Sunday 15 March 2009

Well read from Economist

Economist said that Jeff Bezos, Amazon’s boss, names new an electronic book, known as the Kindle. Now, it became to be version 2, the Kindle2. It can store approximately 1,500 books as well as newspapers and magazines. In addition, “Kindle owners can read for hours without straining their eyes”. He continued that targets of the Kindle is adult to old people who get difficultly to use a computer and a mobile phone to read and download e-books, because readers can buy books via Amazon directly without connecting with computer. He also point out that the Kindle does not replace paper books, and it does not have the problem as Apple’s ipod that has online store to buy music, because music businesses bundle a whole songs into a album; consumers must buy all song. Though, online store is bought some songs, so selling rate of other song is drop. In contrast, Books online has to buy a whole book.

I think, it is very good tools, Content in the Kindle2 is seen comfortably among heavy sun light. It much better to read than a laptop computer and a iPhone. For me, I prefer paper books because I can take note, hi-light some part of the books in difference colors as well as draw everything there. However, I afraid that the Kindle affect environment, because paper books are disintegrated by bacteria or small creatures in shot time , but no for the Kindle as every electronic tools.
Well read. (2009, March 15th). The Economist. Retrieved on February 12th, 2009 from


  1. If it's really the one that "Kindle owners can read for hours without straining their eyes", it's nice! I'm definitely not a computer person, so if it's easy to use, I want it! Thank you for posting Mark:)

  2. Has anyone tried one out?
    I love the idea of 1,500 books in my hand - I could get rid of the bookshelves that clutter my room, and I would probably use the books more often. I use online reference works such as the OED far more often than I ever used the old paper versions.
    I can imagine myself carrying it everywhere so that I had some to read in odd moments: a novel, an essay, a magazine, or whatever. But although it sounds pretty good, I've never tried it.
    And it's probably got a search function, right? I rarely scribble in or highlight my books, but I do fill them up with scraps of paper with references and notes. Can you add notes using Kindle?
    Should I buy one tomorrow?

  3. @Shinobu,
    Of course, it's very easy to use, because it was design for people who don't have experience of using computer can use it easily. Moreover, it can connect online anywhere anytime like mobile phone.

    It has searched function. easy to find many book in yours library. In addition, it can read the book by itself. Sometime you don't have time to read; you can listen. it allow you to add comment into Kindle as well by typing. and, it also build in The New Oxford American Dictionary. For you, I think it may be very useful, but for me it's too expensive!! and I lazy to read books.

    You can order online at or this link.

  4. Amazon's promotional video at Mark's link is very glowing.
    That reminded me to mention that I used last night when I was writing my summary paragraphs of the two passages on page 263 of Quest.

    It is a little expensive. I think I'll wait a bit: there will probably be a cheaper and better one released in six months!

  5. I agree. In the next version, it might display color text, and it is cheaper.


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