Monday 30 August 2010

What comes with stem cell

According to “Stem Cells from Reprogrammed Adult Cells Found to Bring Along Genetic Defects of Their Donors”, Scientific America, Zelladt suggests that getting stem cell form donors, who have a disease, The symptoms of disease may occur in receivers because, in the study, the researchers found that, they took the skin sample of liver disease patients and grew it in lab, the skin sample it characterizes just like the disease cell. Therefore, this can be said that taking stem cell of people who have inherited disorder might bring a disease to receivers.

Personally, I’m a sort of medical science nerd; this one is one of my favorite topics. By the time that I read this, I have a thought that if you get the disease from getting stem cell, what will you do? Blame donor? Stay with it quietly? These things came up in my mind. In order to answer my own questions, if you decide to get a stem cell from donor, you must think critically first before you decide to sign in the form. The donors donate their cell to help you; therefore, in this case, you should not blame them that they don’t give you only stem cell but a disease. How do they suppose to know that they’re giving you a cell, which is able to grow to be a cause of serious problem. Before giving you a stem cell, doctor must check the cell and grow them in lab first before give that to the receivers. Therefore, it is just a small chance to get the abnormal cell, in case that you got it, it is just not thing you can do, but avoid stimulating factors that increase the risk of being disorder. This does not mean that every stem cell that you get it into your body will always develop to be a disease cell.

Zelladt, n. (2010, August 27). ust 27, 2010 | 2 comments

Stem Cells from Reprogrammed Adult Cells Found to Bring Along Genetic Defects of Their Donors

. Scientific America. Retrieved August 30, 2010 from


  1. I don't think this situation will be appear because in now technology, when you recieve stem cell such as bone marrow from the donor, doctor will check history about donor that they can math with recipient and will check disease of donor because every time you transpant stem cell, it will take many time and money so doctor will be evade every posible risk that can happen. and in common sense, people will not give anything from questionable donor to recipient especally if recipient is your close family member.

  2. I am not sure when donor got disease in their cell, they will know or not. If they are, donor should tell the doctor before donate their cell. Anyway, the doctor have to take responsibility to check it he can't put the blame to others.

  3. to ked(September 1, 2010 2:42 PM ), this article said that disease is broughtby donor cell is inherited disorder that is genetic disease. I think doctor should know that donor have this disease or not by ask family history because it is rare that his DNA is mutate to be genetic disease in his generation and not show a sign of disease so people that have inheited disorder gene should know that they are carrier or have a disease or not .


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