Friday 16 March 2018

Music is a cure

What I read

In ‘How a single punch changed soul singer Only Girl’s life’, Mark Savage(2018) tells an emotional and surprising story of a couple by the power of music after Jamie was hit in the back of his head by a stranger making him suffer a brain injury. His family was told by a doctor he might never wake up again; however, Ellen, Jamie's girlfriend, keeps playing their favorite songs hoping for his response for a long time. She said “it was like trying to communicate with a brick wall”, but eventually he started to speak, walk, even go to the bar. She puts most memorable footages of the recovery in the music video “Mountain” and desires to share their hopeful story and thought not to give up in "Bittersweet".


My response 

First of all, I’d like to mention that I’ve done blog posts like this and found that one of the biggest problems was it's quite hard to find some news that is interesting enough to write. And it’s still challenging for me now to keep attention in one serious-topic reading. But then I end up with this news which I find it very moving and surprising. When I was reading this news, I felt it was different from other news; it is impressive. It’s like a novel that I can’t stop reading, even though I don’t like reading novels. I hope you go and read this whole story; I can’t put all details I want to share in the short summary above.
One thing that I love about this true story is that Ellen doesn’t go away and live her new life which will be, of course, easier than stay with her brain-injury husband. What is more is that she is still in the first part of her life(early 20) which even gives her more choices. That is quite amazing. I don’t know there might be other factors that stop her from going away but for me one most important factor is love. I can’t find any example similar to this situation – I mean for someone that I know. So, I’m also in the beginning part of my life. My experience in this world might be relatively little but this reminds me when to choose a partner, don't focus on any distraction, but sincere and true love.
I also play a musical instrument – drum set. I quite understand when I read this news and know that Jamie was cured by the music. In my experience, as I also mention in my presentation in LS class, the time when I was tired and stressful, I started playing this kind of instrument. It really helped me, not everything, but at least it gave me relaxation, except some hard metal/hard rock style(I think they will even give me more stress). It doesn’t need to be just a drum; any of them is beneficial. Moreover, it helps us in skills for other tasks. I can’t provide you scientific detail but you can find online if you want to.


My question

Can you imagine the world without music - at the mall, there's no music playing in the background; there's no music in and at the end of the movie; there's no music to listen when you're bored? What would our world be like? Will there be any new choice of relaxation?



  1. I also found myself one of the music people. I grew up with music. My parent sent me to piano lessons since I was 5 years old. I have tried many instruments in my life. For instance, piano, violin, flute, guitar and a little bit of drum set. I also like to play piano when I feel stress and uncomfortable. It really helps calming me down. I am actually not a good musician but I can not live without music. I love listening to music and singing on my own. For your question, I can not imagine the world without music. It would be very quiet and silent. I think If we go back time where no one has discovered music yet. Eventually, someone will, because even when you walk, foot steps can be rhythmic, our conversation can be melodic.

    1. It's advantageous for you that you have started playing instrument when you were very young. If I could go back time, I would start playing when I was young like you. Because it not just relieves you from stress, but also benefits your brain in some way.

      And yes, I agree if the world has no music, "foot steps can be rhythmic, our conversation can be melodic". And again, eventually music will come back as the rhythm and melody are combined.

  2. After reread your question many times, I can neither imagine the world without music nor live in that world. I play some musical instrument too and music is always part of my life. Even without putting earphones on, I can hear the song I wanted in my head.

    I think music is all around us and does need to be human origin. When I was trekking, I was surrounded with the sound of nature. Even the wind flow through forest, the birds that chirping on trees or the water run down the river, they are natural music I can hear. Someone with restrictive definition would not call them music and I won't argue about it. For me, they are relaxing anyway and I think it could substitute the music made from human if there is no music in our world, in which I hope not.

    1. Thanks for using word "reread" to tell me how determined you are. I appreciated that.

      After I read your reply, it is very reasonable and scientific. I've never studied the origin of our music nowadays but you mention the sound of the 100% nature; that I start to think that must be music's origin. It happens everywhere - from sound of walk step, of animal.

      As you say those will substitute if music disappears. I think it's true and eventually we will start to create the rhythm and melody and they will become music again. We can't get rid of music from our world.

  3. I would say that,without music that composed by instruments, It is going to be so boring,since i really enjoy listening to music i wish that it wouldn't occur. But it would not be that terrible because our world is full of music and rhythm itself, even in our body, if we are in silence we can feel or even hear our beating heart, and also our breathing. I used to read about putting man into a sound-restricted room, The man said that he can hear the blood runs through his vessel and can hear the moving sound of his guts. So as a human we will finally discover music again, maybe in another form.

  4. I really love music and listen it almost everyday. However, the story is really amazing, at fist I don't think it will cure the patient.

    For your question, I could not imaging the world without music. We have used it for long time for many reasons. If it happened, the world would be much more boring. Our happiness would be less. And i think the options for relaxing if we don't have music anymore is exercise because sometime I usually do it when I have stress.


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