.

  2. 1) I'll write about my core identity because It shows the real personality and my thinking way.
    2) My family is important to my identity because they are people who have grew me up and shared many experiences. They have made me who I am.

    1. I agree with you about core identity, it shows the real life each person who you are and family so give their experiences to make their child have better experience than them.

    2. Your idea is almost exactly same of me. I think core value is most important to explain ourselves. In addition, family is very important because they take have cared us and have lived all the time.

  3. 1. I would write about my chosen identity because I myself experienced about changing my chosen identity in my university time.

    2. Because a person must live and raised by family members at least for a time period and the family is the first that person can rely and trust. Then family is an important factor that influence person's identity.

    1. I totally agree that you said about family which is the important factor for person's identity.
      By the way, I also want to know what is your chosen identity Pom ?

    2. 1. It is interesting to write about your changing chosen identity. I would like to why or what reason you change and is it better or worst after you change?
      2. I agree with you that family is the important factor influence your identity.

  4. I would write about my given identity because it is given when I was born and we cannot change it such as nationality, birthplace, gender and fingerprints. My family is the important part in my life because People in my family sometimes make a choice for me so that I need to follow and that means a chose identity that influences me.

    1. I think our initiation cannot be changed whatever.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. We are writing not only for critical thinking here, but also for fluency, so if later change your mind about something, you can leave it and just add a reply. This is what I did when Yok pointed out that I'd made a mistake in one of my recent summaries in a blog post, the one you analysed last week.

      And I noticed exactly the same thing in The New York Times last night – there is a correction note added to the end of their editorial. I commented on this in my blog post "Religiously Assaulting Women".

    2. And I've made at least one typing mistake in my reply above - it should be "If you later change your mind ... .
      But these types of mistakes are less important.

  6. 1. Pastry chef. Because it's my job and it doesn't related to my bachelor degree.
    2. Family is an important part of a person's identity because family is the first thing that you learnt since you was born.

    1. Wow! Amazing! It is good to know that one of my classmates is a chef and I want to know more about your chosen identity.

    2. Oh your chosen identity are quite interesting again first you studied Physics now you are chef -0-
      You are surprised me every week lol

      for Chef, Is it just your hobby or your job Pao ?

  7. 1 I would write about my chosen identity.Because it's can be quite a lot of details to write down, for example, the reason why i choose that identity and specific details about my preferences and my passion that can be easily shared to the class . If I choose core identity,it is more difficult to explain, because it is quite abstract and personal.
    2 because the family gives

    1. 2 family gives your first identity, which is your life,your gender and also taught you to be who you are right now.

  8. 1. I would like to discuss about core identity because it determine what exactly what we are and it is unique identity, so we will much more understand each other.

    2. Personally, Family is really important because I have lived with him for all of my life. Consequently, they have huge impact on the person's identity.

  9. - I would write about core identity because I think it make each person unique, special person and has different identity.
    - Family is important part of a person's identity because the family is closest relationship in life.

    1. What is your core identity Mon ?
      Can you tell my some =)

  10. If you had to write a response to the discussion question, I would write about my core identity because in my opinion, I have both good and not so good core identities. For example, I am easily discouraged but I always keep in my that nothing is easy for me, so keep trying to get it done. Therefore, it is good to share my core identity and read my classmates'.

    1. I agree with your idea. Sharing core identity is a good way of knowing others and also letting others know us. Core identity is what really inside, describe what kind kind of person you are. and I like that you said you about both good and not good identities, because at first I think about only good identities to describe but not so good identities are important and also should be mentioned. To really let others know who you are.

    2. I didnot realized that and I totally agree with you Yok, especially about good and bad sides of core identity.

  11. I would write about my chosen identity because this identity is each person's choice. Everybody can choose which social group and which role that person plays in the society. For me my role for society is Student, to be specific I am Design Student. I love art and designs. I also belong in Exchange student group. I like to travel, and another chosen identity is I am a tutor. Tutoring is my part time job, and supporting money for my traveling.

    1. I agree that social can influence persons. I believe that staying in bad communities that is likely to be bad guys. Also, the social which you have chose it is quite suits on you and your own style. In addition, that is a good idea to do the part time job for earning your life expense.

    2. I agree with you on writing about chosen identities.I think it is interesting to share and to know about person's chosen identity because it defined who we are and what we want to be in the future.

  12. I think core identity is the most important thing because it is inside and make you be what you are thus if I have to comment its i will comment in core identity.

    The family is very very important part of everyone identity because core identity is gradually built since we were baby, the first 1000 day in our life is the most important period to build up person's identity.

    1. That is interesting to know about that. I agree with you that family plays important roles toward personal identities.

  13. 1. I would like to write about chosen identity because I think it is the most interesting one. The identity was influence by both given identity and core identity. Moreover, it can be changed over time.
    2. Because, I spend a lot time with them. Family teach me how to perceive, how I think, how I behave or interact with other.

    1. Wow !! if you said your chosen identity is the most interesting one what is it then ? I really want to know =)

    2. Your idea that chosen identity can be change over time and it was influence by the others identity is very interesting. As this idea, when we talk about chosen identity, we can talk in many aspect and any time of our life that make the conversation or discussion are variety and not boring to talk. However, when we talk about chosen identity, if the discussion is open, we can go deeper to talk about core identity too.

  14. 1. I would say about the given identity because that is the thing which I cannot change.
    2. The family is essential because parents can raise children to be good or bad people. For example, the children who grow up in the warm families they tend to be optimistic and kind people. Moreover, the background cannot change because of family also.

    1. I totally agree with you that the given identity cannot change. Also, the family can have an influence on children a lot. They can be either good or bad depends on how the parents have taken care of them until they grow up.


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