Sunday 3 May 2015

No Any Gum in Singapore

Every society has their law to enforce people to do or not to do something that some rule may affect a country while others may affect another country due to the leader's different perspective. When all of people in the country comply with the rule, the advancement comes and leads the country to a developed country; in addition, it also shows the power of the leader to make his country better and reach an acceptable level of international standards.

According to the BBC News “Why Singapore banned chewing gum” (2015), it reported that Lee Kwan Yew who was the first prime minister would like to do everything in order to make Singapore better and become a perfect country because Singapore used to be one of the countries that has no anything and be a dependency. One of the laws was created by LKW is banning something such as litter, urinating anywhere, including chewing gum in 1992 since the chewing gum causes dirty areas on pavement and anywhere that people throw it without the bin; in addition, banning this makes Singapore very clean and nice environment; nevertheless, the chewing gum can now legally use for dentist, pharmacist, along with standard sugar free gum, which must chunk it in the litter bin as well.

When I read the article, the picture of Singapore in my memory pops into my head. I remember so well my first time there about which I was impressed clean environment, efficient transport system, well-educated and well-ordered people. For example, when I walked to anywhere in Singapore, I had never seen any litter in the public area. In other words, people always dropped the litter in the bin besides I talked to my sister I want to try sitting on Singapore road because it is very clean and I have never seen any road looks clean like the road. My experience showed me that cleanness is one of the symbols of Singapore and can be accepted by most of tourists. 

Becoming a perfect and acceptable country now, I think it took a long time for a small country, Singapore since Singapore was a colony, which may be quite difficult to do something as wanted. The quote “Nothing is impossible in this world if you believe in yourself and just put your mind to do it and maintain a positive attitude” can apply for Singapore at that time because LKW always said after waking up “How can I make it better today?” and kept improving his country; for instance, he launched the laws like banning something to make the country bad and enforced people to comply with the laws. The chewing gum, however, was allowed to legally use in 2004, I have still not seen singaporeans chewing gum and without the ugly gum on the footpath.  Begin with believing himself and never gave up to do it, and finally Singapore became a developed country and the greatest country in Southeast Asia. 

Last but not least, I wish my country, Thailand, would become a developed country like Singapore. I really realize that the good leader plays an important role in developing the country. Not only will the leader support his citizens but his citizens will also believe in their leader and willing to help. Several months ago, Singaporeans lost LKW who was a crucial source of inspiration for the citizens, his people felt mournful and now the people still mourn LKW’s passing. It came as no surprise why all singaporeans felt very sad because he turned Singapore from a small country into a developed country and was greatly admirable from other foreign countries. If LKW became the prime minister of Thailand, my country might be cleaner and Thai people might have a good education and effective transport system. It is impossible I know but no matter how I proud to be a Thai people.

Would it be good if we lead LKW’s policy to apply for our country? Because I am confident that each country can have the nice environment as Singapore even your leader is not LKW and if all citizens help with each other and believe in themselves, the success will definitely come ends. 

Metz, E. (2015, March 2015). Why Singapore banned chewing gum. BBC News Magazine. Retrieved from


  1. The good laws aren't enough,if there aren't enforce procedure,Singapore have strict laws that Singapore official who enforce on laws implementation didn't corrupt and enforce strictly then they succeed in it. Although,simple rule such as Chewing Gum Laws,so that we think it isn't important thing but it opposite with our country,we have many problem specific enforcement procedure that we fail in this procedure.

    1. I'm not sure that strict rules are what made Singapore Singapore. And as Amos Yee suggests with well-stated support in the YouTube video I cited in a comment on Jin's post "The leader's power," it is not obvious that Lee himself was not massively corrupt.

      I think that Lee Kwan Yew was a strong leader, but many strong leaders have been corrupt and otherwise unjust. Perhaps where Lee succeeded was in unifying Singaporeans to work hard toward shared goals. But I haven't really thought about it that much, and am very unsure about what I think made Singapore such a success story economically.

      And I'm not sure that I agree with the famous ban on chewing gum. Chewing gum does not harm others, so it's hard to see why a government could morally override people's personal decisions to chew it or not: it's certainly healthier and less harmful to society than the addictive drug alcohol, which is not illegal in Singapore.

  2. I've never been to Singapore before but I've heard about Singapore from many people, and one of the stories about Singapore that every think in the same way is the cleanness. I think some rule is effective in Singapore because of a low population and cultivation. I strongly agree with you that Thailand should become a developed country like Singapore.

    1. I think so and the most important thing to develop our country, Thailand, is that all people should help each other and must not be separate more than one organization. Besides, the leader is one of the factors to develop our country like Singapore. Because Singapore leader is an efficient person and Singaporeans have accepted it, Singapore has already become a developed country.

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