Monday 11 May 2015

Quest 2, p.176, x.C, Discussion 1 - phobia v. normal fear

We want to turn Hartmann's discussion questions on page 176 into short response writing exercises.

Read the following question and then write a comment to share your ideas. Response write for 5 minutes.
  • In your opinion, how is a phobia different from a normal fear? What might be some "healthy fears"? (Hartmann, 2007)
Hartmann, P. (2007). Quest 2 Reading and Writing (2nd ed.) New York: McGraw-Hill.


  1. In my opinion, yes phobia is different from a normal fear because it's not just only being afraid of something but also getting disgusted, annoyed, and hated from it. Healthy fear might be a fear of crowded place because crowded place tend to have problems such as insufficient airflow or targeted by a terrorist.

  2. In my opinion, the difference between phobia and normal fear is that the things that you are afraid of. Normal fear is like being afraid of things that can harm or cause trouble with your lives or dangerous things, the things that majority think they are dangerous. Phobia is like being afraid of something that is common for others and is not harmful.

  3. I think that everyone has something that he or she fear, so it is a common fear. However, it should not affect daily life. If it affect our life, I think it may be some kind of phobia. For example, Globopobia, it is fear of balloon. People who have this phobia usually avoid to go to party which decorate with many balloon, while some people just fear of balloon popping.

  4. People with phobia have an irrational and uncontrollable fear, but people with normal fear can still think rationally and can control their behaviour and thoughts to some degree. For example, acrophobia is an irrational fear of height. They prefer not to look down from balcony at the high place or from 3rd floor inside department stores, even though they do know that they're not going to fall.

  5. First, I think many fears are healthy. When I was child growing up in the country, we were taught to fear certain snakes and any snake we couldn't identify. There were also snakes around that were not dangerous and that we did not need to fear, so we could pick up and play with carpet snakes, which might give a bite it annoyed, but were not poisonous; in contrast, the red-bellied black snakes were very poisonous and we ran away, or watched nervously as our dad killed the poor snake with a handy branch. Poor? Yes, I do feel a bit sorry for all those dead snakes now, although that wasn't somehting that occurred to me as a child. They were just going about their business and the only "wrong" that they committed was to cross our path. I know now that had we left them alone, they would have left us alone, but I can understand our parents worry and effort to teach us to fear and hate them. One of my sisters was bitten once, but happily she got to hospital and was given the anti-venom for the bite.

  6. In my opinion, a phobia differs from fear that a phobia is a over state of fear that is irrationally understandable such as fear of number, fear of narrow place, fear of crowded people, fear of money, etc.

    "Healthy fears" might be some fears that don't cause any disadvantages to you. It's alright to fear something like that.

  7. I think phobia is a disorder in people who fear something seriously and may make them crazy when see something they afraid. But in normal fear, it just make people feel temporary frightened.

    In "healthy fears", I think it is a action that occur in someone afraid of something that has bad result for him.

  8. In my view, a phobia is a symptom of fear that interfere your daily life and cannot go on your life regularly. Differently, a normal fear is feeling in which your mind can accept the fear; however, if it's possible, the person don't want to face the fear.

    I read an article about papyrophobia who fear of paper. The person cannot use any paper and feel anxiety and nervous. This affects on the quality of life.

    For healthy fears, I think that the person feel fear something that is healthy for the body.

  9. A normal fear, in my opinion, is a fear that most people have. The things human fear of probably be things that we don't know, can not explain, or something that can cause damage to us. In other word, normal fear is human beings' distinct to protect themselves. Phobia, on the other hand, is a fear which is not normal. Phobia is found in small group of people. People who have phobias can fear of anything. The cause of phobia is mainly from experience. Lastly, "healthy fear" is a fear to protect yourself, some kind of normal fear.

  10. For me, Phobia is fearing something so bad that you can't even see it or think about it. In contrast, normal fear is also fearing but you can force your self to live with it and still can control yourself. In some case , people fear something that is unhealthy stuff like fast foods for alcohol, and I think it is a healthy fear.

  11. It is serous specific fear that we did not know reason.

  12. Phobias different from a normal fear because phobias can't get over with things that you fear and it always stuck in your mind.

    But the normally fear , you can get through this situations when you have understand what it is. For example, when you were a child, your mother did not allow you go out alone by threatened you that you might be kidnapped but when you grow up, she let you go out on your own.

  13. In my opinion, yes phobia is different from a normal fear because it's not just only being afraid of something but also getting disgusted, annoyed, and hated from it. Healthy fear might be a fear of crowded place because crowded place tend to have problems such as insufficient airflow or targeted by a terrorist.

  14. A phobia has different characters from a normal fear. It is specifically afraid of something such as water that make disorders cannot control themselves when they are close to.

    Healthy fear might be strange manner when we face something that we afraid and we concern it

  15. I think that everyone has something that he or she fear, so it is a common fear. However, it should not affect daily life. If it affect our life, I think it may be some kind of phobia. For example, Globopobia, it is fear of balloon. People who have this phobia usually avoid to go to party which decorate with many balloon, while some people just fear of balloon popping.


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