Monday 9 August 2010

Free Milk

When I was young, I remember that I drank milk almost everyday. According to my knowledge, milk is a source of many important nutrients including protein, vitamins, and calcium, which is good children growth. However, as I read “Downing Street rejects child milk scheme cut suggestion” on BBC News, the article remind me that milk is certainly vital for children.

UK health minister Anne Milton expressed an option to make savings, to abolish the long-standing statutory Nursery Milk scheme, offering free milk for under-fives. She cited that there has been no evidence that milk improved health and it was too expensive to run; instead, the poorest families should be provided the value of Healthy Start vouchers, which can be spent on milk or fruit and vegetables, and are given to pregnant women and children under four. This idea became to be highly controversial and it especially affected low-income families. However, Prime Minister David Cameron disagree, and the government of United Kingdom had considered to rule the proposals out.

I have learned that breast milk is the best source of nutrition, and no human child needs cow's milk. However, when mother has no breast milk, what should babies take? Babies lack teeth, and it will be difficult for them to have fruits or vegetables except by making it either soft, liquid paste or easily chewed food. I think that milk is the best food which is the vital especially for babies and kids, as it has nutrients essential for growth, development and maintenance of the human body. I agree that the government should continue the Nursery Milk scheme which benefit many families.


Downing Street rejects child milk scheme cut suggestion. (2010, August 8). BBC News. Retrieved 18:35, August 9, 2010, From


  1. It looks like there is a lot of confusion in the British government.
    Growing up in Australia, milk was something my parents gave me plenty of every day, and when I was in primary school, there was a similar government scheme that provided milk to all primary school kids. I thought it was awful. It was delivered to the school early in the morning, but the school did not have refrigeration facilities, so by the time we drank it around 10:00 AM, it was warm, and it was sweetened chocolate milk. It was disgusting, and probably helped to turn me off milk. Now, I never drink milk and don't like it.
    The idea of saving 50 million pounds (about 100 million $), seems a bit weak to me - it's not that much. I think there are much better ways to save money, for example, by not paying medical bills for self caused medical problems like lung cancer from smoking diseases people get from using alcohol.

    Although I don't like milk, I do like cream, but we never had that at school, so I never learnt to hate it. And I love good cheeses.

    I do like cereal for breakfast, but I have it with unsweetened soy milk. It's much nicer than cows milk. I realise that this is just a personal preference, and I know that many people to like cows milk; it just doesn't appeal to me.

  2. How can The British government think the idea like this? In case that they still insist to continue this idea. I suggest them to do a public hearing from their children. If the majority of the children don’t want milk anymore, Nobody will blame the government to do this.

  3. When I was a student I also dunk a milk everyday. I think drinking milk is the easiest way to take nutrient into our body,so the children should have milk.

  4. when I study in medicine, my nutrition teacher usually tell me that kid that age more than 5 years need to drink milk because you need calcium and other nutrient you can have it from other meal.So I think it can cut milk scheme but government will give other snack to kid to improve nutrition .

  5. Hey! golf(s),
    I also think about it too whether other kind of food can replace milk. I have read some comments from western people; they said like no human child needs cow's milk - it's designed for calves -, in most of the world children and adults do not have cow's milk!!!, under five do not need milk and milk can be cause allergies etc.
    What kind of food do child eat?

    Could u tell me if you know? or anyone know?

  6. The advantage of milk over other foods is easy to take, is not too expensive, has many essential nutrients, give sufficient calories. Those are why milk is introduced to use in children including in adults as well.

    To answer the question what kind of food can replace milk. My answer is that I don’t know what kind of foods in natural has the advantages like it, now. But there are many other supplementary foods that can replace milk but they all are much more expensive.

    PS "Milk" in my answer doesn't include breast milk.

  7. ked
    I found similar reasons for not drinking cow's milk same as you. Some people think that cow's milk isn't necessary for them because even a cow don't drink their own milk, why do they?
    If it does not contains any good nutrient, then why did parent build our habit of drinking milk since childhood?

    I am really curious to know Is it good to stop drinking milk or not? and if
    the government will no longer providing free milk for children, so what kind of food will replace cow milk?.

    I love the taste of milk especially full cream one.

  8. to ked;An answer is very easy that make you don't belive is every day food is thing that can replace cow milk because in every day food will have enought nutrients for you if you don't eat same food every day.A reason that milk is main meal for children is child don't have strong teeth enough to chew many roungh food in every meal so milk is going to be main source for child but if child can eat roungh food, you will let child eat it because it have many nutrients and milk price is equal oil.


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