Thursday 26 March 2009

How China sees the world

In the “how China sees the world” (the Economist, March 19th, 2009), the economy of China has developed remarkably and globalized for the last 30 years. For many years, global economy decrease, the economy of Europe, America, and Japan has been weak, while China has grown astonishingly. Now, Chinese think that they have the power as same as America. They ignore many countries; they cancelled EU summit and put the France on the black list because of a political reason. There will be G20 meeting in London next month but many people worry that it could be G2 summit, America and China. Many Chinese believe that they have enough power to effect on other countries. However, the World Bank forecast that “China’s growth this years to 6.5% “(¶3, p.2). It is still better than other countries, but many Chinese feel that the growth of 6.5% is a sort of recession. And China has a lot of possible problems; environmental pollution, unemployment, resistance of people who are taken their lands to the government for development. So, nobody knows where China will go. The writer pointed out that “the world is not bipolar and may never become so”. (¶2, p.3) China should know about the responsibility of the power.

When I read this article, I thought of political system of China. Yes, China is a Communist country. Even though, Chinese government permitted the private possession, they still control the people repressively. Chinese people have no right to express their opinion freely. There was a conflict between Chinese army and Tibet monks last year. That was horrible, and many countries blame Chinese government. However, Chinese government ignored it. Rather they put the country on the black list because their leader met Delai Lama. China, of course, has a strong economic power in the global economy, so they can keep their repression on domestic and on abroad. Nobody can stop them, however, they must think about the right of human. The resistance of their people could be stronger.
How China sees the world, The Economist, March 19th 2009, revised March 26th 2009 from


  1. I realize that all classmate posts are Economic news! and Plato!! Arrr!!

    It was surprising to me when I heard this news in this morning. Chinese economy still grows even though the other countries have affected by economic crisis.

    I agree that China has many serious environment problems and lack of human right. However, other countries also have many environment pollution even USA the country of freedom and capitalism.

    Communism is not a worst political system. Democracy also have many problem as we know well in our nation. I think, it depend on each country.

  2. I suppose it is quite challenge the Chinese government on how to regulate its politics as well as on how to handle with its economic situation. It seems unparallel when the economic growth require private ownership and public organizations to support evenly. I agree with The Economist that the bipolar world would never become. Or if it becomes so, it wouldn't be last long.


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