Tuesday 27 March 2018

Huawei's latest smartphone can capture in the dark

What I read

In Huawei's latest smartphone can capture in the dark (2018), Kelion wrote that Huawei's smartphone  P 20 can take photos in low light condition and spend only six seconds to capture them since Huawei put light fusion on their phones. Huawei is in the third ranked behind Sumsung and Apple but one of the Chinese company said that Huawei could become one of the leader in smartphone brand in the future. Huawei doesn't have the brand like Apple and Sumsung do so Huawei need to come up with the brilliant idea to attract customers.

My response 

From the article, Huawei will launch the latest smartphone that can take photos in near dark conditions. It is the great idea because other well-known smartphones such as Iphone and Sumsung cannot take photos in really dark places. It causes the photos blur and not clear enough. Huawei has not have the brand like Iphone and Sumsung do; therefore, Huawei has to go extra miles to attract customers to buy their products. For example, Huawei' s smartphone has 3 cameras and light fusion which are more valuable than other brands. Moreover, the price of Huawei is cheaper than those two major competitors which can attract more customers to buy their products. 

In my perspective, the smartphone market is smaller and smaller since there are only few main players in the market such as Apple, Sumsung and Huawei. The market is really competitive because they try to launch new products that beat other players such as more cameras, waterproof, face and fingerprint scanner and so forth. I realise that one of the reasons that can maintain the market share for each firm is a brand loyalty. I do not think that current smartphones are very different from one brand to another brand. It is almost the same except the familiar to use the brand and brand loyalty. It is really hard to change people' s loyalty in the short term. 

My question

Do you think that Huawei will become the most popular smartphone in the future? 


  • Kelion, L. (2018, March 27). Huawei P20 Pro smartphone 'can see in the dark'. BBC News. Retrieved from http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-43373488


  1. First, I totally agree with you in your response about the brand loyalty. I say this by my own experience and my feeling with Apple. Apple is the first place who has a great amount of loyal customer. I'm one of them who always think Apple is the best. I first used Apple's phone when I was in grade 9 by the reason my mom giving me. Until today, I still use Apple's phone. I admitted that every time I buy them, I just follow my feeling that IOS is easy to use(because I've been using it for a long time). I'm not concerned of its feature, and right now as I ask myself if Apple is really the best, I can't give serious reason that I love it. Every time its new version comes out with new features, I don't think they're really necessary, but my feeling say it is luxurious and is the best.

    And for your question, I think it's very hard for Huawei to outrun Apple. At least, for me, I have only silly reason why I love Apple that it is Apple, and many ones are like me. So no matter what feature Huawei's is better than Apple's, Apple's loyalty customers still buy Apple. However, if the features of Huawei one day are very outstanding and far better than Apple, which is very hard while Apple is also developing, I might change my mind.

  2. In my smartphones, I've been loyal to Samsung for many years now. I'm currently using their Galaxy S8+ and considering upgrading to the S9+. I don't need to upgrade, although the 11-year-old son of a friend is very keen for me to upgrade so that he can upgrade his old S7. If I do decide to upgrade, the camera will be the major factor. And the apparent superiority of Huawei's camera features is the sort of thing that might tempt me to leave Samsung. As far as the other features of smartphones go, any high-end modern phone would be equally good for me, although, unlike Melon who is comfortable with Apple's iOS, I'm very comfortable with Google's Android OS, so a change to Huawei wouldn't be too revolutionary for me.

    But I'll stick with my old Samsung at least for a couple more weeks, however much Ea thinks I need the latest model.

  3. Yes, I agree that I have brand loyalty with IPhone. Whatever if the new brand is much more better and cheaper, I might be change my mine.

    It is hard to competitive with older and long established brand because nowadays I think many people feel mobile phone like thing to show off their wealth rather than just equipment for communication. In addition, some application run on ISO platform which is only use for Iphone.

    However, some of brand, for example, Black berry, which had many customer and had a good brand in ten years ago, was also defeated.So, I think the near further there might be new brand occur which can be number one in this industry.

  4. I agree with you in brand loyalty and this article remind that I used to use APPLE before I changed my phone. However, I am not Apple loyalty because now I use Samsung phone. My friends always use Apple and they disagreed when I invited them to change a new phone brand. I really don't understand them.
    For me, quality and cost effectiveness are my criteria when I use a phone or other expensive gadgets. Exactly, a good brand come with good quality, but some brand is too expensive to buy. That why I am not a brand loyalty and I don't choose Apple phone.
    For Huwei, I think this Chinese brand improves their quality and has a proper cost, which less than Apple and Samsung. Furthermore, Chinese market is the biggest market in the world so that Huwei may be a leader in smartphone market.

  5. Since I am not quite a smartphone lover ,and still using my Samsung note 4 which going to be broken in any day, I found that this latest Huawei's smartphone really impressed me with its cutting-edged features. Although, in the highly competitive market of smartphone devices, I would say that Huawei have to introduce more "wow" factor to the public such as some kind of unseen technologies that will break the loyalty between customer and their beloved brand of smartphones;otherwise, Huawei is still being underdog among those famous brand like Apple or Samsung.

    To be honest, apart from the mesmerizing features added, Price is the crucial factor that have to be taken into account; since now we have several choices of smartphone, customers are tempted with economical and reasonable price more than expensive one.


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