Friday 13 August 2010

the status of psychological disorder patient in Golf(s) opinion

From Quest on page 176 (Hartmann, 2007),after I read all questions, I think last question look interesting to discussion. I have an aunt that be schizophrenia but she is already die now.Before she is schizophrenia, she is a successful business woman ,but when she is schizophrenia, most of member of my family have afraid feeling to her because we can not predict her next action or thinking. My opinion about status of psychologic patient in present time is have fewer stigmas against than in the past , but it is decrease a little because a knowledge of psychological disorder in most Thai people is increase a little than the past time.In present time, most of Thai people is still understand psychologic patient is only schizophrenia that can be aggressive behavior and make problem to anyone who around him because of that people who have labeled is have psychological disorder will have low reliable and to be avoided.that will be one of the reason that psychologic patient is alway refuse to seen psychologic doctor in the beginning of disease. In my opinion if we compare stigmas between present and the past, It will be fewer stigmas in present time but it still be large for this patient that can change his whole social life.
Hartmann, P. (2007). Quest 2 Reading and Writing, (2nd. ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.

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