Saturday 7 August 2010

Goodbye privacy on internet.

I believe that internet is the biggest database for all kinds of information in this world. When I read "Web attack knows where you live", and I found it might be scary and useful at the same time.

A hacker name Samy Kamkar can locates the position of a router when just visiting his booby-trap website. When we view that page, it will request for the user's PC ID information. Then he works on some process to use a Google database which links with GPS co-ordinates to locate the internet user within 9 meters away.

I'm the one who addict to spend lots of time on internet. I always feel free to visit the online store to do the window shopping without buying as many time as I like. If I did that in the real world, I would be ashamed to myself. I think the internet is still an open world which user can hide themself behind their computer. Some people use it in an illegal way because they think it has minor risk. But what was Mr. Kamkar discovered, If we use his idea to add a boob-trap in a web that can relates to the criminal user, is might be useful to the police to track the location of them. And this can brings about to inspect the internet world to advantage than to be a social harm.


Web attack knows where you live. (2010,August,3). BBC News.
Retrieved 10:00, August 7, 2010, from


  1. This reminded me of the Blackberry affair in Saudi Arabia. I think the scariest thing is not hackers knowing where you are, but governments, which is why a healthy democracies have strong constitutions to properly limit state power over citizens. Bad governments, police and other officials can do much greater evil than a few criminals, as we see in countries like Burma, North Korea, and of course Saudi Arabia.
    I think AMerica has become such a strong and free nation that many people want to emigrate to because Americans made sure that their government was not too trusted and did not have too much power over them. As Aim's recent post on same-sex marriage shows, there is an independent court system that can strike down laws that are unconstitutional - governments in the US can not do whatever they want, even if a majority of Americans want it! And I think that that is a good thing.

  2. I thing internet is psudo-free world because you can think you can do every thing and if you don't tell your name, other people will not know your name ,but it is wrong because at least web admin will know your ID number of computter that you use, but most of admin don't try to find your idenity so it look like people don't know who are you in internet.

  3. For everyone information,
    Nowadays, there is a program name "Sniffer" that US and Thai, I don't know is there others, governments use to track what are you doing and recording it continuously. So internet is not a free-world anymore.


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