Monday 9 May 2016

Do you like yoghurt?

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According to "What yoghurt tells us about the obesity fight" (2016), yoghurt can increase your immune system which is good for your bone. However, most of yoghurt is not made from natural stuff. It is made from partly substituting yohgurt and adding a combination of other ingredients such as gelatine, sugar, and flavourings which can contain almost enough sugar for a day in young child.
My Yes/No question is:
Do you like yoghurt?

My answer is:
Yes, I do like yoghurt. I like to eat yoghurt with many kinds of food especially for cereal.

I haven't known before that yoghurt contain a lot of sugar because some yoghurt brand such as, DUTCHE write the word "0% fat free" on its package, ACTIVIA promote that its can improve digestive system.

Moreover, almost every yoghurt brand print a lot of vegetable pictures on the package, it make me perceive that yoghurt contain a lot of vegetable that is good for my health.

By the way, after read this news, I insist on eating yoghurt the same as usual because I love its flavour especially when I mix and eat it with other foods.
Triggle, N. (2016, May 9). What yoghurt tells us about the obesity fight. BBC News. Retrieved from


  1. Yes, but a little bit. If I want to eat dessert, I prefer ice-cream or chocolate to yogurt.

    Regarding ingredients in yogurt, manufacturers have to spend less costs to gain a lots of profit. Therefore, they choose gelatine, sugar, and flavourings instead of vegetables or fruit because of paying cheap price. However, manufacturers don't care about people's health, which makes people who like to eat yogurt are obese and may have some diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension or heart disease.

  2. I am the one who really hate yogurt, not only it's taste but also it's smell. Even though I know that it helps functioning our body, I still feel like it is expired milk. However, I will try harder to eat it because it is good for my health and I will choose the natural flavor one with less sugar.

  3. Yes, I do love yogurt. However, I rarely eat yogurt sale in the market. I usually make my own or eat the home made yogurt. It is easy to make. If you haven't make, you should try.

  4. I really like yogurt too. I usually eat fresh yogurt with cereal, jelly and strawberry sauce thing.( I'm not even sure what it is) I have believed that yogurt makes us healthy and detox some toxic in our body. It's surprising me that yogurt contains that much sugar ,because it don't taste so sweet whenever I eat it.
    However, same as you, I'm not going to eat less yogurt than I did before.

  5. I neither like or dislike yogurt. Sometimes i just eat them with some fresh fruits to fulfill my stomach when I feel hungry. But for me yogurt doesn't help me much with digestive systems. I usually choose to drink drinking yogurt - Bulgaria, If you haven't tried it yet then you should, it's one of my favorite yogurt eventhough i don't enjoy drinking or eating it that much.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I like to to eat yogurt too. I usually eat yogurt after I finish my breakfast because I believe it's healthy and it can make my digestion system working good. But after I read your post, I think I have to consider about eating yogurt regularly as it contains too much sugar. And when buying some yogurt, I think I should choose yogurt products more carefully by looking at its ingredients in order to get the one that absolutely healthy.

    1. Some products won't tell the truth about ingredients so I think the natural flavored for most products still contain a large amount of sugar. As I said before yogurt doesn't work with my digestive system ( which works with yours) I think i will rather go for fresh fruits and fresh vegetable to help with my digestive system and i can also make sure that it doesn't contain unwanted large amount of sugar. I think it's kind of a good idea to avoid consuming (sugar in) yogurt.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I eat yoghurt every day. I don't normally have lunch between my classes because I prefer to enjoy a decent meal after I'm finished, so I have a yoghurt at 12:00. I always eat the same one: Farmers Union Greek Style. It has zero sugar or other muck added, and it's made from full cream milk so is tasty. Full cream also means it has some calories, but that doesn't worry me, and they aren't that many.

    It happens to be made in Australia, but that's not the reason I like it. It tastes better and has a more authentic yoghurt consistency than almost all the alternatives I've tried that are made locally. Unfortunately, it's not the cheapest, and sometimes Tops at Silom Complex is out of stock. I suspect other customers might do what I do and buy up a whole week's supply or more at a time. That sort of selfish behaviour quickly clears a shelf. But it seems popular because it's always back in stock pretty quickly. There are about ten tubs of it in my fridge now from my grocery shopping yesterday.

    Now it's snack time before bed. But not yoghurt ... maybe some tasty pistachios in their shells. They go well with half an hour of NetFlix.

    1. Actually, I used to wonder where you had lunch after the AEP RW class because you often conclude a bit late and someday you have the afternoon class too. You would have a short time having lunch. Now, I got it.

      Surprisingly enough, you can eat the same yoghurt everyday instead of a regular meal. I cannot do like that.

  10. I'm so-so. Sometimes I eat it when I realy want to eat. At that time, I eat it with muesuli. It helps me to stimulate my digestive system, I think.

  11. I like yogurt especially when I am hungry at night. It is a good thing to eat because of 0% fat and low calories. So, it is one of my favourite food.

    1. Mine isn't 0% fat. It's about 10% (19.4 g/200g). I just checked again, and the delicious Farmers Union Greek Style I like has added cream, which is probably also why it tastes so good.

  12. I like yogurt too. My favorite brand is 'Dairy home' because it made from 100% milk and sugar free. They also put a fruit jam to make a flavor, but I think the original flavor also taste good. I think yogurt is really work well if you eat it with granola.

  13. Yes, I like to eat yogurt. once I had a toothache, and I could not chew rice or something hard, and yogurt was the only one thing that I could eat without pain and had a good taste for me. So, I ate only yogurt 3 meals per day around 1 week. And, my weight was loss, I think, it was like a silver lining.

    I usually choose yogurt with 0% fat free because it has low sweet than other flavors with topping in.

  14. I think I quite like to eat yoghurt. The product is called "Bulgaria" has a natural flavour and many people told me the taste is too bad and they had to add some fruit or honey to make a better taste so I decide to test it. For me, I think it's not too bad but it isn't good also.

  15. I used to eat it when I was a child, but I think it, even good smell, tastes bad for me. After that, I never eat it at all. I regret to be not able to eat it like others despite a lot of benefits to our body. I am often exposed to TV ads about yoghurt. It looks yummy. In the similar way, when I go to buy something in supermarket or mini-mart, I usually skip to look at yogurt‘s shelf. Perhaps, I would try changing my mind to eat it. Do you happen to know which one I should try?


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