Saturday 30 May 2015

A. What do you think about smoking?

To help us get ideas, Hartmann's Step C. exercise on page 226 asks us to first brainstorm our ideas in short notes and then share them in a group (2007).

Hartmann's brainstorming prompt A. is:
  • What do you think about laws or government  programs to prevent children and teens from smoking? Should it be illegal to sell cigarettes to anyone under a certain age? Should smoking be illegal for everyone? Should the government stay out of this decision? Give reasons. 
Before you read your classmates' ideas, I suggest you response write in sentences in a comment for five minutes. Then quickly read what your classmates have written, looking especially for ideas you disagree with, but also replying to expand ideas you agree with. 

Hartmann, P. (2007). Quest 2 Reading and Writing (2nd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.

B. Your opinions on alcohol

To help us get ideas, Hartmann's Step C. exercise on page 226 asks us to first brainstorm our ideas in short notes and then share them in a group (2007).

Hartmann's brainstorming prompt B. is:
  • Do you believe that alcohol should be advertised in magazines or on TV?  Why or why not?  
Before you read your classmates' ideas, I suggest you response write in sentences in a comment for five minutes. Then quickly read what your classmates have written, looking especially for ideas you disagree with, but also replying to expand ideas you agree with. 

Hartmann, P. (2007). Quest 2 Reading and Writing (2nd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.

C. What do you believe about pregnant women who use drugs?

To help us get ideas, Hartmann's Step C. exercise on page 226 asks us to first brainstorm our ideas in short notes and then share them in a group (2007).

Hartmann's brainstorming prompt C. is:
  • What should be done about women who drink or use drugs when they are pregnant? Should their children be taken away from them by the courts? (If so, temporarily? Permanently?) Should the women be sent to prison or a treatment centre? Should the government stay out of this situation? Give reasons. 
Before you read your classmates' ideas, I suggest you response write in sentences in a comment for five minutes. Then quickly read what your classmates have written, looking especially for ideas you disagree with, but also replying to expand ideas you agree with. 

Hartmann, P. (2007). Quest 2 Reading and Writing (2nd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.

D. What do you think about illicit drug use?

To help us get ideas, Hartmann's Step C. exercise on page 226 asks us to first brainstorm our ideas in short notes and then share them in a group (2007).

Hartmann's brainstorming prompt D (revised by Peter). is:
  • Who should be responsible for preventing illicit drug use by children? Parents? Teachers? Government? What should they do to prevent drug use? Should drug use by adults be controlled by governments? (If so, when? When not?) How should we decide which drugs are legal and which illegal?  
Before you read your classmates' ideas, I suggest you response write in sentences in a comment for five minutes. Then quickly read what your classmates have written, looking especially for ideas you disagree with, but also replying to expand ideas you agree with. 

Hartmann, P. (2007). Quest 2 Reading and Writing (2nd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Natural Gas Prices Should Heat Up Soon

The most initial crucial factor in the world is energy. There are many sources of energy consumption. The oil and natural gas are the biggest sources and has been shown as usual fluctuating price.      Natural gas is the fossil fuel which has the highest growth rate from time to time. Since it is less hazardous than oil, it thus more applicable and its price seems to rise. However, this would not meet people's expectations. In according to the higher supply of natural gas than its demand, this causes the  lower price.

       In my perspectives, there are much more energy sources people use in these days. Oil once became the main source and its price had raised up and up. Nowadays, natural gas was focused. This is due to a better alternative choice that is cleaner and less polluted, the oil price then drops. But natural gas cannot be substitute oil completely, hence the price would be fluctuated following the market system.
       According to the law of economics, as other factors remain constant, the higher supply than the demand results a lower market price. As the same way as in this article, there are plentiful natural gas which people can find anywhere, its price would thus drop.
       Everything has its cycle. In the business cycle, there are booming, recession and much more periods that we, as the people who are still using energy, have to know. If we know the trend, we will understand how the world is moving then.

Rahemtulla, K. (2015, May 4) Natural Gas Prices Should Heat Up Soon. BBC News Business. Retrieved from

Monday 25 May 2015

Bon voyage en jeu (Google translated)

Back in the childhood, Many people tend to play a  video game or two when they were young, it was so dreamy and full of imagination, for someone a game would not be just a game for them, perhaps it might have been their ideal world to live in, so let take a step back from the reality and take a trip into the world of games.
GameSpot weekly Q&A section is back again, and asking their staff and readers with a question of "What game world would you want to spend a week-long vacation in?".

For me, there are a lot of games, I would like to spend my vacation in, but if I have to choose one that would definitely be World of Warcraft or WoW as everyone calls it, and I think just a week wouldn't be enough for me there. In WoW there a lot of beautiful places and fun events which I  cannot attend all of it in just only a week, so for my trip in WoW I would start off by visit Darnassus the city of night elf then continue to sight seeing around Teldrassil areas such as Pool of Alithrien and Shadowglen, then I  would spend my time in Darnassus for another  whole day.

Then on the third day i would spend my time traveling to Pandaria, and there I would spend what left of my time to visit many places like the majestic Mogu'shan Palace and the Shrine of Seven Stars, take a stroll through beautiful and calm Jade Forest and perhaps walk along the Great Wall of Pandaria, and finally if I have enough time I would spend it all in the magic city of Dalaran.

Sorry, for not writing down much about the details of what it's like in WoW, because I know you probably wouldn't not understand what I'm talking about anyway; however I would still like to hear from you about your trip of a week in your favourite video game.

Espineli, M. (2015, May 22). What Game Would You Want To Vacation In?. GameSpot Q&A Rest and relaxation. Retrieved from

Sunday 24 May 2015

Advantage of Social Co-operation

Social co-operation has a number of benefits. It seems natural that almost humans or small animals usually stay together in big groups to increase strength and survival. The cruel environment caused the disappear are some animals in the past, then ancestors of animals had to change behavior to service until the present by joining groups. There were many reasons such as protecting residence and finding a mate.

Humans or animals have resident that it is living area and their food resource .

Then, they have to protect and keep it far from enemies who attract to replace owner. A herd of lions have a male lion who is a leader and fight with opponent. They tried to serve living area that they spend their life, ants leave the nest and fight with opponent who cover their nest. It is the spirit of animals which happen by nature, they didn't learn or practice.

Other reasons find out a mate for extend generation. Groups of mate Frog sing to attract females that they gather in a big group to attract more females per male them smaller group, making it easier for the males to find a mate. Flock of birds, the young can be reared more safely in social groups for example in a colony tend to lay their eggs at around the same time, so all the chicks emerge from the egg almost simultaneously. The predator can only consume a finite number or chicks, each individual is less likely to be eaten.

A group that spread out in search of food is likely to be more successful than an animal searching alone. When one has found food, other may simply join it, but some species have developed a highly complex form of communication; When a honeybee finds some food it returns to its hive and perform a complex dance to indicate the location of the food to other.

In the past, Human usually built community with together in village for advantage to enemies protecting. Country of Thailand, people built their house around other house assemble village from village will be city because of safe of them. In addition, they join together for working in field plant rice and gather product theirs. Then, social co-operation get advantage to people who assemble with association.

Saturday 23 May 2015

The Complexity of The Brain

Human is the best creature in controlling brain function; however, it's just 10 percent of brain capability. Have you ever suspected about 90 percent left?

According to "Brain-reading implant controls arm" (2015), BBC News reported that when "two tiny sensors were implanted into his brain", Erik Sorto can "sip a drink unaided for the first time in 10 years" because of brain-controlled robotic arm. Nowadays, scientists discover more knowledge about our brain and nervous system and make innovation about brain-controlled robotics closer to reality.

Have you ever seen "Lucy", the film about what happen if human can use 100 percent of brain capability? Although it's sound weird when she step up to higher level, This film make me surprised about what our brain can do. Although it's just 10 percent, we can control almost body freely. We can express our mood through our face while most of other creature can't. Comparing to other creature, human thought is more complicated and more logical. It is an amazing phenomenon, if we can control our brain perfectly.

Scientist's research can help many people who suffer from damaged brain and paralyzed. Many people feel hopeless when they get an accident and it cause them to paralyze. They can't do anything without the others help. This innovation, a robotic arm controlled by our brain, is the light for them. However, it can't use in public because of its side effect. During the process, sensors must be implant to the brain and it can cause infection. Scientist allow this project in the laboratory only. I think they should study more about our brain system and decrease the risk of danger.

Is it all right when we can control 100 percent of our brain? I think our world is so chaotic although it's just 10 percent. 10 percent of brain function is enough to survive. If we can use 100 percent of brain system, I can't imagine what happen to our world.
Gallagher, J. (2015, May 22). Brain-reading implant controls arm. BBC News Health. Retrieved from

Data Centre as your Heater

After an hour of surfing through each web in the Peter's list of webs for reading, I've found this one that might interest my classmates too. I hope.

The Nerdalize eRadiator. From http://www.nerda
According to "Heating houses with 'nerd power'" (2015), excessive heat which is generated as a by-product of computing in computer servers is used to warm buildings and heat water. For examples, the Nerdalize eRadiator, which is a mini data centres for providing cloud services, and Bahnhof's data centres are generating heat for warming house in Netherlands and supplies hot water in Sweden respectively.

However, there is a security concern for data inside the radiator because the radiator is in consumer's house and can be cracked open. Florian Schneider, co-founder of Nerdalize company, assured the public that it is safe because data is encrypted. However, in order to strengthen the security, I think that these data should be frequently moved around amongst other radiators. Another method that can be used together is to separately store data and combine them on use. In these ways, it is hard to track down where the specific data is and, also, the data cannot be read even if it is stolen.

Home Data Center Project. From http://www.home
By the way, I have heard of something that is similar to this radiator before. It was a concept of business model where there is no centralised data centre and all mini data centres are distributed to voluntary users. They will be able to freely use cloud services and earn money for hosting these cloud services for other users at the same time. It is similar to owning solar cells and selling surplus generated electricity back to the grid. At the time I heard of this concept, it really makes me want to open a start-up of my own. However, the quality of Internet service provider in Thailand puts me in doubt. It is going to be a total failure if the Internet access is not stable.

Anyway, if these radiators can generate cold instead, I would gladly replace all air conditioners in my house with them without any hesitation at all. It is 40 Celsius degree out there.
Kremer, W. (2015, May 21). Heating houses with 'nerd power'. BBC News Magazine. Retrieved from

Friday 22 May 2015

Reading Of Mice and Men - exposing the characters

As I've already mentioned, I've previously written essays on the topics of Slim, Crooks, Carlson and Candy's dog, all of whom Steinbeck (2015) introduces in the second chapter of Of Mice and Men. This term, I thought it was time to write on the boss, so after my morning coffee, a bit late today, I read chapters 1 to 4 again to refresh my memory. I'll read the last two chapters again this afternoon.

Since the only research this essay requires, and the only research that you can cite to support your thesis about your chosen character, is what's in chapters 1 to 3 of the novel, I also wanted to check that people writing on Crooks, in whose room all of chapter 4 is set, could support an interesting thesis from what is in chapters 1 to 3, really, what is in chapters 2 and 3. I think it's obvious that reading chapter 4 not only tells us a lot about Crooks, but also about Candy and Curley's wife, who are the co-stars in this chapter, and perhaps less directly we learn more about Curley, the boss, and Slim; in fact, I think we can also get some ideas about Candy's dog and Carlson from chapter 4. So, it's clearly a very good idea to read chapter 4 if you're looking for ideas about any of the characters that Steinbeck introduces in chapter 2.

When I wrote my essay on Crooks, chapter 4 was very useful in suggesting main ideas to support. And if you have time today and tomorrow, you might like to read the rest of the novel, looking out for clues about your chosen topic. How consistently does Steinbeck present his characters? Do they do the sorts of things that we expect? How much clearer do our initial impressions of their characters become?

But it's those initial impressions in chapters 2 and 3, developed by reading later chapters, that are based on evidence you can cite to support your two or three main ideas about the character that combine to make your complex thesis that needs support. I also assume, although it's unnecessary, that you might get ideas from the many online commentaries on this famous story. That's fine: if you find an idea or two that you agree with, that seems right to you, it can be used in your thesis statement, but all of the support has to be what Steinbeck tells us in chapters 1 to 3. Although I don't agree with them all that they say, most of the online commentaries, such as SparkNotes, are fairly competent, if basic.

However, reading the source, Steinbeck's novel, especially the crucial chapters 2 and 3 is the best research, and the only research that we expect to be cited in the body of this essay: on what page and line did you find that useful quotation? On what page is that paraphrase found? When I wrote my essays, especially the one on Crooks, I read them carefully, noting every time Crooks was mentioned by anyone, since much of the evidence about him is not what he says or does, but what the other characters tell us about him.

And now that I'm starting to get some ideas about the boss, it's even clearer that the support isn't going to be directly what he says or is seen doing in the novel. Maybe after I read chapters 5 and 6, which I hope will clarify my ideas about the boss, I should sit down with my pink pen and read chapters 2 and 3 again.

Perhaps I'll write a provisional thesis statement first - I think I've done steps 1, 2, and 3 of the writing process enough to move on to step 4 and write that one, all important sentence, at least provisionally.

Steinbeck, J. (2015). Of Mice and Men. Bangkok: AUA for AEP. (Originally published 1937).

More Dangerous Than You Think

Most people realize that the beauty is value and important things to live in this society. Sometimes, they forget that some beauty comes along with dangers; In addition, the people may be blind to the situation and lead to the bad effects.

According to the BBC News article “The perils of contact lenses”, the writer states that contact-lens wearers have a chance to suffer from eye infections, Acanthamoeba Keratitis because organisms like bacteria is easy to attach contact lenses and results to eye pain, irritation and serious effects; moreover, the vulnerability to infection will increase if the people don’t leave their contact lenses before sleeping or even wear the contact lenses while they are swimming or taking a bath. The writer suggests that people have to put contact lenses off before sleeping and use swimming goggles to protect your eyes.

After reading the article, I am worried about my eyes because I am a person who wears the contact lenses. My contact lenses have been available and active for 1 month; it means that I can have used the contact lenses for 1 month after opening and then I have to change them into another ones. However, I am sometimes lazy to change it and think that it still uses; in addition, I forget to leave them out before sleeping occasionally. The result is that sometimes my eyes are uncomfortable and pain.

In addition, some people who have a normal vision would like to wear the contact lenses because of beauty; however, they still have not enough knowledge to the dangers of the contact lenses. The contact lenses are so-called “Big eyes” in which it is available in the market place. Most contacts don’t get the guarantee from Thai Food and Drug Administration. In other words, they are not safe to use it for our eyes. The contacts will increase more vulnerable to infection in which some people may get serious harm and lose eyes.

As far as I’m concerned, I suggest that people should not wear “Big eyes” because they lead to be more harmful than you think. People should be examined by experts and should buy the contact lenses from believable sources; furthermore, if you suffer from any eye infection, you have to remove your contacts and don’t wear the contacts until you get over the infection. Besides, before picking up the contacts, you have to make sure your hands are clean and after putting it off, the contact lenses have to place in water lens-cleaning kit, not tap water.

Have you ever done the behavior before? If you say “Yes”, you will have to stop doing it and change your behavior to your healthy eyes. ________

The perils of contact lenses. (2015, May 19). BBC News Health. Retrieved from

Thursday 21 May 2015

Malaysia and Rohingya

Have you ever heard about Rohingya? What do you think about it?

By reading the BBC News article Asiamigrants: Malaysia orders search and rescue for boats”(2015), Malaysia government rejected Rohingya migrant boats (about 7,000 people) that have Rohingya Muslims that are fleeing persecution in Myanmar, and Bangladeshis that are economic migrants to their land. It leaded to have a meeting between Malaysia, Indonesia, and Myanmar. Finally Malaysia and Indonesia will help them temporarily, but Myanmar doesn’t help because they caused many problems in Myanmar.

In Thailand, we have this problem too. I read the news that Rohingya’s boats passed Thai waters and Thai government help them with the food, oils, and water. Some reporters in Thailand want Thai government to take care Rohingya, but most of Thai people don’t agree with it, they think that Thai has many problems that can’t manage now and Thailand isn’t a rich country that can support them. I agree with most of Thai people. Moreover, Thailand is a Buddhist, but Rohingya is a Muslim. The different religion can lead to a big problem in the future.

In a humanitarian way, to help people when they meet a trouble is a correct way, especially kid and elder. When they sick or stave, we should help them, but how do we know that they really need your help? If they are set by someone and we help them, who will receive the benefit? I think this is a good point to think about it.
Park J. (2015, May 21). Asia migrants: Malaysia orders search and rescue for boats. BBC News Asia. Retrieved from

On Zayn Malik's decision

A few months ago, there was the breaking news about One Direction, the famous British boy band. One of the five members, Zayn Malik, announced to left the band during the world tour to be a normal 22-year-old boy, but he broke his word and became a solo artist which disappointed his fan and created a big drama.

In “Louis on Zayn row: 'All good in the hood'”(2015) reports that Zayn Malik, the former member of One Direction, and One Direction’s Louis Tomlinson are “on good terms now” after they had a little fight in twitter. In addition, although the members are disappointed about Zayn’s decision, they wish him best luck in his future career.

I have to say that I’m a really big fan of One Direction, and I also disappoint in Zayn. I understand that he was not happy working in the band and wanted to have a normal life; no camera, no paparazzi and having privacy; this is what he said in the interview. In reality, he goes to work with Naughty boy to focus on his solo. The point is he is liar and he breaks his own word. I think it must be better if he tell us the truth at first.

Another drama point about Zayn’s leaving is he left when the bang are on the world tour, the biggest world tour they ever had, On the Road Again Tour. This tours have seven legs; Australia, Asia, South Africa, Middle East, Europe, North America, and UK & Ireland. Zayn announced his departure on the Asia leg; he went back to UK calming that he was so stressful and then officially quitted. I think he made a very selfish decision leaving the band; he didn't care about the other four, the people behind this work, the damage that will happen, and he ignored his responsibility although he had to pay some compensation for the damage.

Actually, there is a rumor for a while about the solo plan of each member because the lifetime of a boy band is limited, and the recent contract will be expired in a few months. Therefore, I’m not understand why he wanted to pay a lot of money to left the band while the contract is almost ended. It’s weird, isn't it?

Finally, Although One Direction continues as a fourpiece, I think that the fans will support them as always. And I really hope that they will have a world tour again. I will buy a front row ticket if they come to Thailand next time.
Louis on Zayn row: 'All good in the hood'.(2015, May 17). BBC NewsbeatRetrieved from

Wednesday 20 May 2015

Homemade Morphine

Have you ever imagined that how morphine, a kind of illegal drug used legally in medicine as a painkiller, is produced ?

According to "Home-brewed morphine",  "Scientists have figured out how to brew morphine" at home only by using specific strain of yeast that was genetically modified to change sugar to morphine, basic skills in fermentation and the same kit as making beer. The purpose of this finding are to "allow scientists to tweak each of the steps to develop new types of painkiller" and to produce morphine easier, faster and more.

When I search for an article in BBC news, I try to find a article that different from my old ones that always about health, technology and science. However, I can't find any article that interests me much like this one so I still choose it from BBC Health. Next time, I promise myself not to choose article that relate to these categories again. But, I'm not sure whether I could.

As I'm reading this article, I suspect that what will happen if this strain of yeast was spread out from scientist to other people. It can causes serious problems if we don't have a good prevention. Although this method is only known among scientist, it is dangerous too because they might smuggle it to sell. Therefore, we need to have a good prevention and carefully check for producing this addictive drug.

While I'm read this article, I found some interesting information that I haven't known. It's what  morphine is produced from in general way. This article tells that morphine is obtained from poppies, white flower that use to commemorate soldiers who have died in war. This is interesting that this beautiful flower has some addictive chemicals used to make addictive drug.

Now, we can see many cases assuring that technology is very useful and necessary for our world. This make me think about our world if we don't have any technology like ancient times, what our routine will be. And, if our technology still progress more and more like today, what will happen in the next 20 years or 30 years or 50 years. I couldn't imagine that but it must be very very convenient for people in that time.

Everything has its cons and pros, same as coins that have two sides. If you use something bad but use in proper way, it can cause pleasant result like this kind of drug.
Gallagher, J. (2015, 19). 'Home-brewed morphine' made possible. BBC Health. Retrieved from

Tuesday 19 May 2015

Grip strength and Long live

I learnt that there are a lot of information that doctors need to evaluate before they predict person have cardiovascular risk or not? In the nearly future, some health guideline might be included new indication for heart problem.
Hand grip

According to “Palm ‘holds secrets of future health’,” there is a recently research on approximately “140,000 people in 14 countries,” about grip strength can be another accurate factor, apart from blood pressure, to predict risk of heart problem, stroke and early death. The result show that each “11 lb (5 kg) reduction in grip strength” in each person can lead to an increase in fatal heart attack, stroke and dying young by 17%, 9% and 16% respectively.

In my opinion, hand grip strength gauge is cheaper than many lab tests which can indicate risk of those health problems such as blood or urine analysis and electrocardiogram. It is very useful for everyone, particularly people who don’t have time and money to have an expensive health screening program in the hospital. At least, doctor can use this tool with some patients’ information by asking and examining; for example, family history, BMI (Body Mass Index), smoking, Blood pressure and so on, to predict their risk more accurate while the cost and time may decrease.

I have heard a story from my patient. She told me that her acquaintance who exercises with her every evening by non-stop running for an hour in the Suan Luang Park was sudden death with heart attack. I don’t know exactly what was kind of heart attack but she said that there seem to be any problem with him and he looks healthy. Therefore, I think that being heart problem can be caused by many reasons and one of those can occur in person who takes exercise almost every day.  This tool might help doctor predict risk of cardiovascular problem more accurate.

I really wonder in the same thing in which researchers need to know and plan to study more, that is the relation between the two. How does grip strength link with heart problem and stroke? 
Gallagher,J. (2015, May 14). Palm 'holds secrets of future health'. BBC News Health. Retrieved from 

UK house price rises accelerate, says ONS

UK house price rises accelerate, says ONS

House is the one habitat for the human. The house price is increasing from time to time base on many factors. Thus it is the most popular investment for investor.

The England’s house price has been dramatically inflated since 2007 due to tax. It is increasing four times faster than population’s wages. This may result in housing bubble in accordance with those struggling low income people try to make the mortgage.

Firstly, I think the future of this trend is not good for UK because the price of accommodation is too much higher than cost of living. So, people will not afford their housing price. If UK government allow the price of accommodation follow the market price that it sharply rose, it will be a problem soon.

Since the price is too high as aforementioned, low income people will not be affordable. This cause them to make a large deposit which is not sustainable and reliable for the bank. Thus, it could turn into Non Performance Loans.

Last but not least, UK government must have some rule to manipulate the housing price. For instance, controlling the housing inflation in a proper rate and reducing land tax to low rate.

Peachey, K. (2015, May 19) UK house price rises accelerate, says ONS. BBC News Business. Retrieved from

Monday 18 May 2015

Flight Hack

A number of airplane accidents have occurred recently, and some of them are still mysterious. Improving from the past failures, modern aircraft is very safe and reliable nowadays; still, there are many uncontrollable factors which can lead to disastrous accident.

According to "FBI flight hacker claims queried by security experts", Mr. Robert, an airline system security expert, is believed to be able to control aircraft's engine from passenger seat through in-flight electronic entertainment system. However, it has not yet been proved whether he can really hack airplane's thrust system.

Even though we don't have any evidence to show that he can hack aircraft computer system, according to "FBI flight hacker claims queried by security experts", "he had 'exploited' the in-flight entertainment systems on various aircraft '15 - 20 times' between 2011 and 2014". This shows that there are still weaknesses in aircraft security system. It could not detect people hacking the system from passenger seats.

Providing that Mr. Robert is a criminal and successfully hacks aircraft engine system which results in plane crash, this would be one of the most mysterious air crash in history. Even though "black box" can indicates the strange changes in engine system, no one would think that these engines are controlled from passenger seat.

From this news we can see that the word 100% safe does not exist anywhere in the world. While aircraft security experts develop better security system, there is another group of intelligent people who try to break that system.

Although there are many plane accidents recently, statistics reveal that aircraft is the safest mode of transport. Therefore, don't be afraid of flying.
Kleinman, Z. (2015, May 18). FBI flight hacker claims queried by security experts. BBC News Technology. Retrieved from

Do you still believe in The Law system?

Many people believe laws are in place to protect them from danger and each other. Thus inferring they take some sort of control over people's actions. Laws are in place by our government to control a group of people living in a area together. These laws should not be broken or a penalty fitting the crime will be given, and those responsible will be sentenced to pay. Earlier, I did believed that the law is righteousness. People who made a mistake, they deserved the properly punishment what they have done. Nowadays, I do change my mind, I do not believe that the law system is still fair as before. In some cases, the verdict seems distrust and becomes totally unfair to innocent people.

According to Indian newspapers report shocking new atrocities - a 10-month-old raped by a neighbour in Delhi; an 18-month-old raped and abandoned on the streets in Calcutta; a 14-year-old raped and murdered in a police station in Uttar Pradesh; a husband facilitating his own wife's gang rape in Howrah; a 65-year-old grandmother raped in Kharagpur. But in a country where a rape is reported every 21 minutes, even these most horrific of crimes soon get forgotten - except by the victims and their families. They are left to fight their long lonely battles for justice which, more often than not, is denied to them.

From my point of view, I have heard a lot of unfair judgement in India about girls were raped and abandoned on the streets. Some girls in India who suffer from sexual assault, mistreatment, and so on. But the court did not give the right justice. Moreover,criminals can bail out and walk free. None of them would admit to being the culprit. That's so cruel and sucks. What's fair? Do they can call for justice? 

It seems like in Thailand currently. If you are the rich people, you can do whatever you want and you never be wrong person even if you have did the worst thing such as kill people, do drug, ravish girls or children and drive with careless. Last week, Thai court just sentenced the rich girl who drove reckless and killed 9 bodies on the express highways. This cruel lawsuit happened 5 years ago. Now it was settled. She was sentenced to be suspended for 4 years, not allow to drive a car until she's 25, do public services for 48 hours. Because it is the first time that she made a mistake and she was 18 years in that time. This is why she does not sentence to jail. At the same time, the dead's families never ever got any assistance from her family and her family acts like they are not guilty and never ever say sorry to the dead. Some of victims are the best quality people and they also are head of the families. Lacking of the head of family is so hard to move on. How could their families survive? If I were the victim's family, I would fight for the right thing. I would not let the criminal is bailed out. I would try my best to send her to jail. Even if I have to lose all my money. 

Frankly speak, I really hate Thai court and Thai laws indeed. Because they always support the rich people who completely break the law. This is the biggest mistake of Thai Court of justice. Just because you have a lot of money, you can change from wrong to right or black to white. Actually,It better call " Up to you Laws " not " Civil Laws" in Thailand. By the way, think the legal system is unfair or unjustified because it allows those with big mistakes to be less punished,especially the rich people, politicians, and authorized person. They are able to employ highly qualified lawyers unlike the poor. The law is not uniform to all. Furthermore, Thai Laws should be changed as soon as possible. It should be more strict and it should have more severe punishment. People will be afraid of doing wrong and admit the punishment without exception. As human beings and members of a country with so much to offer, everyone should have a moral obligation to stand up for what they believe in. Fighting injustice in a peaceful and determined way will result in a greater outcome for all. 

From this news shows selfishness of human being. It seems like our reality in nowadays that we have to battle against the wickedness to survive for the next day. Sometime it is really hard to stand for the unfair law, the influential person and the power of money. It depends on what you deal with in that time. 

Someone said " No matter how powerful, countries cannot rule the whole world. The world is ruled by brains, by justice, by morals and by fairness". So, do you guys think the law is still fair or unfair? Are we morally obliged to obey unjust laws? Do we have to follow a law regardless of how unfair, unjust, or immoral it may be?


Raped Indian nurse dies after 42 years in coma. (2015, May 18). The guardian World. Retrieve from

The rapes that India forgot. (2015, May 18). BBC News Asia. Retrieve from