Saturday 7 May 2016

Do you trust the food which exposed to susceptible contamination?

Source background
Do the delicatessen on the bar in a supermarket always indulge your apetite? According to “Michigan Man Sprayed Poison On Open Food At Grocery Stores, FBI Says” from The Huffington Post, Hart tell us about Bessemer, a man who charged of poisoning the food on the food bar from the Michigan grocery stores by spraying a mixture of mice poison. The mixer should not cause a severe health effect; however, the health officers suggest to avoid the suspected food.


My Yes/No question is:
Do you trust the food which exposed to susceptible contamination like street food or self-service in a supermarket?

My answer is:
No, but up to the food serving like chill or not reheated.

I’m the one who likely to get diarrhea if the food is not clean enough. At the same time, I also love spicy food and street food, so I need to use a lot of decision to buy some dishes on the footpath or not. Mostly I win the game and survive but sometimes I also lose and need to heal myself from diarrhea. There a lot of food to explore everywhere all over Bangkok but you need to know your limit how far you can go for both the dish and place you decide to eat.

The dish you have is the most important factor for me. It’s good if it’s a hot serving dish like the noodle and even better it is freshly prepared. Furthermore, make sure that it’s not too spicy. I mean not only the amount of chilli but also the sour taste of acidity of the dish too. Another factor is place where you buy it from. You should keep in mind that the hawker cannot carry or find the water to wash all of their utensils neatly. Anyway, This does not mean a famous food store or a restaurant in the hotel will clean them neatly. The labour is the main cost of the food price, though.

As a matter of fact, some tourist prefer the taste of the street food even they do know about the lack of hygiene. The balance between the taste and hygiene is the first priority for the people who stay in Bangkok need to know. It’s your choice! Wish you luck for the next delicious meal!

Hart, PA. (2016, May 5). Michigan man sprayed poison on open food at grocery stores, FBI says. The Huffington Post. Retrieved from


  1. I love the food from a kai yang and somtam seller in my soi. When friends came for lunch today, that's where we bought it - an excellent meal for three for less than 300 Baht (we also got large salt grilled fish). Mmmm.
    We then crossed the soi to get some durian for dessert; that cost more than the meal, but ... it's durian.

    I worry about hygiene so am picky about which street places I eat at. Oddly, over the years I've lived in Thailand, I've never gotten food poisoning from street food, or from high-quality type places. But a couple of times I've been very ill after eating at mid-range places. I suspect they are more likely to refreeze or store leftover food, encouraging bacteria or whatever to thrive.

  2. You are really survivors from Bangkok. You have very hawk-eye to distinguish the spot for food even you do like street food. I also have some food poisoning, too. Sometimes I need to go to hospital to get the infection because of vomiting which means you can't swallow the drug. Anyway, I still think Bangkok is a heaven for street food.

  3. I don't trust any food, not only street food but also food in restaurant. I believe that street food is hardly clean. However, I also believe that many dishes in the restaurants are dirty too. Even though they are served in a beautiful plate with hygiene atmosphere in the restaurant, who knows that what the kitchen looks like or what they do with the food.

    One of my friends who worked in a kitchen at a restaurant told me that when she made sandwiches, she put the rotten vegetable into a bin. However, when it was a last piece and there was not enough vegetable, she picked it from the bin and made it for customer.

    So I think expensive restaurants might be more hygiene and more reliable but not all of them.

  4. I always realize that most of street foods are not clean. The sellers rarely wash their hands before they start cooking, rarely use mask, hairnet and handling gloves, and rarely use clean water to wash the dishes.

    However, I sometimes eat street foods ,for the taste is pretty good and the price is quite cheap. Some who have low income can't really avoid to eat street foods ,since they probably unable to grab a meal at the restaurants.

    Last, the best solution for the problem is cook for yourselves at home. It's certainly clean and not so expensive as the ones at the restaurants.

  5. I am very concerned about hygiene too. 1. I do not eat any kinds of raw or medium rare meat at all. 2. I don’t really like overnight food, so I choose to avoid eating. Otherwise, it should be reheated enough before I eat. I prefer hot foods to cold ones. 3. I often clean my hand all day long. 4. Not only I am careful to eat seem-to-be-unclean food, but also too burnt foods or strange foods. 5. I always check the best before date of food.

    However, it doesn’t mean I am always a survivor from food poisoning. Not at all but rarely happen. I used to get diarrhea and have such bad food poisoning that I was admitted to the hospital. There is no real guarantee that you are safe from eating food despite high carefulness if you live in Thailand.

    But I have heard something like if you eat foods with being full of source of prebiotics and probiotics, it is good for your health because prebiotics and probiotics can help prevent from diarrhea as well. Is this a myth or truth?

  6. Honestly, I prefer eating foods bought from stalls to eating foods purchasing from malls or Central because street foods are much more cheap than these in department stores. Some people told me that street foods was contaminated. surely, I didn't argue with their speeches. But, it does not mean that foods sold in big stores are clean. last year, I found something like a little worm in my dish bought from food court @ Central Rama 3. That made me felt disgusted all day.

    Fortunately, my grandfather usually cook foods for my family, so I sometimes eat street foods. In terms of diarrhea, Definitely, I am a person who easily gets diarrhea if I eat unclean or spicy foods. Therefore, I try to avoid these types of foods, especially very spicy foods my grandfather sometimes cook.


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