Saturday 7 May 2016

Will robots replace humans?

Source background
In “Tomorrow's Buildings: Construction industry goes robotic” (2016), Jane Wakefield reported that the conservative building methods are going to be replaced by hi-tech technology, such as drones, robotic bulldozers and 3D printers. One of Japanese construction machinery company Komatsu has used drones from Skycatch as a visual system for automated bulldozers. The bulldozers receive the 3D models of building from the drones in order to plot the route automatically. Christian Sanz, Skycatch's chief executive said that “The more visible data that you have on a site, the more you'll see machines and robots moving things around rather than humans."

My Yes/No question is:
Will robots replace humans?

My answer is:
No, they won't.

I think that the robots are suitable for some type of works that can be harmful to human life or beyond human capability such as searching the bomb, exploring the space, medical operating and working in construction site. In the manufacturing process, many big companies also modify the production line by replacing the labors with automatic robots so that to increase the productivity and reduce labor cost.

However, to replace the humans with the robots is impossible. Even though scientists try to invent the AI or artificial intelligent to mimic the human brain, the result still be unsatisfied. Two months ago, Microsoft deleted their new AI after it was released, because it learned dark side of human and turned to be rude AI in a day.

One of the robot rule written by Isaac Asimov stated that robots must not harm humans, but there is nothing to ensure that this thing couldn’t happen in the future if the robot can think.  Like the I-Robot movie, when the robot army tried to kill the humans.  Thus, it is acceptable to use the robots under human control. But to use the robots with full AI, it is the issue that we need to think about whether we really need it or not?

Wakefield, J. (2016, May 4). Tomorrow's Buildings: Construction industry goes robotic. BBC News. Retrieved from


  1. I'm not sure that I agree with Nuke. In some areas it will be difficult, but in others, it's already happening, and the rate of robotic replacement of humans is accelerating. Our cars and other machines are now made largely by robots, which tend to be more accurate than humans, and not prone to sickness and other problems. But the rise of the machines is also spreading through areas like financial services. In fact, I would think construction is one of the hardest areas to replace people with machines. And apparently teachers, according to a list I saw recently.

    But on the longer scale, maybe 20 years, it's hard to imagine anything a machine won't be able to do, with the possible exception of highly creative production, and I'm not sure about that, either. The machines have a massive advantage over us: we are still evolving at the same slow biological rate as our remote ancestors of two million years ago, but machines are evolving vastly more rapidly, and it's accelerating constantly, something I can see in my own life.

    That was a fun post to respond to with the morning coffee, after Ae's very different KFC post.

    1. Hi Peter, I found the news which support your idea that you might interested.

      Hmm..It's a bit scary. We'll no need the lawyer in this recent years.

    2. Nuke, thanks for posting that. It is a fascinating read, showing a very practical way in which robots, or AI, can do vastly better than humans in some aspects of professional work.
      Lawyers today, what tomorrow?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. No, they won't. I believe that some kind of things need only human to do such as doctors. I think that robot can't cure human because human body may be too complex for robots to understand.

    Moreover, robots are made from human. Finally, its still need human to repair when its got some problem.

  4. This might be true that robots will replace humans. although, many people think robots are created, so people know how to control them. Yet, you can see in some movies of which plots are about intelligent robots attempt to dominate the world. Even though finally, people will overcome robots in action or sci-fi movies, people may lose in the real life.

    In addition, perhaps, aliens are able to invent marvelous robots and carry them to attack the earth to steal resources, such as fuel and petroleum. Accordingly, This's impossible or very difficult to stop robots.

  5. I think robots can replace humans. However, I agree that it should be under human control. Human error is a big problem, so using robot might solve this. In addition, using robot is more accurate, more reliable and cheaper than human labor.

  6. I think robots can't completely replace human. Just like you said, they can replace us to do some dangerous jobs or boring chores. However, they shouldn't have the full AI, which means they can't replace completely replace us.

    1. is it possible to stop robots developing full AI?
      Every company wants its AI to be better than the competing companies' AI, so they are rapidly getting better.
      Facebook, Google, Apple and others are not working to stop or slow down AI, and consumers, we humans, want more of it because it's useful to us.
      And when AI is as intelligent as we are today, it will be way more intelligent than us tomorrow: human beings can't evolve as quickly as robots can.

      It is a bit scary. I wonder how many more years until my smart phone is more intelligent than I am? It already beats me in chess every time, unless I force it to play at a lower level. What if it decides do disobey? I'll lose every time!

    2. Yes, this is what I'm thinking about. Because we haven't reached the day that AI is more intelligent than us so we really unaware how dangerous it is, like if the AI learn that you gonna stop it and it know to protect itself. This is the problem that those developer should be aware and they must be more clever than their AI.

  7. In my view, robots can replace humans in some way; such as, walking the dogs, reminding us to take our pill ,or even shopping for us in the stores. The smarter robots become, the more people will lose their jobs.

    The people who will really get along well with the dramatically develop of robots is certainly the creators of robots themselves.

  8. In my view, robots can replace humans in some way; such as, walking the dogs, reminding us to take our pill ,or even shopping for us in the stores. The smarter robots become, the more people will lose their jobs.

    The people who will really get along well with the dramatically develop of robots is certainly the creators of robots themselves.

  9. I think robot can replace humans but not for all of thing that humans can do. At present, there are some kind of technology that I want to call them robot because people can use them in daily life such as wash their clothes and using vacuum cleaner even though these technology do not look like the robot that have body part same as humans.

  10. It might but I hope it will not happen. Yes, I agree with Peter. We are now facing the alarming rate of robotic technology which replaces us.
    Someday AI, which is being developing relentlessly, might be more intelligent than humans and uncontrollable. That is really dangerous. Many hundred years ago, people did not think that we could talk to each other in anywhere in anytime by mobile phone. But, it is true now. Likewise, why does our expectation about robot replacing humans or ruling the world will never happen?

    Preparing to deal with this possible problem should be done now. I don’t want our history of human being to be completely changed by super intelligent robots.


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