Saturday 21 March 2009

Sex and sensibility from Economist

Hello, everyone! Today's Saturday which I have to post one news from Economist. I'm so sorry that I have to post in happy weekend, but I deeply appreciate your comments! The news I bring is about "The Vatican's harmful views about condoms". Pope Benedict 16 visited Africa and gave many good messages about social issues such as poverty, financial turmoil, food shortage, except one thing about condomes. He said that condome is not effective and useful to "'overcome' the epidemic, indeed their use actually makes the problem worse and the disease could be beaten through chastity, abstinence and 'correct behaviour'". However, scientists proved with their research that using condomes is effective to protect HIV and AIDS. The news also mentioned about Thailand, that "Experience in Thailand, which snuffed out a rapid early increase of HIV, suggests that condom use, expecailly by prostitutes and their clients, is effective". Also according to the World Health Oranisation, if people use condoms, it cut the probability of infecting HIV by 90%.
Though I understand the pope's intention that people have to keep their chastity with their Catholic perspective, I think the pope got a very big mistakes to the world. Many organizations are encouraging using condoms to protecte from many disease, considering people's health. I also heard that, still Catholic doesn't allow abortion in any cases. I think it is ridiculous and they don't consider about women's life. The problem is related to Euthyphro we disccused about in the class. Like Euthyhro, I think, the pope try to follow holy things which is loved by God(Catholic believe one God, so I explain "God" different from the book, "gods"). What is holy? Is the holy that we have to keep sex purity? Do I have to infect HIV or AIDS if we don't keep sex purity, because it is God's punishment?(Actually, I heard that some priests and pope argue like that. I think sex purity is also important but I doubt that the reason is just "loved-by-gods") And how about Buddihsm in Thailand?
You can add any coments, whoever wants, whenever and whatever you want!
Sex and sensibility. (2009, March 19). The Economist. Retrieved March 21, 2009 from 


  1. I thought Soojin was very gentle in her post. I would agree with the French foreign ministry spokesman Eric Chevallier, who bluntly points out that the pope's ideas are a serious danger to people's health and life (Pope's condom stance, 2009), a view which is echoed by the German Health Minister Ulla Schmidt who goes a little further and describes the official Catholic church teaching as "irresponsible"(ibid. ¶ 11).

    Of course, ministers have to be diplomatically polite, so the comments by the European governments were really very strong. Not being a minister, I can be a little less constrained. I think the pope's, and the Catholic church's, teachings on condoms are both factually wrong and very immoral. Such teachings deny basic human rights to self determination, put people at risk of contracting life threatening diseases, and have no sound moral basis at all. In fact, I think it is reasonable to describe such teachings not just as immoral, but as evil. The pope is morally wrong in a very serious way in his comments on the use of condoms and abstinence and he should change his mind to help people and do what is morally right.

    I also like the way Soojin has related her post to the very important point that Plato makes at 10a to 11a in teh Euthyphro. Although often ignored, it's not only one of the more philosophically sophisticated points in the dialogue, but has also been seen for almost two and a half thousand years as possibly the most important negation of a commonly held false moral belief that Plato has Socrates present in the Euthyphro.

    And what is the Buddhist teaching on condoms? I hope it isn't the same as the pope and many Christian churches' immoral message of death.

    Pope's condom stance sparks row. (2009, March 18). BBC News. Retrieved March 21, 2009 from

  2. I'm sorry to be the cause of messing up Soojin's happy weekend, but I'm glad she has taken the time to write such a thoughtful and thought provoking post.

    Perhaps next week we can reassign the days so that Soojin won't have to worry about it next weekend.

    Now that this is out of the way, she can relax and enjoy a few chapters of Pride and Prejudice.

  3. Thanks, Peter~ and you don't have to sorry. I'm fine that I post on Saturday, but I'm sorry to my classmates that I ask and expect some comments about my posting. hahahaha~ It is true that I'm enjoying happy weekend, after I did post in the blog.

    Today is Sunday and I went to a church in the morning. Every Sunday, I go there and listen the sermon from a priest. Actually, somehow I'm satisfied with the priest in the church, though sometimes he has different thought with me. At least, he seems to try to understand diverseness, help the poor, and love people sincerely, and he doesn't want to consider his profits too much and seperate from society. Nowadays, church, included in Korean, is going to far away from society. I think, the pope's thoughtless words came out, because he lives his world(maybe God's world which he thinks or makes), seperating from society. I think, the world is lacking to be a heaven. To know well the God, we have to study about human being, and thier society. I'm so impressed that if Socratess needed, he compared with human beings to explain about gods. I'm so sorry that not only the pope but also some priests and leaders which have any other religions live in thier world.

    Wow, and isn't it amazing and interesting that still there are people who exist like Euthyphro, and Socrates' saying is effective until now? The disccusion was in BC399. It is very old classic. What a progressive idea Socrates had!

  4. @Soojin
    Sorry I post late again because I have just setup a new system. It consume my time nearly all weekend (I think maybe more).

    I realize that all Soojin posts related with what we learned even Prato!!!

    I don't know about Christ much, but I agree that it seem ridiculous.
    In Buddhism it is not mention exactly about condoms, because that time didn't have condoms. However, Buddha tough that we should believe in reasonableness, so if to use condoms can decrease possibility of getting sexual diseases, it should do.


    "Now that this is out of the way, she can relax and enjoy a few chapters of Pride and Prejudice."

  5. kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk,,, Mark, you're very funny!! I think not all my posting is related to Plato. But it is true that I posted only some topic related to Euthyphro. Um,,, maybe because my major is Theology and sociology. I excuse about it..hahahahaha...I was selfish.kkkkkkkkkk But thank you for adding a comment, Mark.

    Um, and I'm so sorry, but generally, many foreigners expecially western men think that Asian countries included Korea are the land of prostitute. Several years ago, I was shocked the fact that some western men describe asian women is easy to contact and touch. It is very ridiculous, but it is difficult that the stereotypes and illusions, which are made once, completely disappear. um,, I'm not sure how we can solve the problems.


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