Thursday 14 May 2015

Medicine and Drugs: Addictive Substances - Hartmann's opening page

On page 199 of Quest, Hartmann (2007) has, as usual, an image and few questions.

Her questions are:
  • Look at the picture. What do you think the people are saying to the man? 
  • What should you do if your friend has an embarrassing personal problem? 
  • What are the signs that someone has a problem with addiction? 
Choose one of these questions, and response write in a comment for ten minutes. 

Hartmann, P. (2007). Quest 2 Reading and Writing (2nd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.


  1. What are the signs that someone has a problem with addiction?

    well, i think that there are many signs that can indicate if someone has a problem with addiction such as

    - they have been with it or using it for a long time and think that it's normal thing not addiction.
    - they slightly increase the intake of it without recognizing.
    - when they can't have it, they will get moody and it's uncontrollable.

    and addiction to some things like cigarettes or alcohol may has an effect on your health and appearance.

    1. I've heard this from my Canadian friends. He said that most of ballet dancers that he knew are heavy smokers and those cigarettes help them keep their appetite and therefore they are slim.
      I don't know how long can they continue to dance though.

  2. For the question "What should you do if your friend has an embarrassing personal problem?"

    I would give him some suggestions if I know and also suggest him to see a doctor to find out whether his problem has any relation to his body or disease. or may see a psychologist if that problem relates to his mind to make him fell more relieve. Moreover, I won't tell other people and tease him about his embarrassing problem. In some cases that the problem are very personal so he doesn't want to tell his parents, I will persuade him to talk with them because they must have had some useful ideas and can help my friend to get better soon.

    1. Must parents "have had some useful ideas"? I'm not sure that the advice my mother gave my niece when she became pregnant at age 14 was very useful. Although after the fact, I didn't say anything to either of them about their decision.

    2. Knut, I like your answer. You seem to be a good friend. Well, the first thing that I will do is stand by his side, cheer him up, don't leave him alone and try to help as much as possible.

      Nobody wants to be alone when they are facing a problem. Everybody wants a good friend to share the world with. Moreover, nobody wants to be left.

      Someone said " Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light". However, you can't deny that having a good friend in a tough time , it is such a wonderful thing.

    3. I think so. If my friend is facing any problems, I will offer myself to help my friend like you. First thing I will do is that I will stand by my friend. After that we help with each other to find some causes of the problem and I will use soft method to cure him; for example, I may invite my friend to do other activities so that he will not concentrate on drug or addictive substances too much.

  3. I choose the question no.3 "What are the signs that someone has a problem with addiction?" The addiction has many type such as alcohol addiction, cigarette addiction and drug addiction. I think the sign is his or her weird behavior or action. All of addicted things affect to his or her mind. They can change their mood in the short time. When they receive the thing that they want, they will feel lively and powerful. If they don't get it, they will be aggressive and fidget. If you have some friend that do like this, you can guess that he or she has a problem with addiction.

    1. I'm addicted to coffee. If I don't get my morning or afternoon hit, I develop a headache which worsens until relieved by a cup of strong, fresh coffee. Is my behaviour really weird?

    2. No, that is physical dependency, isn't it? I used to have a cup of coffee before I went to work in the morning, but during weekend I decided not to. So on Saturday of almost every week, I got a light headache with a bit of dizziness. Sometimes it was really bad that I decided to have a cup of tea to stop it.

    3. I like Tin's comment, which I think raises an issue worth discussing.
      Your turn!

  4. After I finished looking at the picture, I find out that the man who is sitting in the middle, he seems very upset or disappointed from something in his life such as losing job, prospective in his career, losing his girlfriend, losing his car or someone who is in his family passed away. His action seems like he is facing a tough time ,is losing his mind or is waiting for someone to lend a hand for him. By the way, It is not easily to pass the tough time by himself, sometimes he need someone to stand by his side and cheer him up.

    If we try to look at that picture again, a people are surround him , they might be his co-workers and some of them might want to know what's going on with his life ? or does he need some help?

    1. I like Aoh's suggestion from the picture that he's lucky to have friends who do seem to care about him and are trying to be supportive and helpful.

  5. They talk with the man who doing something mistake and got an embarrassing. If he is my friend, i will tell him clam down every thing we can result it and you didn't worry something wrong. It is usually in you life that you always doing something mistake. It just learn in your life and it past away. We stay at the present.

    1. i think this is a great way to say with friend. We should talk to him that everything will be fine. I like your words "It just learn in your life and it past away" No one can remember your mistake forever and this will be your experience ,so in the future, you can do it better.

    2. This is useful way to help friends with embarrassing personal problem. We do a lot of things in our lives, so you won't care if you make some mistake in the past. It is your valuable experience.

  6. What are the signs that someone has a problem with addiction?

    I will know that someone has a problem through one's manner, such as he or she will be more quiet , not focus on something as long, sometime look unsteady, sometime look strong and sometime look slow. Moreover, there are his or her physical problems; for example, pink eyes, feel cold and so on.

    1. And headaches? This is my addiction symptom as noted in my reply above to Pond's comment on the same question from Hartmann.

    2. Pesonally, I do not think that you are addicted to coffee because you just want to regularly drink it in the morning or afternoon, but not want to drink it instead of water or want more quantitative everday. Your physics just get accustom to get it everyday , if you do not drink , you will desire it as same as when people do not have food , people will be hungry. Could I ask a question: Have you ever drunk other drinks such as tea or some drink that contrain caffein instead?

    3. I think a headache of increasing intensity, along with irritability in my mood are symptoms of something more serious than just wanting coffee. I sometimes want a piece of chocolate cake, but there are no consistently appearing physical or psychological symptoms if I don't get my piece of Sacher torte.

      What do others think: am I addicted to coffee or not?

    4. What about Beam's brother in her comment below? Is he addicted? Is he an addict?

    5. In my opinion, I think peter is addicted to caffeine from coffee because he always drink it every morning and if he doesn't has a cup of coffee, he has some withdrawal symptoms such as headache.

      Anyway, I think that Peter's caffeine addiction just be physiological because he said that he "can live without coffee."
      So, what do others think: do you agree with me?

    6. I agree with you ,but I confuse something that you told us "sometime look slow" Why do you think like that? I think, the addict is usually nervous and energetic when they have drug.

    7. If you brave heart , you will give up addiction. You will take some times. You did not get hopeless because every thing are resolved by reasoning.

    8. Aah ...! That unusually late morning drug hit feels good, and tastes good, and goes so smoothly with a bit of morning blogging.

      I don't really want to give up my morning coffee addiction. Nor does my afternoon coffee addiction worry me at all, except in unusual circumstances.

      Many years ago, I went with friend to stay in his home village in Pechaboon for a few days. Disaster! I forgot to take coffee. Later the first night, we were scouring the non- coffee-drinking village for relief of my growing distress.

      And during the floods in Bangkok in 2011, when there was a danger of serious disruption, I bought a jar of instant coffee in case my condo lost its electricity and I couldn't brew the fresh coffee I love. (Happily, Silom Road was not inundated, and apart from a lack of broccoli and asparagus at my local Tops in Silom Complex, I didn't suffer as much as so many Bangkok residents did.)

  7. The signs that someone has a problem with addiction is he can't live without it , and always wants it more and more so he will do anything, even wrong or not ,to get something that he addicts to ,but when he lost it, it will affect to his body such as having a strain,headache,stomachache or getting illusion in his mind.

    However, it is very hard for a person who that has this problem to stop addicting something. He may have to get some medical treatments.

    1. I think there are many level of addiction. Like Peter said, if it is serious addiction such as drugs or alcohol addiction that has bad, serious effect to your body, it need to be cured. However, if it is just normal addiction such as coffee addiction, it is fine and doesn't need to be cured.

    2. I think sometimes coffee addiction is also become a serious problem. My mom can't live without a morning coffee. She said she isn't addicted but when she doesn't drink it, she will have a headache and moody.

    3. I think the people who severely addict and can't live without drug and addictive substances is not all group of addictive persons. I agree with Pond's opinion that there are many levels of addiction; however, the smaller level will surely increase into the higher level and finally if he or she can't move away from the substances, he or she will take it all the time.

      Most people addict coffee. Some people drink it a cup of coffee per day; however, others take it more than one. If they don't drink it, they may be a headache.

  8. If my friend has a personal problem that he feels embarrassed, first I’ll open my heart and accept him that he’s having the problem. Some problems are very personal and very embarrassed to talk about. If people with such problems reveal the problems to me, it means that they trust you and are willing to talk about it to only you. So I won’t display any negative comments or strongly disagree with them until they ask for my opinions. In this way, they will feel more relaxed and will open up to me. During this time, I will only paraphrase their saying in return or speak signs that I’m paying attention to them.

    1. I pretty much agree. If a close friend has taken the risk of sharing something very personal with me, it might not be the time or place to analysing and saying who is right and who is wrong. Similarly, when my 14 year niece had a baby, it would not have been helpful, and not what she or the baby needed, for me to say much of what I thought about her decision to continue with the pregnancy and her behaviour during it.

    2. I once thought "do I look like a toilet flush?" Since they always feel better after they've talked, but I felt very down. Now I don't have that thought anymore. If they can feel better just by talking, then that's fine by me.

    3. Tin, I do agree with you that " Some problems are very personal and very embarrassed to talk".

      Sometimes, it is too hard to share your problem to someone else. Even if they are your close friends. Because it can't guarantee that they will understand your situation or lend a hand for you or not. Moreover, they might let others know your embarrassing problem or betray you after they know that. Who knows!

      For me, when i was facing a tough time, first thing that i did is stay away from others and try to figure out what happened and then try to fix that problem by myself.
      It might not a good way to solve the problem but it makes you be a stronger person and learn how to deal with a problem that will happen in the future.

  9. After I finished looking at the picture, I find out that the man who is sitting in the middle, he seems very upset or disappointed from something in his life such as losing job, prospective in his career, losing his girlfriend, losing his car or someone who is in his family passed away. His action seems like he is facing a tough time ,is losing his mind or is waiting for someone to lend a hand for him. By the way, It is not easily to pass the tough time by himself, sometimes he need someone to stand by his side and cheer him up.

    If we try to look at that picture again, a people are surround him , they might be his co-workers and some of them might want to know what's going on with his life ? or does he need some help?

  10. What are the signs that someone has a problem with addiction?

    The signs of being addicted is that he will have a very strong desire to have a drug, and he will want more amount every time you put it in his body. If he doesn't get it, he will be very suffer from his desire; sweaty, worried, trembling, or in the worst case is die. The addiction is started with a small amount, slowly increased the quantity, and finally you can't live without it. Those addictive drugs will give you a happy and pleasant feeling while you intake it and this is why people can't stop being addicted.

    1. I can live without coffee, so perhaps I'm not addicted after all. But then, everyone I've ever known who used marijuana could live without that drugs, so is it not addictive?

      On the other hand, I've know some alcohol users who could not live without their drug.

  11. What are the signs that someone has a problem with addiction?

    In my opinion, if people have a problem with addiction of something, they will spend a lot of free time with using that object. This can lead to losing of social skill if they do not addict with party or something involve social skill. For example, my younger brother has game addiction. He always play game in Computer, Ipad, even smart phone all day long. He don't like to talk with other people much, not only stranger or new people, but also his parents and friend. Moreover,I think this addiction is very popular among Thai teenager nowadays.

    However, there are also some addiction that does not affect people's life much. For example, my friend is addict only aroma inhaler.

    1. I like Beams suggested example of a different type of addiction. Do you agree with her? Is her brother an addict?

      What might some other types of addictions be? What other sorts of things are, or can be, addictive?

    2. I think that there are a lot of thing can be addictive; for example, social network(such as Facebook and Line), internet, TV, smoking, alcohol and so on. And I think that modern technology is a cause of making people, particularly children and teenager,are dependent on object so much. For example, as you can see, nowadays everyone has his own smartphone and can do almost everything by use it such as play game, chat, pay bill, therefore, it is not surprise if everyone is dependent on smartphone too. So, might smartphone be another thing is addictive?

  12. I have already posted it again because my comment disappeared.

    What are the signs that someone has a problem with addiction?

    As far as I'm concerned, addiction doesn't mean only drug and chemical substance; however, I think that it includes medias or technology like social network, video game. Someone who is defined as addictive person consists of many signs. Most people desire severely to use it all the time; he or she is obsess with that and try to find every ways to get it. Most spend most time doing it; in addition, he or she doesn't care everything around them. For example, a person who takes heroin would like to use it all the time. When the action of the substance already finished, they want to use it again because they feel relax and get high while they are taking it. On the other hand, if they lacks it, they may show aggressive behavior, depressed, loudly shouting. Finally, they find every ways as much as they can so as to use it.

    In addition, a person who is becoming an addictive person can resist more strengthen of substances and would like to take it more than previous strength; for instance, some older people have taken sleeping pills to easy to sleep for a long time. After that, they may want more strength because usual or common dose doesn't affect themselves and can't no longer sleep.


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