Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Alcohol may be banned for Songkran

Due to the many road accidents during Songkran days in the past caused from drinking alcohol, the Public Health Minister, Witthaya Kaewparadai, wants to ban alcohol sale during Songkran this year. In my view, banning alcohol isn’t the way to solve the problems. Firstly, banning alcohol during Songkran days doesn’t solve the root cause. If we want to reduce the road accident we should strictly follow traffic rules said that do not drive while drunken. Secondly, banning alcohol worsen the tourism industry, for example, many tourists pay a lot for drinking alcohol during Songkran days. Finally, banning alcohol during Songkran days will exploit beverage manufacturers that they have right to sell their products in everyday. In conclusion, we should think carefully for banning something that it can affects to anyone.

Reference : Bangkok Post (13/02/2009)

1 comment:

  1. You know, in Japan last few years, the rates of traffic accident is decreasing dramatically because they made the penalty of drunk drivers higher, and also made the law strict more. It could be good way for reducing accident on the road as long as Thai police do accurately….


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