Thursday 14 May 2015

Medicine and Drugs: Addictive Substances - "Consequences of addiction"

On her introductory page for the first reading of chapter 7, Hartmann has a couple of images with captions (2007, p. 200). Look at the pictures and read the captions.

Then choose one of Hartmann's questions below to answer in a comment, response writing for ten minutes.

  • If a pregnant woman is addicted to drugs or alcohol, what might happen to her unborn baby? 
  • In your culture, who takes care of the baby of a mother who cannot take care of her child because of her addiction? 
  • in your culture, do many people adopt a child - in other words, take some else's child into their home and legally become the child's parents? 
  • How might war cause an increase in drug addiction? 

Hartmann, P. (2007). Quest 2 Reading and Writing (2nd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.


  1. How might war cause an increase in drug addiction?

    I think war can be another cause of increase in drug addiction because many people would suffer from severe pain and injury during and after finished war therefore drug mostly is use for that is morphine which is can be easily addict. Moreover, because of a huge number of patient, government might need to import or produce Marijuana(plant which has active substance for relieving severe pain) for this purpose. That's mean people can easier access this drug.

    1. I really agree with you , I also answer this question but I didn't think about physical pain before. I think this is quite the big problem because we have no choices to cure people. May be in the future, it will have some innovation that can treat patients efficiently.

    2. I agree with you. But, I think it has one more important effect that is making people happy when they get drugs. In the war, people feel unhappy and hopeless, so drugs can relieve bad feeling and make them happy

    3. I agree with you and you give me some new ideas I never thought before. Any war lead to many casualty that should be cured the best. Many drugs are taken for the patients for a long time. Direct effect is that the patients can relieve their pain or wound; however, the drug is still affect indirect effect especially in highly pain killers. Morphine is one of the pain killers that has a strong dose. Some soldiers who get the drug for a long time may be an addictive person in the future because their body will accumulate the drug and lead to changing of the brain like thinking, memory, visual,and so on.

    4. Reading Gift's reply, I wondered why we think that being addicted is such a bad thing.
      I'm addicted to coffee, and that does not seem to cause any serious problems in my life; in fact, mounting evidence suggests that the benefits to drinking coffee might mean that this addiction is a good thing.

      If a soldier, or any other patient such as a cancer sufferer, becomes addicted to, for example, morphine, which is very similar to heroin, is that a bad thing? Why or why not?
      If a young woman is addicted to computer games, going no to make a successful career in that field, is her addiction a bad thing?
      And students addicted to reading, who just love learning all the time? Good or bad?

    5. And now my invigorating morning drug dose, which was brewing as I wrote the last reply, is ready to pour.
      Do you mix any addiction with your blogging? Maybe you should!

  2. If a pregnant woman is addicted to drugs or alcohol, what might happen to her unborn baby?

    Of course, there must be a consequence to her baby. The alcohol and drugs have chemical substances which will destroy the brain and nervous system. Surely, it will affect a mother herself, but it indirectly affect her baby because a mother share her intake diets with her baby through the placenta. Therefore, the baby ma have a problem with brain function or sometimes the physical appearance as well.

    1. yeah i agree. because of the shared food between mother and baby that make the baby get some chemical substance by feeding process.

    2. I agree with you. Baby will get food and substance from mother through the umbilical cord when mother pregnant. If mother gets chemical substance from drugs, baby also gets too.

  3. If a pregnant woman is addicted to drugs or alcohol, what might happen to her unborn baby?

    i think the substances in those drugs and alcohol will flow in to the unborn baby through the blood vessel system and that must be very dangerous to the baby. Even in the adulthood, drugs and alcohol cause so many diseases like cancer, cardiac problems, hypertension and so on, and that means when it come to the little one the effects must be more severe that in adults. it may affect on their brains, immune system and various organs so the baby might be handicapped in some ways or in worse case they die unborn.

  4. In Thailand, if a mother or a father addicts to the drugs and incapable of taking care of her children, mostly, the children will be forced to be in the care of their relatives. It’s normal procedure that policemen or officers will contact their relatives to make them take care of the children. In this way, children will feel safe to stay with their relatives because they should know each other before. However, if no one appears to take care of the children, they will be sent to orphanage.

    1. I went to orphanage last year, and see many poor children. Then, they told me that "we don't want toys,clothes or stationary anymore but we want a hug" and I'm feel for them very much. They want someone to take care and give them love like another children.

    2. I do agree with you that if parents who are addicted drug and alcohol and can't take good care of their children, the first person who deserves to adopt those kids should be their relatives. But in the case that their relatives are able to treat those kids.

      On the other hand, If their relatives couldn't take care of them or couldn't feed them well, the orphanage might be the right choice to pick.

      I think adopting kids is not easily way to go, you have to treat them well, give them love, teach them to be a better person and have to spend more time with them.

      Children should deserve better because if you only treat them with money,never ever pay attention on them, never encourage them when they do the right thing, how do they know to be a better person?

      For me, I think the family is the most important part that makes people turn to be a good or bad person in the future.
      Anyways, someone said that " A house that does not have one warm, comfy chair in it is soulless".

  5. For question "How might war cause an increase in drug addiction?", The war is a serious disaster that is caused by human. In the great war like world war 1 and 2, many bad things happened; for example, a large number of people are killed. A lot of building and city were destroyed. All of these make people feel hopeless and desperate; moreover, these feeling make people do suicide. So, drug is the useful way to make them survive in the war because their are many chemicals in the drug that affect to human brain and cause people feel happy when get it.

    1. I agree with you. In the time of war, people will use more drugs both in medical way and in the battle field. For the medical way, some drugs like morphine will be used to reduce the pain. And in the battle field, drugs will boost the soldiers' energy and make them very active.

  6. Nowaday the war is happen in some continent of the world. This is the cause to rise the drug addiction. The reason for this is people have serious problems while war. Drug is the one solution to make them feel relax. For instance, Afghanistan often has a war. Thus, they increase production of opium for their people and soldiers. I think soldiers like to use drug when they are war. Because it make them confident and alleviate. In the reality, it can help them to win the war.

    1. How might war cause an increase in drug addiction?

    2. I'm not sure that using drug is going to improve performance in soldiers. Actually I'm afraid that they're going to disobey their commanders instead.

  7. For the first question, "If a pregnant woman is addicted to drugs or alcohol, what might happen to her unborn baby?"

    There are many disorders, syndrome, abnormalities and problems that might happen to her unborn baby such as weight lacking, former giving birth - you have to go to hospital to give a birth before the due date, disability, retarding, being feeble and so on. Drugs and alcohol may sometimes cause a indirectly problem to the baby; for example. the drugs make the baby's mother awake all day and night or also alcohol that make she lacks of consciousness so she has many possibilities to miss doing something like she may walk carelessly and then slip the floor causing her baby die.

    1. I never think about indirect effect before. You're right, drug and alcohol doesn't have only effect to mother and her baby health, but these also make mother lose consciousness and may have an accident which can cause baby death.
      However, do you think that unhealthy baby who is born and grow up might bring some problem to society too?

    2. Well, I don't agree with you that you said that " Drugs and alcohol may sometimes cause a indirectly problem to the baby".

      I think drugs and alcohol are such a big problem that affect a pregnant woman directly. Because if you do drug or drink a lot of alcohol while you're pregnant, your newborn baby might be die or be a disable kid since he is in your womb. At the same time, if you drink too much alcohol while you are pregnant, it might be 80-90% that your newborn baby will be down syndrome.

      I think if you don't ready to be a mother, you should go to the hospital and then do a abortion. I do know, it's quite cruel and immortal but it might be the best way to stop making a social problem.

    3. I agree with you but not 100% true because the drug and addictive substance can seriously affect both direct and indirect for a baby; for example, some drugs can pass through placenta and lead to abnormality or deformation of baby's organ in which the pharmaceutical book may classify as Cat X; however, others may indirectly affect like sleeping pill in which some baby may sleep for a long time.

  8. The war cause strain to everyone and also affect many disadvantages too. A lot of people lost their hope, their families, their home town and they will get a trouble of poverty, health or losing hope to live, so they might can't find the ways for their lives and this is the reason why they want to addict drug because it make them relax, free themselves and avoid their serious problem.

    1. I agree with you and I really like your supporting. I just wonder that how can I forgot this point? I think that war can increase drug addiction because of physiological problem. Actually, psychological problem is another major cause.

    2. That's why we wanted to share our ideas here. Hartmann's purpose in her group discussion version is similar, but when we see the ideas in writing, we have a better chance to note and respond to more.

      I sometimes also like to turn a discussion or group brainstorming activity into a blogging or other exercise because it helps to prevent a dominant person or two making it less likely for some ideas to be presented. In the survey we did in week 1, I thought that the anonymity might also help.

    3. Thank you for adding your idea, your idea like P' Beam thought that physical pain also cause more drug addicts and P'Beam said that when we have the war ,government can't control everything so it will have some way to import drugs.

    4. I think using drugs is not the bad choice to pick.
      Everything always has 2 sides, It depends on what you choose. Using drugs such as Cannabis, Cocaine, Heroin, Amphetamines and so on, such things as these are the best drugs to healing people from pain, depression, lose weight and so on.

      In the past, I was overweight and I used to take dieting pills before. Everybody knows that the one substances in the dieting pills is contained of Amphetamines. It makes people lack of appetite , don't feel tired and have energy without eating. But the side effects after I took dieting pills are suffer from insomnia, unstable mood, always vomit when I smell the food, my heart beats faster and so on. At that time, I lost more weight from 60 to 40 in 2 months but I was not happy and now I still suffer from insomnia. So, be careful for using drugs. If you use it in the right way, It would be so useful.

  9. If a pregnant woman is addicted to drugs or alcohol, what might happen to her unborn baby?

    From my point of view, I think the pregnant woman who is addicted to drug or alcohol, such things as these would affects to unborn baby directly. The unborn baby might be disable kid since he is in his mom's figure and also he might die since he is in my mom's stomach. Everybody knows the effect of drugs and alcohol so well that both of them always damage our healthy, our brain and also our society. It's too bad to know that the pregnant girl drink alcohol and do drugs while she is going to have a baby. I think it's unfair and the kid should deserve better. If the pregnant girl does not want to have a baby, she should go to the hospital and let the baby out. It would better than kill the baby by do drug and drink alcohol while she is going to have a baby.

    1. Aoh seems to agree with me that abortion might sometimes be the better choice for a pregnant woman. In fact, when I suggested that in a comment on an earlier post, only one person disagreed with me, so perhaps most agree with the position Aoh suggests here.
      Is abortion better, or at least a good choice, for a drug addicted mother? Should the be encouraged to have safe, legal abortions?

    2. I agree with Aoh that the baby deserves better treatment. And I wish that there is a way to transplant baby to someone else who want to have a kid. That would be better than letting the baby die.

    3. I do agree with Peter that we should have abortion law for helping pregnant women who are not ready to have babies. It would be better to not let disable kids give birth. It sounds cruel and immoral. Nobody wants to be a disable person since they were born.

    4. I don't think that abortion is normally immoral. On the contrary, it is laws against abortion that are immoral.

      It might be preferable not to pregnant in the first place, but once a woman is pregnant, it should be largely her decision to continue with the pregnancy or not. If she is married, then the father would also seem to have some right to a say. But once the woman, perhaps after discussion with the father has made her decision, it's hard to see how the government could have any right to interfere with laws that make abortion illegal, certainly not before the sixth month of the pregnancy, before which the foetus is not a human person.

      I think that justice, good morals, require that women have the option of choosing a safe, legal abortion.

  10. A pregnant women who take a drug usually affect with baby that baby want to eat food form mother but she did not food. It result to obstruct growing of babies because baby did not get food to build organs. Sometimes,mother get birth the baby who get wrong booby.

  11. in your culture, do many people adopt a child - in other words, take some else's child into their home and legally become the child's parents?

    No, Most Thai people will give their parents or relatives to look after their children more than give other people because one of Thai value is family, so they think if they are still able to look after their children, they will look after themselves. On the other hand, some people have a problem about pregnant, they usually use medical way to help them more than adopt a child form foster home.

    1. i also think that but in some cases it's like a bad luck for the children because sometimes their relatives think that they are a burden.

    2. The statistics on child abuse support Kwan's sad assessment. Relatives, especially the spouses of relatives, are much more likely to abuse children than are their biological parents. Sadly, non-biological parents are also far more likely to abuse. I think that genetics plays a stronger determining role than we might like to admit.

      One of the best lines in a movie that I remember, and I've remembered it for decades now, is when Katherine Hepburn playing someone I don't remember in the movie says: "nature is what we are supposed to overcome." I think that's right: the best things that human beings do are very unnatural and against what is natural. Nature is not nice, and natural is not good.

  12. If a pregnant woman is addicted to drugs or alcohol, what might happen to her unborn baby?

    A pregnant woman who is addicted to drugs or alcohol affects directly her baby. Any drugs the mother often takes will affect her baby because the drug or substances can pass through placenta into the baby. The drug or substances not only affects one organ system bu also it can affect all organ system and lead to lower development afterbirth. First of all, the drug or substances can make baby's brain develop too slow; in addition, if the mother drinks alcohol a lot and takes many drugs in the third semester, it severely affects baby's brain. Second, it still affects baby's growth; the baby may be too short and suffer from some diseases because the drug can lead sequence of gene wrong.

    1. Your idea remide me of aThai series " Thong Nuea Kao" that the second son of royong is ugly because she always drink alcohol. Moreover, I have heard from a pregnant that she must not drink any alcohol but she can drink vine that make me wonder that vine is not alcohol, isn't it?

    2. Wine is alcoholic beverage made from fermented grapes. Maybe she has a wrong concept of alcohol.

    3. Unless it's a non-alcoholic wine, I think Jin is right - most wines contain a lot more alcohol than beer does, typically about 12%. I'm pretty sure that the research strongly suggests that pregnant women avoid this deadly drug of addiction, or at least limit themselves to very small amounts.

      I wondered next how long our ancestors have been using alcohol and other drugs. I suspect from day one of our species existence at least and likely before. Perhaps this is why it isn't even more harmful - over millions of years, we have evolved some defences against drug abusing mothers.

      Part of my support for the idea, which haven't researched and don't have more solid evidence for, is that a lot of other animal species also seem to enjoy alcohol, and perhaps other drugs. I'm sure I remember reading somewhere that elephants are fond of getting drunk when they find some naturally occurring alcohol.

      So, do non-human animals also become addicted to drugs?


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