Wednesday 11 May 2016

Do you mind how much sugar you eat?

According to Soft drinks named in Liverpool tooth decay battlein Liverpool, children drink high amount of sugar beverages such as Lucozade, Coca-Cola, Frijj chocolate milkshake, and Capri-Sun. Health center in Liverpool said that “the maximum daily allowance of sugar for children is five to seven cubes, depending upon their age.” But these beverages contain more than 8 cubes of sugar. So, children have tooth decay in alarming level, especially in city.


My Yes/No question is:
Do you mind how much sugar you eat?

My answer is:
Yes. I pay attention not to take sugar much.

Actually, I like sweets, like chocolate and cookies. But I don’t like too sweet things such as these kinds of drinks. I feel I eat sugar directly. Actually, I can’t understand why some people love the food which contains a lot of sugar.

 Anyway, if we have a lot of sugar, we have a possibility to have serious diseases. For example, there are diabetes, heart attacks, cerebral stroke and arteriosclerosis. People say that it takes a long time to be treated completely and also it is easy to recur unless you changes eating habits. 

I don’t want have these diseases. Taking care myself is the best way to avoid them. So I want to continue to have less sugar life. 

Soft drinks named in Liverpool tooth decay battle. (2016,May, 9). BBC News.Retrieved from


  1. I do but not that much i usually think more about how many calories i take per day. Sugar is necessary for human beings as a source of energy in bodies, people might not need too much of sugar but definitely they do need some. Also most of all kinds of food always consist of sugar and not all kind of food you will be able to guess how much sugar is in there, so that's why i pay attention to the whole energy in that food more. It's also easier to calculate and you can't really deny taking food without sugar anyways.

  2. I'm one of people, serious about my weight. Actually, I like some dessert that has lots of sugar, such as chocolate bars, ice-cream and donuts. Yet, I hardly to eat them because they contain sugar a lot. For example, white chocolate 100 g contains sugar 59 g and has 539 calories that equal to a plate of fried noodle with pork in soy sauced and vegetable.

    However, if I go to parties with my friends or family, I won't mind about how much sugar or how many calories in these foods because it's fun to eat something healthy, organic or awful and talk with other people.

  3. No, I don't. Actually, the amout of sugar I eat daily never concerns me. As I don't have a sweet tooth, I rarely eat sweets and cakes. I also have some gastric problems, so I hardly drink soft drinks. And, the foods I eat are not sweetened, so I think I'm quite safe from sugar causing diseases.

  4. Yes, I do mind how much sugar I take per day. After I read the article that talked about the amount of sugar in soft drink, it shocked me to lots of sugar in each bottle. Basically, we shouldn't take sugar over 6 teaspoons or 4 gram per day because if we cannot totally burn it, our body will be affected by them. Then, I quit for eating more sweet and some soft drink that use lots of sugar as ingredients.

  5. Yes, I do. I believe that in order to have a healthy life, consuming good food is very important. Fortunately, I am the one who do not like any kind of soft drink. I really love drinking water. The first reason is that I think it is delicious and the second one is it makes me feel good.

    I rarely eat dessert because it is not that delicious. It is usually sweet and contains a lot of starch and milk which I do not like. So, I prefer having more main course (protein and animal fat).

    Remember that rice, noodle and spaghetti are carbohydrate too. Even though you do not consume any sugar, eating other forms of carbohydrate might cause the same problems.

  6. I don't really care how much of it that I eat a day ,for I always follow my needs. I think that some people might say yes because they want to maintain their great body shape ,while others might consider eating much sugar as a big deal because it can be very harmful for your health.

    Those reasons can't really worry me. I still eat anything I want.

  7. Actually, I don't care not that much. I just choose the food that not too sweet and avoid to add more sugar in it.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I don't like most sweet things, which is perhaps lucky for me, but I do have a weakness for good cakes, pies and a few other things that are very heavy in sugar. I don't eat them that often, but when I do, I can overdo it.

    A couple of months ago I bought a large Sacher torte to celebrate a friend's birthday. The leftovers got left with me, which meant I ate a lot of very rich cake in a very short period. But I haven't done anything like that for the past couple of months.

  10. I do mind, but not so serious. Sometimes I look at the nutrition of products before buying them. Sometimes I don't. Doing this helps me to decide which one I should or shouldn't eat. In some situations, I need sugar because I am so stressed. I will buy and eat snacks without looking at the nutrition. Sugar makes me feel relaxed and happy.

  11. Now, I am quite concern about food with high amount of sugar. For beverages, I try to choose drinking them with less sugar or with sugar substitute. Otherwise, I drink only fresh water. For snacks, I reduce the number of candy I used to eat. It is a good idea because I am worry about my dental problems as well. And for food, I scarcely add more sugar in my dish if the dish is not too tasteless to eat.

    You know! It is pretty challenging to consume less sugar since there are tons of food, snack, and beverage that look so appetizing that we might not be able to reject eating them.

    Sometimes, I need to be fresh or relaxed by eating something. Sweets seems to be a good choice for my simple treatment.


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