Friday 23 March 2018

Muffin a day doesn't keep doctor away

What I read and watched

In A blueberry muffin 'could have day's worth of sugar' describes how one blueberry muffin contains more than the recommended daily intake of sugar for adults. They looked at 28 muffins sold in food outlets and train stations in England and found that 61% of them contain six spoons of sugar or more. Caroline Cerny, from the Obesity Health Alliance, said: "We may think grabbing a blueberry muffin is a reasonably healthy option for a snack on the go compared to other cakes or a chocolate bar yet the figures suggest otherwise. The organization is now calling for manufacturers to reduce sugar in line with the government's plans to cut it by 20% in common products and also calling for nutrition labelling to be mandatory across all products.


My response 

After reading this article, I strongly agree with it. I have baked blueberry muffins myself and I had to put tons of sugar in it otherwise, the taste would not be satisfyingly sweet. Nowadays, people may think grabbing a blueberry muffin or any kind of fruits muffin should be healthier than having a chocolate bar but actually, it is not that way. Sugar is the main factor which leads to obesity or health problems. I think calling for nutrition labelling is necessary. Normally, Muffins does not have a nutrition label on them which consumers are not able to know how much sugar they take per each muffin. Labelling lets consumers or parents know information about food and snack they are going to buy for themselves and their children.

Candies and sugar are common to see in hands of children. They are favorite things for mostly everyone. As you know, Yummy stuffs mostly are not healthy, for instance, fast foods, pizzas, cheese, and desserts. they are all taste good but not as healthy as vegetables. In addition, more and more percents of people get diabetes each year. Even though sugar is necessary for the human body and also huge source of energy, People should follow recommended a daily intake which is seven spoons for adults and six spoons for children

I have seen the video about Norway has raised its sugar tax by 83% to tackle obesity and prevent overweight problems. which effectively stop people from buying sugar treats. Therefore, only one in six children is overweight in Norway. They have introduced sugar tax since 1922. As a result, candy in Norway is expensive. I think this is a very smart way to protect their own people from obesity. which does not harm anybody and it is also reasonable.


My question

Do you think you exceed recommended sugar per day or not?
What would be the best way to make people consume less sugar and follow the recommended daily intake. Should we follow Norway?




  1. I totally agree with you that obesity and amount of sugar should be concerned by everyone. Sugar tax in Norway is a good idea to control amount of sugar in food but I think this idea can run hardly in Thailand. As you know, every Thai food contains lots of sugar, It not just desserts but also in normal food. If sugar tax campaign has lunched, Every food will be more expensive than usal. Personally, the best way to prevent diabates and reduce obesity is educate and encourage people to eat healthier food and change their lifestyle. After I read you article, I think this is a time to reduce amount of sugar because I’m getting fat which could cause many diseases in the future.

  2. I also bake some cake and brownies myself, so we both realize that how much sugar is added in bakery products. But even we know, we can't stop buying some delish, sweet-smell and mouthwatering blueberry muffins, right? Guilty pleasure it is. But when I grow older, I should control myself much more than ever.

  3. I know there's minimum and maximum amount of sugar we should eat a day but I never know exact detail like "People should follow recommended a daily intake which is seven spoons for adults and six spoons for children". Everyday I'm very careless of what I eat. I just eat what I want and when I feel hungry. I know it's not good but I also do exercise. So for your first question, I have no idea how much sugar I eat everyday, but I think it doesn't exceed the recommended amount because I'm not the one who eat a lot of dessert.

    And for another question, I honestly say I have too little information about this kind of topic, so I don't have an exact answer for this one. There're many way to prevent obesity in population: to teach them to consciously eat, to make them not able to buy, etc. Anyway, there're many factors I don't know that makes some option impossible. To raise sugary product's tax might be a good one.

  4. Personally, I love desserts and sweet things. I usually eat it after having dinner as a habit. I had learnt how to bake cakes and pastry before when I was younger. I knew that we add a high amount of sugar in baking. However, taste is really good when adding a lot of sugar and make me happy. I have tried to not eat sweet a lot these day since I realise that it will cause me several diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart diseases and so forth. Thanks for the article to remind me how to be aware of dessert, even a muffin per day can affect to my health in the long run.

  5. Oh! Blueberry muffin is my favorite dish for eating with hot tea or milk. I know it has many sugars but I don't think it too much equal sugar per day. Although it has too much sugar, I'm still eat blueberry muffin but I will eat it less and more excercise for my good health.

  6. I'm sure that I eat more than recommendation but I can not change my habit. Sweets and desserts help to alleviate my stress very well. I try to do more exercise and drink black coffee for compensation.

    In our country, it will be a riot if they tax those sweets. I would let's people decide their own fates after providing enough information about the outcome of taking too much sugar per day.

  7. The argument seems to me exactly the same argument used to justify punishing people for their personal choices in drug use, and of course sugar is very much addictive like many popular but illegal drugs are.

    The Norwegian solution does seem effective, but I'm not sure that that is a good enough reason to follow it. If people, at least adults, choose to do things that are bad for themselves, why should governments be interfering to stop that? I think government interference is only justified when other people are harmed or threatened by our behaviour, so foolish as it is to eat a lot of sugar or drink whisky, those bad habits should not be controlled by the government. What is justified is a tax that is enough to cover the cost to the public health system that results from the bad habits. People who are not addicted to sugar should not have to pay the medical costs of sugar addicts. I suspect that that would justify a much lower tax than the one that Norway now applies, although as the BBC report says, the sugar dealers across the border in Sweden are very happy with Norway's high taxes.

  8. I used to drink a soft drink and sweet green tea everyday until I gain my weight. After I stop drinking the sweeten beverage, I think I'm healthier, however, I remain have an exceed sugar in my daily life. I also agree with you that we should concern our kid food. In my view, street food around many school has many kind of junk and unhealthy food. If we cannot control any food vending carts, we should teach our child to choose proper food and know about risk of junk food. Another idea that I think that should be endorsed in Thailand is sugar tax, nowadays our country has sugar sweeten beverage tax for control a price of some sweet drinking but we cannot control other beverage for example coffee in Starbucks or other cafe and furthermore we also don't know how many sugar or energy that their have. Sugar tax might increase price of all kind of food equally.


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