Friday 30 March 2018

Rise in cancers 'caused by weight'

What I read 

UK research center found that more than 30% cases of cancer are able to be managed. We can prevent cancer by change our life style. Luckily, one method that is known by almost everyone is avoid smoking. It is the most effective way. However, surprisingly another way that most people do not know about is avoid overweight. This research suggests that our BMI should not be more than 25. This way is the second most effective way. Other ways to avoid cancer are avoiding too much sunbathing, do not drink alcohol, too less fiber consume.     


My response 

Obesity is an epidemic spread over the world. Not only developed counties face this problem, but developing country also face this problem as well. I think there are two main reasons. First, people eat more junk food. Because people, especially in the city, always hurry, they do not have time to eat proper meal. Therefore, they have to eat fast food. It contains a lot of addictive, such as, preservative, and flavor power which makes it taste better. Second, people are less active. Technology changes human life style. For example, In the past, kids liked to play outdoors with their friends but recently, they trends to play game through electronic gadgets. Therefore, I totally agree with author that we should be more concern about obese problem and every part in social should take an action.

For sunbathing, I do not so concern about that because Typically Thai do not like sunbathing.
TV Advertising set mind set to most Thai that white skin is good looking and high social status. So, a lot of Thai try to have bright skill and do not like sunbathing. Most of my colleagues are try not to face sun light. For example, when they walked to restaurants near an office, they always use an umbrella to protect sun light. I think this advice is true for western countries which people in that countries like tan skin.

In conclusion, I am surprised about the fact that overweight is the second important solution to prevent cancer. I support that government should promote people to aware about negative effect of obesity. 


My question

Can you follow this advise to prevent cancer? which ones you can do? Which one you can't? why?


  • Alex Therrien. (2018, March 23) "Rise in cancers 'caused by weight'".BBC News. Retriving  from


  1. Before reading this post, I have never known that obesity can cause cancer too. Personally, I do not smoke and trying to avoid to be around my friends when they do. I think another main factor which causes cancer is also what you eat. The type of food people eat, play a big role in causing many diseases. People should try to eat healthy food and stop eating unhealthy yummy fast food.

  2. Same as Sine, I've never known that obesity can cause cancer. However, that's not really a problem for me as I'm very hard to get fat. Actually, I never get fat no matter how much I eat. As far as I remember, my BMI never get higher than 25. It might be because these days I love to exercise or I'm not a real eater. And for another solution in your summary - to avoid smoking - this is even more certain that I do and will never try smoking. I don't find it interesting. Last is to not sunbath. Sure enough, I was born in Thailand where the weather is always hot; I never like to go sunbathing. Therefore, for your question, I can do all solution you mention above.

  3. I didn't believe before that incresing wieght is cause of be cancer. I think if I have too much weight, it will be diabetes, obesity and heart disease. When I read your post, I really surprised and pay attention of my weight.

    1. If you read the source, there is actually some concern from a cancer expert about the inclusion of obesity on the list.

  4. Smoking and sunbathing are two things that are never ever in my thought. As everyone here said, we grew up in a tropical country where 8 of 12 months are like summer, so I have no idea why I have to burn myself out there.
    By the way, I agree with Sine that you are what you eat. The more you eat unhealthy food, the higher risk you take to have an unhealthy life. You won't face only cancer, but other illnesses too. I've been concerned about this in these recent years. I used to think that I won't get fatter no matter how much I eat, but I found that it was a myth. I'm getting chubbier without notice, even though I look skinny for most people. Getting chubbier isn't my real concern. My health problem is. It's the reason I drink less. However, I still enjoy eating but try to be more selective. Eat and drink healthy, and exercise as frequently I can.

  5. If a summary is surprising, as the comments show Ween's to have been, it might be useful to go to the source that has been summarized for us, which is what I did.

    I rather wish that Ween had also included the graphic with the article that ranks the causes of preventable cancer: right after sunlight, at position number 4 is "occupational". It appears that some of us at least should avoid our jobs to prevent cancer. But I'll be at work this morning at 9:00.

    I was also relieved to read the comment from a cancer expert on the idea that obesity is a risk factor, especially as my breakfast this morning is tasty pork leg, which I'm pretty sure is not on the recommended list of foods for weight control, but it is very tasty. In my defence, I'm also having the usual large, strong black coffee, which is healthy, and I believe even correlates with reduced risk for several cancers and other nasty diseases – certainly much healthier than tea.


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