Monday 23 May 2016

Are transgender people acceptable for you?

Source background

According to "As Attention Grows, Transgender Children’s Numbers Are Elusive, 2016" right now a number of transgenders students has not came out as a specific figures yet. But in present parents and teachers are currently worrying about boys, or as called transgenders, are sneaking in to girl bathrooms in high school since they don't have bathrooms for their owns. Nowadays, a higher attention towards transgenders, the number of teenage transgenders tends to increase. Also teenagers are tend to identify themselves as transgenders morethan adults. To have transgenders bathroom seemed to be a hot debate topic among administrators. Among them, the research has came out with uncertain number of transgenders, administrators have pointed out that the number of transgenders is very small but still important. School accommodations have stated that the effect for transgenders students is very powerful, from being affected by bullying and committing suicides. This can also affect the ability of learning, by that transgender students have to 'hold it' all day because they don't have safe private bathrooms. Since other students will bully them and that can lead transgender students to commit suicides. As long as the number of transgender students is increasing, having 'their owns' bathroom seems to be very significant.

My Yes/No question is:
Are transgender people acceptable for you?

My answer is:
Yes, they are definitely acceptable for me. 

There is nothing wrong with being transgenders, people I have known so far from the states, most of them thought that having a transgender friend is such a big shame. The same idea in Thailand, people from my old school always treat transgenders in horrible ways. Transgenders are often bullied by general sex students. They often put those students in depressing situations by calling out their weak spots. Some school accommodations often don't care about this little problem as in the original blog has stated that there is a small number of transgender students. But the effects for them are too much to take. According to the research, teenagers seem to identify themselves as transgenders morethan adults, in my own view, that means transgenders, or teenagers, wouldn't know how to deal with later problems that would come to them. Sometimes, you can not choose whether you want to be born as a girl or a boy, but lives are offering you to choose your own sex by not thinking about what you have born with.

If someone has already chose what they want to be, I would respect their decision as long as they are still good people. Sex won't harm anyone whether they're transgenders or not. Bu not everyone thinks like me, from my own experience, most high school students in U.S. seem to not accepted the transgenders as ones of their friends and that's extremely sad. Transgenders always suffered from how other students treat them by words and acts, which can lead to uncomfortable life in both physical and mental ways. In this term, it's mainly talking about going to bathrooms, when transgenders go in one sex bathroom, it seems like they don't belong to it because they are both. Other students would bully them for this and many other reasons.

Imagine if you're one of those teenage transgenders, you wouldn't be happy when you're bullied. Stress and sadness would come to your minds. And that can lead to committing suicides. As I have said before, transgenders have nothing wrong with them, they deserve to be treated better and deserve to have more supports to them.  Nowadays, there are  many supports sending to transgenders but still not enough in some places. I wish everyone in the world could accept transgenders in the way they are and respect them in the ways they deserve. Eventhough my wish seems super hard to happen, I will still wish for it.
Hoffman, J. (2016, May 17). As Attention Grows, Transgender Children’s Numbers Are Elusive. The New York Times. Retrieved from


  1. For me, presently, though some people try to deprive or bully transgenders, they are fairly admitted in society. For example, in terms of Assumption College (my school), there are some activities that permit transgenders to participate in like dancing on the stage in on AC Singing Contest Day.

    At first, I really hated transgenders too, although they didn't do anything bad to me. I remember that before I studied in grade 10, all students had separated from their classes. Unfortunately, in my new classroom, there were about 6 pupils who were transgenders! I thought I couldn't study in this class happily. In contrast, when time past for 3 months, I talked to myself that it's OK to study with them as I know lots of new perspectives from them. even though I bullied them, they still helped me when I faced problems in my life. For instance, when I doubt some lessons, they tried to explain to me willingly though they had to spend one or two hours teaching me instead of relaxing or going to theaters. That made me become impressive to them.

    I immediately laugh when source background and your response tell readers about transgender toilets. it's quite a good idea, but there are some problems to do it. For example, I know from my friends who are transgenders that there are various kinds of transgender! Hence, perhaps, if you build restrooms for gays, you have to build restrooms to lesbians, bisexual too. You may see lots of toilets in public places LOL. (Don't forget that gays, lesbians or bisexual people organizes into many kinds! How many toilets to cover all kinds of people)

    1. You have a very nice idea Chan, but you might have the different idea about being transgenders from me. Being transgenders mean one person who wants to be another sex and have already done the surgery things, where as, lesbian and gays are usually used to call people who want to be the opposite sex but haven't done the surgery things.

    2. OK, Thank you for changing my misunderstood definition. So, you mean you want to have four toilets in public places, right? (men, women, men who are had a surgery and women who are had a surgery)

  2. Everybody has his own rights to choose the most satisfy choice for himself, so as these transgenders. Hence, my answer to Nan's question is yes, absolutely. You can totally being you if that harmless to others and shouldn't be bullied just because you're brave enough to say it out loud.

    May those narrow-mind extinct!

  3. Yes, transgender people are completely acceptable for me.
    They should have their own right to choose gender. As for as they don't do any harmful to the society.

    If restroom can reduce suicide rate of transgender, it'll be worthy to have it.

    1. Yes, I agree. It wouldn't do harm to schools that have transgenders restrooms anyways.

  4. I have a lot of transgender friends and I like them. They are very funny and friendly. From my personal experiences, since I was in school, university or workplace, most people around me have treated transgender very well. They were treated like the combination between men and women, for example, men talked to transgender friends more softly than they talked to males but not that soft.

    I think it is a good idea to have restroom for transgender, however, they are many types of transgender. Will they have to use the same restroom?

    1. From my experience in the states, it's so much different from the moments you have shared about your friends. There, transgenders are often bullied be people around them for being opposite thing they haven't born with. Which I think is really sad, people who are transgenders shouldn't be bullied as long as they're good people, they're equal to all of us. And as I have pointed out in a reply to Chan's comment, you and Chan have the same idea about being transgender but different from mine and Fang's.

  5. As I read Nan's post and the comments so far, I was asking myself such questions as:

    - Do the people who think it's right to respect transgender people also think those who want to kill them are right? Is it good and right to hate and abuse transgender people if that's what is believed?

    - In a country where they are killed or otherwise threatened by the law and strong social customs (see this example in today's BBC News), are the people who kill or otherwise harm gays and others also right to believe and act as they do?

    That is, I was relating Nan's response post and the comments to the ideas in Stephen Law. We expect the majority who think relativism is right to say ... what about the attitudes based on their society's values leading to customs of violent behaviour against these brutally abused groups of people?

  6. I was wondering whether it might be feasible to stop having toilets segregated according to sex. If toilets contain private cubicles, how much does it matter what sex the people who enter are?

    The initial set up would be slightly more costly because my idea is that everything be put into pleasant private cubicles: the toilet itself, a wash basin and mirror, and whatever else might be needed.

    If men subsequently had to queue as much as women traditionally have, that might also promote the building of more unisex toilets when they were the only option.

    Since the public part of the toilet could also be monitored, I don't think vandalism or abuse would be any more of a problem than it is now.
    But perhaps there is some opposing argument that I've overlooked?


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